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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lanturn (Prime)
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.08
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Lanturn (Prime) Unleashed
Unlike yesterday’s Pokémon, Roserade, which has had more
than its fair share of card time in recent sets, Lanturn
is one of those Johto Generation Pokémon that has been
relatively neglected in the TCG. Now it’s been upgraded
to Prime Status (not that that means anything as far as
game mechanics are concerned), let’s see if it can make
an impact on the format.
Lanturn Prime comes with a pretty solid HP of 110. True,
it’s not as beastly as other Stage 1 Primes like Donphan
and Steelix, but it should ensure that it doesn’t fold
to easy OHKOs . . . unless your opponent is hitting it
for double Fighting Weakness, which could be a problem,
thanks to the Donphans and Promo Toxicroak Gs that see a
fair amount of play. I’m a bit sad that Lanturn
doesn’t have Lightning Resistance (Lanturns with the
Volt Absorb ability are immune to Electric attacks in
the video game). That would have been amazing in this
Luxray-infested format. The Retreat cost of two is a bit
stiff, so be prepared to either slug it out if you have
an active Lanturn, or run some cards which will get it
out of harm’s way without paying the cost.
I’m more impressed with Lanturn Prime’s PokePower,
Submerge. Once per turn, you can use it to change
Lanturn from a Lightning to a Water-type Pokémon. The
great thing about this is that you get excellent type
coverage . . . something that will become more and more
important as the new releases are all coming with double
Weakness. Even with our present card pool, it means
Lanturn can hit a ton of popular cards for Weakness:
Gyarados, Donphan Prime, Blaziken FB, and Palkia G are
just a few examples. On top of that, it also has a
built-in way around Flygon RR’s annoying Lightning
But the ability to hit for Weakness would be meaningless
unless Lanturn Prime had an attack which made it
worthwhile. Luckily, it has something which is . . .
hmmm . . . I think ‘adequate’ is the word I’m looking
for. Powerful Spark is not the quickest attack in the
game, with a cost of [L][C][C] (although Double
Colourless Energy helps a lot), but it does have the
potential to do serious harm to your opponent’s Pokémon,
even though the attack’s base damage is a measly 40. The
reason for this is that the attack adds 10 damage for
each Energy (note: not Energy card, so DCE does count
for two!). So, even if you only have the Energy on the
board for Lanturn, it is still doing 70 for three
Energy. Now that is barely acceptable these days, but
once you realise that that damage can be increased
further with subsequent Energy drops, and that Lanturn
will often be hitting for Weakness . . . well, then you
have what could be a solid attacker which is more than
capable of racking up OHKOs on a number of popular
I must admit, I like this card, and so I will probably
over-rate it a bit. I don’t see Lanturn Prime decks
dominating tournaments in the future, but I do
think the ability to hit different types for Weakness,
combined with a solid attack, makes Lanturn worth a
second look as a tech . . . especially if Fire and/or
Water decks prove to be popular.
Modified: 3 (Good type coverage, decent attack . . . let
down by being somewhat slow)
Limited: 3.5 (It’s not unusual to have a lot of Energy
on the Field in Limited . . . which could set up Lanturn
to sweep)

Willy G |
One of the most talked about Primes from Heart Gold
Soul Silver was Feraligatr Prime, for
it's astounding Rain Dance Power. However, outside from
a few decks with Lumineon MT, Feraligatr Prime has seen
very little play. The popular explanation for this is
that Feraligatr Prime lacks a powerful attacker to make
use of Rain Dance. Many have suggested today's card,
Lanturn Prime, as the attacker for which Feraligatr
Prime has been waiting. I feel that it is safe to say
that this is the most likely way that Lanturn Prime will
see play. Therefore, my entire review today will be
focused on one question: Is Lanturn Prime a better
partner for Feraligatr Prime than Lumineon MT?
Lanturn Prime has a higher HP than Lumineon by 30
points, which is very good in this hard-hitting format.
They both have terrible weaknesses, with OHKOS going to
Lanturn Prime from Donphan Prime and Lumineon from
Luxray GL Lv.X. Neither of them have resistance, and not
much can be said about that. Lumineon has one less
Retreat Cost, which is definitely a plus in case Rain
Dance gets locked or something else.
Submerge is clearly superior to Lure Ring. Rarely will
it be necessary to switch in a Pokemon with over 100 HP,
since they will be harder to KO. So what advantage does
Submerge give Lanturn Prime over Lumineon? The answer is
simple: Sunyshore Gym. Since Lanturn Prime will always
be Electric on your opponent's turn, this stadium keeps
Donphan Prime at bay, leaving Lumineon to deal with
Luxray GL Lv.X. One point to Lanturn Prime.
The attack, however, is where Lumineon proves itself
superior. While Powerful Spark is similar to Reverse
Stream in that it does more damage with more Energy
attached, and while Powerful Spark counts all of your
Energies in play, not just those on Lanturn Prime,
Powerful Spark requires an Electric Energy. Ooh. Bad.
That means that you will have a few Electric Energies,
to which Rain Dance does not apply, taking up space in
your deck. The real advantage of Lumineon, however, is
in its synergy with Dawn Stadium. Reverse Stream for
massive damage, send Water Energies back to the Hand,
lay them back on Lumineon with Rain Dance, and thus
probably heal Lumineon fully due to Dawn Stadium.
Lanturn has nothing nearly this efficient and will be
KOed much sooner than Lumineon.
Modified: It all depends on your playing style, but I
believe that Lumineon is superior. 2.5/5
Limited: Energy-powered attacks are always nice, and the
double-type optio is useful for hitting weaknesses.
virusyosh |
When today's Card of the Day was first spoiled in one
of the Japanese Reviving Legends spoilers, I was very
excited and immediately started coming up with things to
do with it. Today's Card of the Day is Lanturn Prime
from HS Unleashed.
Lanturn is a Stage 1 Lightning Pokemon. Stage 1s
generally need some good abilities or statistics to be
viable in this format, and Lanturn might have what it
takes to compete. 110 HP is very good for a Stage 1, and
it can probably take a few hits easily. Double Weakness
to Fighting is bad with Donphan Prime and the occasional
Machamp, but more on that in a bit. Sadly, Lanturn has
no Resistance, and a very average Retreat Cost of 2.
Lanturn Prime has a Poke-Power and a single attack. The
Power, Underwater Dive, allows you to change Lanturn's
type to Water once per turn. This is incredibly useful,
as there are a good number of Fighting Pokemon with
Water weakness (I'm looking at you, Donphan) and a fair
number of Fire-types around the format (Blaziken FB, the
occasional Infernape 4 and Charizard). Thus, being able
to change your type will be incredibly useful if you
want to hit for Water Weakness, or get around Lightning
Resistance. Additionally, turning into a Water type gets
you some pretty awesome support from Rain Dance, as
Lanturn's single attack can then be powered up quickly.
Speaking of Lanturn Prime's attack, I think it has quite
a bit of potential. Powerful Spark costs [LCC] and does
40 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy attached
to all of your Pokemon. This means that the attack
starts at a very respectable 70 damage for 3 Energy, and
continues to grow given you have a couple of attackers
or support Pokemon powered up on your bench. In a Rain
Dance deck, Lanturn could be an excellent attacker,
using Underwater Dive to change to Water, Attach a
Lightning Energy, attaching two Water Energy using Rain
Dance, and then swinging for KOs, especially if you have
a fully powered Feraligatr Prime, an Expert Belt, and a
few other Pokemon with Energy. However, be careful in
the matchup with Donphan Prime, as Donphan will KO you
with Earthquake if you don't have an Expert Belt.
Modified: 3.75/5 I may be rating this a bit high, but I
really like Lanturn Prime. I think it's the missing
attacker that Rain Dance decks sorely need, as it's more
consistent than Lumineon MT or Lapras PL and less prone
to disruption. Yes, it needs Lighting Energy to attack,
but with Rain Dance, it shouldn't matter. Being able to
change its type to Water also has really awesome
benefits, as it enables you to get around opposing
Weakness and Resistance with ease.
Limited: 3.5/5 High HP, an attack with mostly Colorless
Energy requirements, and good damage output make it a
good pick here, although it probably won't be hitting
quite as hard as it would be with proper support. Still
a top choice, just make sure to avoid Fighting types.