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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Farfetch'd #19/123
HeartGold & SoulSilver
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
virusyosh |
Farfetch'd is one of those Pokemon that never seems to
get any love. After four generations, it still doesn't
have an evolution, and never really seems to be very
good at anything it does. Will the HGSS version of this
Pokemon break this trend? Let's find out.
Farfetch'd is a Basic Colorless Pokemon. It has 60 HP,
which is pretty bad for an unevolving Basic. Double
Weakness to Lightning is also quite awful, as Luxray GL
is everywhere in this format. Fighting Resistance is
welcome, if not always useful, and a Retreat Cost of 1
isn't terrible, but for something as frail as Farfetch'd,
you'd kind of hope it would be free.
The HGSS version of Farfetch'd has two attacks, both for
the low cost of [C]. The first attack, Collect, has the
very simple effect of drawing two cards. While drawing
cards is generally very good, there are some drawbacks
to using Farfetch'd as a draw engine. First, you're
using an attack to draw, wasting a turn to potentially
Knock Out one of your opponent's Pokemon. Second, there
are many other Pokemon, Trainers, and Supporters that do
a better job than simply drawing two cards. For example,
Claydol can easily refill your hand to six, Ninetales
HGSS can discard a Fire Energy to draw three, and many
of the common Trainers and Supporters (Roseanne's
Research, Felicity's Drawing, Pokemon Collector, or even
Poke Drawer +) can draw or search for cards without
using an attack.
The second attack, Spin Turn, deals 20 damage and
switches Farfetch'd with one of your Benched Pokemon.
While this attack will probably keep Farfetch'd alive a
bit longer when it goes to the Bench, its low HP will
still probably mean that it won't last for too long.
Modified: 1.5/5 There are too many other things that can
do what Farfetch'd does better.
Limited: 3.5/5 Card draw and Colorless Energy
requirements make this a pretty decent pick for
Modified. While 60 HP isn't a lot by any means, any card
draw in the format is very welcome, and Farfetch'd
certainly won't disappoint. Plus, the Limited format is
slow enough that it might be able to stick around for a
while. |
torchic |
Well, hope everyone's having a good monday. If not,
seeing what card we're reviewing today might bring a
smile to your faces. Farfetch'd, one of the most average
Pokemon Nintendo ever made. Well, let's see if this
card's HeartGold&SoulSilver incarnation can redeem the
duck's name.
To start off we have 60 HP, an average amount for
evolving Basics, but for a Pokemon like Farfetch'd, who
will never see the backside of another Pokemon while in
play, we expect a tad higher amount like 70 or even 80.
This low HP combo'd with a x2 weakness to Lightning
makes Farfetch'd even more vulnerable. The weakness
doesn't matter to much in Modified, since the single
most played Lightning Pokemon is Luxray GL LV.X who
would one-shot this duck even without the weakness. A
-20 resistance to Fighting is our first bright spot on
this card, but regardless, an Expert Belted Donphan will
still OHKO the duck, and Machamp's Take Out will just KO
it without any hassle. Just when you thought it couldn't
get any worse, Farfetch'd has a retreat cost of one.
Last I checked, this Pokemon can fly, so why do you have
to aste an energy to get it out of the way of certain
doom? At least it can get out using other methods, but
we'll discuss that later.
Farfetch'd's first attack is Collect, a simple draw two
cards for any single energy. This is nice, but there are
so much better ways to get cards. Sableye, Call Energy,
even the Farfetch'd from Stormfront does a better job.
Maybe if it was a three card draw like on the Arceus
Omanyte, it would be better, but alas, Farfetch'd is
stuck as a mediocre starter.
Finally, we have Farfetch'd's second attack, Spin Turn.
This is where Pokemon redeems this sorry sack of
feathers, right? Wrongo. Spin Turn lets you do a measly
20 damage and then switch Farfetch'd back to the bench
for one energy. Even with an Expert Belt, that's just 40
damage! At least it goes back to the bench where it
does...absolutely nothing. Save for being an easy target
for snipers.
Farfetch'd has once again failed us by managing to be a
bad card in general. My advice is that you hide it as
far in your shoe-box of cards as you possibly can.
Modified 1/5
I truly believe this is one of the worst cards in the
format. A poor draw attack and a maximum of 20 damage?
Don't use this please. Think of the children.
Limited 3.5/5
Despite the sizable Lightning population in HGSS and my
total disdain for Farfetch'd, this card is very useful,
since draw is very hard to come by in Limited Events,
and the Colorless Energy requirement is a nice touch.
Not only that, but it can live through a Donphan attack
and then retreat away to the (relative) safety of your
Otaku |
We open this week with
Farfetch’d from HeartGold &
It’s a Colorless Basic that
doesn’t Evolve, and that means it will
have to be pretty impressive to be worth
a slot.
It has 60 HP with x2 Lightning
Weakness, and that hurts – it will be a
liability against some popular decks.
The Fighting Resistance is nice
and keeps this from being an easy OHKO
for Fighting decks.
Well, easier than normal, anyway.
The single Energy Retreat Cost is
solid – while free would be better, one
is easy to pay most of the time.
With its low HP, it needs some great
attacks to be worth running.
Unfortunately it has good, solid
attacks that are outclassed by other
cards right now.
Collect for one Energy snags you
two cards.
If you’re using an attack to
set-up, you’re going to want more than
that out of it.
Even if Collect was better, Spin
Turn would still feel underpowered:
granted it only requires a single Energy
as well, but as the only aggressive
attack, hitting for 20 and forcing you
to Bench
Farfetch’d just isn’t enough.
is so close to being useful it hurts.
With a better second attack,
using Collect for a turn or two would be
a way not to waste the card being
If Collect were a Poké-Power that
Farfetch’d be Active, Spin Turn
would be a fun way to annoy your
Still, I think in either case I’d
like another 10 HP and maybe a solid
Poké-Body as well.
At least this is a good card for
Limited: Collect will greatly speed your
already smaller-than-normal deck and a
well timed Spin Turn will deny your
opponent the easy Prize they’d otherwise