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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Miltank #47/123
HeartGold & SoulSilver
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.87
Limited: 3.17
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
torchic |
Here we go, another unevolving Normal card is our
Card of the Day Let's see if Miltank can make an impact
in today's metagame, or if it's destiny is to line the
binders of only the most diehard cow fanatics.
First off, Miltank has 90 HP, a good amount that
means it will stick around for a while. Except for the
x2 weakness to Fighting. this Pokemon looks like it will
last more than one turn, excluding a masterfully
executed Rampardos or Machamp donk. No resistance is
starting to fail to tick me off the more I see it, but
with a Pokemon that only has bulkiness going for it,
Miltank could use something more. Three for a retreat
cost is atrocious, so either your Miltank will be using
Switch or Warp energy or the like to get out of the
ative spot, or it will die there. That's a comforting
Moving on, the first attack is the most unique thing
about this card. For a single Colorless Energy, Moomoo
Squeeze lets you search your deck for a Moomoo Milk
trainer card and put it into your hand. This can seem
like a waste of a turn and an energy, but the ability to
search for a trainer card is something few cards can do.
Moomoo Milk heals an average of 30 damage so you can use
it to keep Miltank alive longer, or to stock up on the
Moomoo Milk while building up a powerful attacker. The
downside is, if you want to use a Pokemon who will
search for trainers, you're better off using the Budew
from Diamond&Pearl who can grab any trainer card. After
rotation though, Miltank might shine as a way to grab
your Moomoo Milk, but don't count on it.
Miltank's second attack is not as special, but it can
get the job done. Body Slame costs three Colorless
Energy, which can be up and running by turn two with a
handy Double Colorless Energy. For all that effort you
do a measly 20 damage and a flip for Paralysis. Take my
advce ad leave the attacking up to better Pokemon.
All in all, Miltank is not a bad Pokemon, but the
only thing it has going for it is the ability to search
out Moomoo Milk. Most players would prefer to use a
Rising Rivals Nidoqueen line for more consistent
healing, and the fact that Nidoqueen's healing isn't
stopped by a Spiritomb, Dialga, or Gastly lock
definately helps in its appealing.
Modified 2/5
Miltank is a less than average card in today's metagame.
Healing is a lot easier without using Moomoo Milk and
without Moomoo Milk, Miltank has nothing going for it.
There are better starters out there, and you should use
Limited 3.5/5
90 HP is a lot and the ability to search for a useful
trainer card can be really helpful. If you pull Miltank
and some Moomoo Milk, use them.

Otaku |
Our first
Miltank review.
That does not bode well for this
card: generally the only Pokémon that
fail to get reviewed are non-end Stage
Pokémon or those that absolutely don’t
see play.
As you’ve seen the last few
weeks, for example, we even hit a lot of
cards that don’t see play just because
we have to review something each day.
from HeartGold & SoulSilver is a Basic
Pokémon that doesn’t Evolve, or have any
other Evolution-like tricks to spread
out the goodness.
It is Colorless, which is
appropriate and for the best: like most
Colorless Pokémon this means it has all
Colorless attacks and thus can
theoretically fit into any deck.
90 HP means that it actually can
take a hit from most other Pokémon and
keep going.
The exceptions being a deck’s
main attacker and Fighting-Type Pokémon,
Miltank has the classic (and once
again standard) damaging doubling
Fighting Weakness.
Definitely not a “good” thing,
but its Pokémon: when this game is
properly balanced, no Weakness is good
and only extenuating circumstances will
make one Weakness better than another.
Lack of Resistance, on the other
hand, is a grand disappointment as
That Retreat Cost of three is
It makes sense for
Miltank given how they are in the
video games, but looking ahead at the
card, it just isn’t warranted for play
If you’re running this, you have
to have an alternate plan for getting it
out of the Active slot or just write it
off as a KO.
I say the high Retreat Cost is
unwarranted because unfortunately, the
two attacks fail to justify it.
The first attack should have just
been a once-per-turn Poké-Power, since
after you’ve used it a few times, it
can’t do anything!
I mean, you can only run four
copies of
Moomoo Milk.
Even if I’ve missed a card to
recycle those Trainers, it just isn’t
good enough to warrant the effort.
I suppose they create a family of
Milk” cards with various effects,
this could change in the future.
If it had to be an attack, it
should have grabbed all copies.
Then one or two
Miltank and four
Moomoo Milk could find a home in a
few decks where you’d try to get it out
early, rip them from the deck for
thinning, and enjoy some potential
Body Slam is a solid attack, but wasted
here: it’s too expensive for such a
limited card.
Even if it had only done 20
damage but needed just (CC), it’d have
been better since it would lessen the
Yes, this is before factoring in
Double Colorless Energy making it a
one-turn drop
can be a good pick for Limited.
If you got at least one copy of
Moomoo Milk, then the first attack
might not be wasted.
Still, this further demonstrates
that Moomoo Squeeze would have been
better hitting the discard to recycle
Milk over and over again.
Still, there is hope: if you
somehow pull a ridiculous amount of the
Moomoo Milk, there is no
“four-per-deck” restriction for Limited
Massive deck thinning and solid
healing with an adequate fallback attack
on a Colorless Basic Pokémon with 90 HP
in a Limited Format… yes, all that
finally makes
Miltank a good pick!
It hurts how close this card was to
being at least a novelty, let alone
useful for the format.
virusyosh |
Hello again, Pojo readers! Today our reviews of the
HeartGold and SoulSilver expansion continue with Miltank.
Miltank is a Basic Colorless Pokemon. Being Colorless
is never really a bad thing, as Colorless Pokemon can
use any Energy for their requirements and are therefore
quite splashable in many decks. 90 HP on a non-evolving
basic is by no means bad, but probably a little lower
than what we would want. Double Weakness to Fighting
hurts with Donphan and Machamp, no Resistance is
unfortunate, and a Retreat Cost of 3 is horrible - use
Switch or Warp Point instead.
Like many of the other cards in this set, Miltank has
two attacks. The first attack, the hilariously named
Moomoo Squeeze, allows you to search your deck for a "Moomoo
Milk" card, show it to your opponent, and put it into
your hand for a single Colorless Energy. Being able to
search and thin your deck is always a good thing, but
chances are that most competitive decks won't be running
Moomoo Milk as it requires coin flips for healing, and
there are more reliable options to use (Super Scoop Up,
Poke Turn, and Nidoqueen come to mind). The second
attack, Body Slam, deals 30 damage and can paralyze on a
coin flip for [CCC]. The attack is far too expensive for
the damage output in this format, but the chance for
paralysis is always nice.
Modified: 1/5 Too slow and underpowered to use here,
and the first attack will almost never be useful.
Limited: 3.5/5 I really like Miltank here. Colorless
Energy requirements, decent HP for a Basic, and
searchability make it a great pick here. 90 HP is enough
to survive a little while in Limited, and the paralysis
chance can be quite nice. Moomoo Squeeze can even
possibly be useful here, potentially thinning your
already small Limited deck to get you more of what you