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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
HeartGold & SoulSilver
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.67
Limited: 3.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo viewers! Today we are reviewing
Slowbro from the HeartGold and SoulSilver expansion.
Slowbro is a Stage 1 Water Pokemon. Slowbro has 90 HP,
which is fairly average. Double Weakness to Lightning is
awful with the presence of Luxray GL Lv. X. No
Resistance is unfortunate. A Retreat Cost of 2 is a bit
expensive, but is payable if you absolutely must.
Slowbro's first attack, Big Yawn, deals 30 damage for
[W] and puts both Slowbro and the Defending Pokemon to
sleep. While 30 damage and sleep for a single Energy is
pretty good, but putting yourself to sleep probably
isn't the best idea.
The second attack, Madkinesis, does 30 damage plus 20
more damage for each Psychic Energy attached to Slowbro
for [CCC]. 30 damage for 3 Energy is terrible, but
ideally you would have 3 Psychic Energy attached to
Slowbro to deal 90 for [PPP], but that's a bit
unrealistic outside of Limited, where you would be more
likely to run both Water and Psychic together.
Modified: 1/5 Slowbro is too slow to be used here, and
requires too many different Energy types to be fully
effective. It might find a place in some wacky combo
deck based on status effects, but probably not.
Limited: 2.5/5 Big Yawn is cheap, and Madkinesis has
Colorless Energy requirements. If you manage to run
Water and Psychic Energies with Slowbro, Slowbro could
potentially be dealing a lot of damage here. It's far
from perfect, but it's by no means bad. |
torchic |
Hope everyone's having a good week so far, today's
Card of the Day is Slowbro, also from the
HeartGold&SoulSilver expansion. Let's take a look and
see if our fine pink friend can hold his own in the
cut-throat metagame we have now.
First off, he's a Water type, which doesn't seem to bad.
After all, there's some Charizard and Blaziken FBs
running around. But the bad thing is what his weakness
is. Let's see, we have a Water-type, which generally
means a weakness to Lightning, and then he's from HGSS,
which means it'll be a x2 weakness, and there you have
why Slowbro won't be doing to well when faced with the
threat of Luxray GL. 90 HP is a fair amount, but I'd
expect more from a fully evolved Pokemon. The low amount
of health and weakness means Slowbro will be one-shotted
by Luxray GL, and with a bit of help, OHKO'd by Ampharos
Prime as well, the second-most common Lightning Pokemon
out there. Again, a lack of any resistance hurts
Slowbro's overall bulkiness, and a retreat cost of two
hampers getting him out of there. As I said in Tuesday's
review, an evolved Mysterious Treasures Mantine will
make that zero, but not without a bit of effort.
Onto the attacks, Slowbro's first one is Big Yawn,
which, for a single Water Energy, puts both you and the
Defending Pokemon to sleep, and does 30 damage to boot.
This attack is okay, especially since you can move your
sleep off with the Secret Wonders Xatu, but it would be
better on a Pokemon that evovled so you could get
rid of it easier. If you're going to be using this
Pokemon to attack, it's not going to be for Big Yawn.
Slowbro's pride and joy, Madkinesis (awesome name by the
way.) It costs three Colorless Energy to do 30 damage.
Underwhelmed? Well, wait, for each Psychic Energy
attached to Slowbro, the attack does 20 more damage. If
you only use Psychic Energy to pay for Madkinesis, you
do 90 damage! The main problem is the lower damage
output for such an Energy-intensive attack and how there
are no ways to attach Psychic Energy quickly, save for
Leafeon LV.X. Also, if Slowbro gets knocked out, which
shouldn't take too long, you need to get all those
Energy back.
Slowbro is a fun card, but it lacks the speed and
bulkiness to last in the fast-paced world of the
competitive TCG. Use it in a fun deck if you wish, but
don't expect Slowbro to come from behind and take
Nationals. (On the offchance it does, I will be taking
all credit for that happening :~P)
Modified 2/5
There are worse cards in the game then this (cough,
cough Farfetch'd), and Slowbro can make for a fun league
deck. The sad fact is that it's too slow to last in an
SP-filled, Donking, world.
Limited 4/5
In Limited, pulling a Slowbro line can make for a
powerful deck. Using Slowking for support and
disruption, you can power up a Slowbro and just take out
everything your opponent throws at you. Just watch out
for the several Lightning Pokemon in HGSS.

Otaku |
HeartGold & SoulSilver is an unusual
It is a Stage 1 Water Pokémon
with a passable 90 HP, dangerous (in the
current metagame) x2 Lightning Weakness,
non-existent Resistance, and
inconvenient two Energy Retreat Cost.
Its first attack requires one
Water Energy and hits for a solid 30,
but puts both
Slowbro and the Defending Pokémon to
This lets
Slowbro stall a little, but not a
lot: your opponent has a 50% chance of
waking before their turn begins, plus
the potential of Evolving out of Sleep.
Occasionally, it may backfire and
Slowbro might Sleep through your own
Not bad for the Energy going into
What made me label this card as unusual
is the second attack: it reflects
Slowbro’s other Type, Psychic.
It can be powered by three of any
Energy, but for each Psychic Energy
attached to
Slowbro you’ll get an extra 20
damage on top of the base 30.
If you power this card up the
slow way, you could hit for a good 90
with just three Psychic Energy attached.
On a 90 HP Stage 1, though, it
won’t survive more than one attack from
the opponent, possibly no attacks.
while this is a fairly good attack, it’s
not going to get anywhere on this card.
Maybe next format, it could
Gardevoir with Telepass from Pokémon
Platinum (provided it isn’t cut
alongside its older siblings) it could
act as a back-up hitter: right before
Gardevoir is KO’d, Bench it and
transfer its Energy to
Slowbro to keep hitting hard.
With the right timing and set-up,
you’ll KO whatever nearly took out
Gardevoir plus their next hitter
before they get you back.
It’s a pity none of the
Slowpoke we have know Energy
Absorption – it’d be very handy for this
I suppose you could use Energy
Link or Energy Switch, but all that
set-up for something that can’t survive
long enough to be a main attacker seems
To end on a positive note, I’ll point
out that this thing is great for Limited
so long as your deck can effectively run
plenty of Psychic Energy.
It is still a little slow out of
the gate but if you can safely build it
up on your bench, you’ll just score OHKO
after OHKO.