torchic |
Alright, the weekend's nearly here, so let's finish
up the week with a review of Wigglytuff from, you
guessed it, the HeartGold&SoulSilver expansion.
To kick things off, Wigglytuff is Colorless, which means
it can be put in just about any deck and that it has the
weakness of Flygon and Garchomp C, two of the most
common Dragon-types out there. 90 HP is okay, but once
again, on a non-evolving Stage One this is a tad below
average. The weakness to Fighting, now back in the x2
form, doesn't help ensuring that most Fighting Pokemon
will at the very least 3HKO Wigglytuff. No resistance is
gettign to be way too common, and the lack of resistance
to something means Wigglytuff won't be getting any
survivability bonuses. Lastly, we have another retreat
cost of two, which kinda makes sense, given that
Wigglytuff's a bit on the plump size. And since both of
its attacks can be paid for with a Double Colorless
Energy, you can always discard that to retreat your pink
plushy friend.
First attack, let's see, for two Colorless Energy we get
Double Slap, a classic Colorless attack. This one's a
bit more powerful then back in the Base Set, letting you
flip two coins and doing 40 damage for each heads. That
means you have a 25% chance of doing 80, a 50% chance of
doing 40, and a 25% chace of doing nothing. If you're a
gambler, you might find Double Slap appealing, but I
prefer to stick to a sure thing.
This is it, you've piled three (or two for DCE and Upper
users) energy onto your Wigglytuff and you look at the
card in eager anticipation and get ready to use your
most powerful attack, and that attack is: Expand. It's
not that I have anything against Expand, but it seems a
tad odd to have as a Pokemon's most powerful attack.
Sure it does 50 damage and gives you a -10 resistance to
any type next turn, but I'm more used t seeing it cost
one Colorless and doing 10 damage. Nonetheless, Expand
is an okay attack, the only thing setting me off is the
energy requirements. If you've managed to power up
Expand with a full HP Wigglytuff, either you are an
amazing player, or your opponent has no idea what
they"re doing.
More and more, it seems that Wigglytuff will never
return to the glory days of Jungle, but at leas tthe
HGSS Wigglytuff isn't a terrible card. The lack of a
game-changing PokePower or PokeBody, sub-par HP, and
slow, less than satisfying attacks all make this card
rather useless in competitive play. Pray we get
something good next week.
Modified 1.75/5
Wigglytuff is, as I said earlier, too slow, weak, and
generally average to do much against anyone except cause
some serious head-scratching.
Limited 4/5
Here's where Wigglytuff shines. Colorless energy
requirements? Powerful(-ish) attacks? Reducing damage?
Yes please! The Jigglypuff isn't half bad either.

Otaku |
In the past, there were
Wigglytuff that were serious
This… is not one of them.
90 HP is passable for a Stage 1
Pokémon: it can take one solid blow and
survive, except from Fighting Pokémon of
course, as
Wigglytuff has the expected x2
Weakness to them.
No Resistance is lame and
annoyingly common, but we’ll move on.
Needing to discard two Energy to
retreat won’t cripple the card, but it
doesn’t help it any: you’ll need
something to switch it out or make
retreating easier.
Its first attack, Double Slap, is flip
You flip two coins and get 40
damage for each heads.
40 points of damage for (CC)
isn’t bad, and the most likely result.
While you’ll sometimes whiff and
get no damage, you’re just as likely to
get a great 80 points of damage.
As a whole, seems worth the risk,
at least if the rest of the card proves
worth using.
Too bad it doesn’t.
The remaining attack is called
Expand, and it hits for three of any
Energy, it hits for 50 while reducing
the damage you take next turn by 10.
That just isn’t enough, and quite
frankly the attack needs to block more
damage and the card needs more HP or a
means of self-healing to make damage
reduction on the small scale effective.
More damage would also help, but
if you hit much higher you might as well
lose any alternate effects in favor of
more damage anyway.
continues the trend we’ve been seeing in
HeartGold & SoulSilver and it worries
me: a card that looks like its design
was rushed.
A few more tweaks to this card
and it could have been something worth
running at least in a rogue deck.
Its like two half finished
Wigglytuff couldn’t get their Poké-Power,
Poké-Body, or “good” attack approved,
and so the two solid supporting attacks
were combined into one card.
At least this means the card is a
good pick for fleshing out your Limited
At a Limited event, the slower
format makes it safer to take a risk on
Double Slap and the reliable damage and
protection of Expand useful.