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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Slowking #85/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
August 11, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo viewers! Today we are going to
look at one of the new Primes from the HS Undaunted set:
Slowking is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon. Being a Psychic
isn't too bad nowadays, especially if you're a support
Pokemon like Uxie or Azelf. Slowking generally also fits
into more of a supporting role, but we'll get into that
later. 100 HP is pretty standard for a Stage 1 Prime,
but could afford the be a little higher, as many things
in this metagame can easily get to 100 damage quickly.
Weakness to Psychic isn't the worst, but it certainly
isn't great. No Resistance flat out sucks, and a Retreat
Cost of 2 is relatively average and to be expected, but
you probably won't want to pay it outright.
Slowking Prime has a Poke-Power and an attack. The
Poke-Power, Opponent's Choice, allows you to show your
opponent the top two cards of your deck. They choose
one, and it goes into your hand while the other goes to
the bottom of your deck. Draw power is always a good
thing, especially when you aren't losing any card
advantage when it happens. This is one thing that
Slowking has going for it. However, having your opponent
choose the card you get is really bad for two reasons:
1.) this is very unreliable and your opponent will
generally pick the weaker of the two cards drawn; and
2.) your opponent will know the contents of your hand
and plan their counter-strategies accordingly. For these
two reasons alone, it may be better to use other forms
of draw like Trainers/Supporters, Uxie, Ninetales, or
even Noctowl.
Slowking's single attack, Super Psy Bolt, does 60 damage
for [PCC]. Kind of disappointing, especially considering
the type of power some of the other Primes offer.
Modified: 2/5 It is free card draw every turn and cycles
through your deck, but it is very unreliable in both of
these aspects. Pitiful attacking options are somewhat
unattractive as well. This may find a niche somewhere as
a support Pokemon though, as it isn't completely
Limited: 3/5 Super Psy Bolt may actually be pretty good
here, as vanilla 60 for 3 isn't terrible in Limited. The
Power can also be used to great effect, but it really
sucks to have that Stage 2 you really wanted to get out
go to the bottom of your deck because your opponent
didn't choose it and you have limited searching options.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Slowking (HS Undaunted)
Here we have another Prime, and this time it is the
braniac with a venomous shellfish on it's head! I
wonder, did the Neo Destiny version get banned all those
years ago for using illegal performance enhancing drugs?
This Prime isn't brilliant but since it looks so funny I
really can't find it in myself to call it a bad card.
I'll just do the review and let you decide. Slowking
gets 100 HP (way below par) and a horrible psychic
weakness, so don't expect it to survive a hit if it
becomes Active. The retreat cost of 2 also means that
being dragged Active spells doom for our Shellder-junkie
friend. However, the attack and power may make up for
that. Actually they won't, but the picture still looks
so funny to me.
Opponent's choice is a horrible idea for a power,
allowing your opponent to loom at the top 2 cards of
your deck and put one into your hand, while the other
goes to the bottom of your deck. Essentially it does the
same thing as Uxie Lv X's Trade Off, except that with
Uxie you choose the cards instead of your opponent..
Therefore, this power is a truly horrible form of draw
power and we will all continue to use Uxie, which is so
much better as the basic Uxie LA is also the best draw
card we currently have and is available as a League
Promo, while the Level X has not only a better power but
a better attack.
Speaking of which, Slowking can hit for 60 vanilla
damage if you have PPC attached. In a nutshell, if
you get to use this attack you are in a prerelease game.
No way in any univers will you ever be tempted to try
this in a Modified game.
Just to reiterate, this is a funny looking card based on
a funny looking Pokemon that you should definitely
collect, but should never play. If I am being in any way
unclear, USE UXIE!
Modified: 1.5 (just for laughs)
Limited: 3 (draw is good, no matter where you get it in
Combos with: all those funny comic strips you have lying