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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Weavile #25/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
August 17, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.50
Limited: 2.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

virusyosh |
Hello yet again, Pojo viewers! Today our reviews of the
new HS Undaunted set continue with Weavile.
Weavile is a Stage 1 Darkness Pokemon. Darkness Pokemon
are usually somewhat uncommon in the Pokemon TCG,
although there are many currently being played
competitively (Spiritomb AR, Tyranitar SF/Prime, Sableye
SF, and the occasional Honchkrow SV and Shiftry RR come
to mind). Darkness Pokemon also have the great boost of
Special Darkness Energy and having very few Pokemon that
resist the type. 80 HP is on the low side for average
for a Stage 1, so Weavile will have to be careful to not
get KOed by many top threats. Weakness to Fighting isn't
so bad as Fighting is relatively uncommon outside of
Donphan, Machamp, and Toxicroak G, however all of these
can OHKO. Psychic Resistance is nice to have, although
it is nothing terribly spectacular in this metagame.
Free retreat is great.
Weavile has a Poke-Power and an attack. The Power,
called Claw Snag, allows you to look at your opponent's
hand and discard a card from it once during your turn
when you evolve your Sneasel. A pretty nice deal,
especially because things like Super Scoop Up and
Pokemon Rescue allow for the power to be used multiple
times, and discarding your opponent's key Trainer,
Supporter, or Evolution can be excellent. Feint Attack,
Weavile's option for offense, is nothing special. [DC]
gets you 30 damage to one of your opponent's Pokemon,
bypassing any special effects. Not bad, but not great,
Modified: 2/5 I feel that even though it has low HP and
a relatively weak attack, Claw Snag will be used and
abused somewhere. Until such a combo comes to fruition,
however, your are probably better off using other
Limited: 3/5 The attack is fairly good for sniping, and
the Power can be devastating to your opponent in
Limited. In addition to this, the Sneasel in this set is
a functional reprint of the once-amazing Neo Genesis
version, making Weavile quite a solid pick.There aren't
too many Fighting Pokemon to look out for, however most
of them will easily dispatch of Weavile. Hitmonlee,
Gliscor, and even Hariyama come to mind. |
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Weavile (HS Undaunted)
I must apologize for my horrible grammar and spelling in
last week's reviews, I'll try to avoid that in future.
Also, Wes1234 makes a fair point about the combo with
Roserade, which could even be fused with a Jumpluff deck
for the alternative options you will surely need against
certain matchups whilst also fixing the speed issues. I
still hate Leafeon UD though, and look forward to
playing against a RoseLeaf build so that my Gengar can
ease my annoyance in their own brutal fashion. One last
point is that with Riachu Prime, the power only moves
energy on to Raichu rather than onto your active, so it
isn't as good as Wash Out on Blastoise UL. I stand by
the rest of the review though.
You may have noticed that I always seem a week ahead or
behind, which is because I tend to write all of my
reviews at once and them email them in. Sorry for any
confusion this causes, but the internet is unreliable at
home. Whe they install all the new fiber optic cables
they promised us, I'll be a very happy camper!
Now that I've said my piece, I can move on to the
review! This is one of those strange cards where you
could argue that the previous form is better than the
evolution, but I'll save that for another day if we
review the Sneasel in the set.
Weavile gets 80 HP, free retreat and fighting weakness
so we know it is meant to be quick and annoying with no
chance of surviving against a serious attacker. Dark
typing supports this, allowing for a quick damage boost
to offset the low health. At least the psychic
resistance may let you survive a hit from a psychic tech
like Uxie Lv X.
Weavile gets an attack and a Poke-power, both of which
seem wrong on a dark type card. The power is Claw Snag,
and is a coming-into-play ability that lets you look at
your opponent's hand, then choose 1 card and discard it.
Time this correctly to score a major advantage against
your opponent and slow down their setup or remove that
crucial evolution!
Feint Attack is a snipe attack, which is pretty much
always a bad idea on a dark Pokemon due to Special dark
energy not affecting damage against benched Pokemon.
Still, you get 30 damage for DC against any one of your
opponent's Pokemon, and the damage is not affected by
effects on the target (such as Defender or "prevent all
effects of attacks, including damage" attacks). This is
great against an Active with damage reduction abilities,
but most Pokemon like that will mulch Weavile with a
return hit (Donphan Prime, Dialga G and Manectric PT
come to mind). As such, Feint Attack is a bad idea,
Modified: 2.5 (Claw Snag can be a great weapon if you
can find the deck space, but Weavile is to easy to KO)
Limited: 2.5 (Claw Snag is brilliant here along with
Special dark energy in the set, but Weavile is still
Combos with: Sneasel UD (this may sound strange or
redundant, but you should really only play this Weavile
if you want to use the Sneasel as an attacker)
Crazed Eeveelutionist |
Hello, again, Pojo readers. Today, we restart our HS
Undaunted reviewing spree with a card that has gotten
the attention of disruption deck users: Weavile. There
are currently two other legal Weaviles, but both will be
rotating out. Will this one revive its kind from format
Lets start with the basics. Weavile has 80 HP, a
pitiful HP total compared to other Stage 1s. This turns
it into Garchomp C Lv X and E&R LEGEND food and a free
prize, something that can be the difference between
victory and defeat in any game. Being a dark type only
allows it to hit Gengar for weakness, but its attack
ignores weakness, killing that hope. Fighting weakness
means Machomp can use Take Out for 80 damage, a KO, and
dare I mention Donphan Prime? Psychic weakness is
respectable, and definitely better than nothing. And
finally, a free retreat is is always what we love to see
on any pokemon.
Now for the Poke-Power called Claw Snag, the
centerpiece of this card's fair share of hype. By
evolving your Sneasal Weavile from your hand, you get to
look at your opponent's hand, choose one card there, and
discard it. This is an incredible disruption ability.
This can slow down the opponent early in the game and
hinder their deck's ability to fight back by discarding
key cards. However, this is a sprayable power, so it can
also be very well wasted. You can reuse this power,
though, by using Super Scoop Up or HGSS Clefable's Fairy
Power attack, play BTS, and place down your Weavile line
again. This kind of disruption alone may see this card
in a few decks like Sablelock.
Now the attack is absolute rubbish. There's no reason
to have this Sharp Claw pokemon in the active slot for
any purpose other than a free retreater after your
active pokemon disappears. Feint Attack has found its
way on many cards, and this one is just as rubbish as
the others. A mere 30 damage, ignoring weakness,
resistance, powers, bodies and all other effects on the
defending pokemon. UD Espeon will have fun sling-shotting
those 3 damage counters back to Weavile's friends with
Solar Suggestion, and is hardly game-changing in a
format filled with heavy snipers running about. It might
be alright as an absolute last resort, but it's not
justifiable in any other situation.
Overall, Weavile has tremendous disruption potential,
especially if Hunter from the Japanese Lost Link set
gets printed in English. Watch out. The pokemon version
of Cyrus' Initiative is here and revving to go!
Modified: 3 Awesome disruption ability, but it's food
for Garchomp C Lv X and E&R LEGEND, and its power is
easily sprayable. Play with care.
Limited: 2 Doesn't shine here so much. Too many hard
and fast hitters here and disruption is limited to
Weavile and Team Rocket's Handiwork.
Combos with: Super Scoop Up and possibly HGSS
Crazed Eeveelutionist