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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Driftblim #12/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
August 20, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 3.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo viewers! Today we end our week by
reviewing a rare from HS Undaunted that has been getting
some people thinking about potential combos and decks.
Today's Card of the Day is Drifblim.
Drifblim is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon. Psychics are
fairly common as support Pokemon in the metagame, but
very few are actually used as main attackers nowadays.
As we will see later, Drifblim is somewhere in between.
90 HP is decent for a Stage 1, although I feel it could
have been a bit higher because of Drifblim's massive HP
stat in the Pokemon video games. Weakness to Darkness
isn't so bad, because aside from Sableye and Spiritomb
there aren't many common Darkness types (maybe the stray
Mightyena or now Houndoom). Colorless Resistance is
welcome but probably won't be that useful, and a free
Retreat Cost is excellent.
Drifblim has two attacks. Balloon Tackle does 60 damage
for [PC], but also deals 20 to Drifblim. 60 for 2 is
actually pretty good, but the recoil really limits
Drifblim's survivability as an attacker. However, the
second attack is what has most people talking. For
[CCC], Take Away shuffles Drifblim and the Defending
Pokemon back into their respective decks along with all
cards attached. Is your opponent's Active really
bothering you? Get rid of it. This even has an added
bonus if your opponent is down to a single Pokemon in
play, as then Take Away will allow you to win! However,
there is a slight downside. Take Away costs 3 Energy,
which is quite a bit for this fast-hitting metagame.
However, if you can power it up (it is 3 Colorless
Energy, after all) and get rid of your opponent's
biggest threat, you may be able to set your opponent
behind so much that they can't recover. Finally, some
new cards in the Japanese Lost Link/Clash at the Summit
sets will perform well with Drifblim, creating even more
potential combos.
Modified: 2.5/5 Drifblim is clearly going to be a niche
Pokemon, probably working in some crazy combo decks.
However, being able to shuffle your opponent's Active
back into their deck is really great, especially if it
is their last Pokemon. Just keep it away from the line
of fire until it's fully powered up and you'll be fine.
Limited: 3.25/5 Drifblim has the potential to be really
good here. Take Away's Colorless Energy requirements,
decent HP, and decent damage output make Drifblim a
great choice here. Finally, Take Away will definitely
set your opponent back quite a while in Limited, as all
of your opponent's hard work to get all of those
Energies onto their big attacker will be lost.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Drifblim (HS Undaunted)
I fell in love with the SF version of this card, but the
other versions have failed to excite me. This one breaks
that mould by giving me a reason to cackle like an evil
warlord, mainly because this version doesn't have to
deal with Unown G.
We get 90 HP (standard) with free retreat, colourless
resistance and dark weakness. Good stats for a stage 1
but nothing special and Driflim won't survive a serious
hit (though I can't say that is an extremely bad thing,
an attacker is only worth using if it can bulldoze
anything in it's path).
Now the attacks. Ballon Tackle seems promising with 60
damage for PC, but with 20 recoil damage survival
becomes a real problem. Still, if you hit for weakness
you are going to get 1-2 cheap prizes which is great
though resistant Pokemon (mainly meatl and dark types)
will rip your Drifblim a new one and they will be the
ones taking multiple prizes.
Take Away tries to fix the problem with Ballon Tackle by
shuffling Drifblim back into your deck so your opponent
can't take a prize, while forcing your opponent to
shuffle their active back into their deck (which is
awesome against a fully built attacker!). With the loss
of Unown G, the effects can't be prevented (except by
those pesky "prevent all effects" attacks) so this
attack becomes a real option. The downside is that the
cost of CCC means you are losing a heavy energy
investment (thankyou for DCE though!) and you will need
a tank or sacrifice to take your opponent's return
salvo, as well as worryng about your opponent retrieving
the cards from their deck. Still, this card has a real
chance of becoming a card we all love to hate and fear
to see against our main attacker!
Modified: 3 (I see great things for this card. Unless
Unown G comes back)
Limited: 3 (Balloon Tackle for the win!)
Combos with: Nidoqueen RR (removes those pesky damage
counters) |
Crazed Eeveelutionist |
I keep screwing up here... I really apologize
for this... My e-mail titled "Pokemon COTD: Rotom
(HS Undaunted)" is actually the Forretress review,
while my e-mail titled "Re: Pokemon COTD - 8/16" is
actually the Rotom review. Anyways, here's the
last review. I would really appreciate any
feedback you can provide for the reviews I did this week
if you're able to find the time. If not,
that's perfectly fine. ^^
Happy Friday, folks! We finish off the week with
Drifblim from HS Undaunted. No legal Drifblim has ever
really reached the competitive format before. Will this
one be any different?
The basic stats of this card are well... basic. 90 HP
is slightly below average for a Stage 1s by today's
standards. Being a psychic type means it hits Gallade E4
Lv X for weakness. Darkness weakness creates problems
with new Umbreons on the rise to power. Colorless
resistance is nice against Garchomp C Lv X, but only
when active of course. A free retreat is always
something to rejoice over.
No powers, so straight to the attacks, and Drifblim
has two of them. Balloon Tackle costs PC and does 60
damage at the cost of doing 20 damage to itself. It's
not bad for a Stage 1, but doing 20 damage to yourself
seems to be too much of a hindrance without anything to
take advantage of those damage counters. However, there
is a way to erase it, as well as "erase" the opponent's
active pokemon; Take Away, Drifblim's second attack.
Costing CCC, Take Away shuffles both Drifblim and the
defending pokemon, along with all cards attached to
them, into the deck. Stalling for time can sometimes
save the day, but even with a DCE, Take Away is a bit
A fun deck could be created with this pokemon, but
will it make the competitive environment? Probably not,
but it could be part of an unspoken rogue deck ready to
be made. It has some potential, but whether or not it
will be enough in the future is unknown. The odds are
not in its favor.
Modified: 2.75 This is a bit of a generous rating
simply due to the possibility of potential. Its first
attack hits fairly well, especially with an EB in the
mix, and it has a fairly good "eraser" attack to slow
the opponent. It's possible that a rogue deck builder
could capitalize on these attributes in the future,
whether it be soon or distant. It has at least some
Limited: 4 It shines here. Powerful attack for two
energy from a Stage 1, combo'd by an "eraser" attack
that makes it next to impossible to get back was it
shuffled back into the deck can almost take a victory
Combos with: Itself. It can deal damage with balloon
tackle, then shuffle back into the deck while another
ready Drifblim begins its offense.
- Wes1234
Crazed Eeveelutionist