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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Bellossom #1/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
August 23, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.87
Limited: 2.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Bellossom (Undaunted)
Hello and welcome to a new week of Pojo’s CotD. It’s
good to be back after Worlds. I didn’t win anything, but
I did ok, and had a brilliant time in Hawaii. Looks like
we are reviewing the Undaunted cards now and although I
missed the review for my favourite card of the set (Drifblim
has some serious tech potential), I’m looking forward to
seeing what else this set has to offer.
We start the week with Bellossom, a Pokémon that (with
Vileplume) has a double Stage 2 Evolution: like
Gardevoir and Gallade. Unlike Gardevoir and Gallade SW
however, this combination from Undaunted does not bring
two devastating, format-dominating attackers. Instead,
you get a couple of techy Pokémon that are more useful
on the Bench than in the active position.
But with Vileplume getting the kind of hype that can
easily make a card notorious, is it worth throwing in a
Bellossom or two in a deck that runs it? Let’s take a
The first thing you notice is Bellossom’s worryingly low
HP. 110 on a Stage 2 is way below par these days. The
Fire Weakness may also become an issue as Fire decks are
almost certain to see more play now that they have the
best draw support in the format (goodbye Claydol, hello
Ninetales HGSS). Resistance to Water is nice though, and
the Retreat cost of one is very manageable.
Bellossom does boast a nice-ish PokePower. Hustle
Step removes a damage counter from each of your Pokémon
on your turn. Obviously, this is far inferior to
Nidoqueen RR which removes a counter between every turn
and can’t be Power Sprayed. You wouldn’t run Bellossom
for its healing ability alone then, so let’s see if its
attack can give you another reason to use it.
At a cost of [G][C], Dance ‘til Dawn is pretty cheap.
Unfortunately, it deserves to be. Basically, you get to
flip 3 coins and do 30 damage for each heads. That’s
very unreliable and on average will actually mean that
the return on your Energy investment is poor. If that
wasn’t bad enough, the attack comes with a completely
undeserved drawback, sending Bellossom to Sleep after it
has been used.
If you want an attacking Bellossom for some reason, then
the one from Legends Awakened is vastly superior. For
the same cost as Dance ‘til Dawn, it can do 60-100
damage plus flip for Burn. Outclassed by other cards
both as an attacker and as a healing tech, players will
need to look elsewhere for Pokémon to combo with
Vileplume and its locking abilities.
Modified: 1.75 (decent Power, but not a competitive
Limited: 2 (Power is even better in this low damage
format, but the attack is still bad. And it’s a Stage 2)
Combos with . . .
Well, it can help boost the attack of Bellossom LA, I
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! Today we are continuing
our review of the HS Undaunted expansion by reviewing
Bellossom is a Stage 2 Grass Pokemon. There are quite a
few Grass types that see play, and most of them have
really great supporting effects or can really pack a
punch. That being said, the pool for usable Grass types
is already quite large, so anything new will really have
to stand out. 110 HP is a bit low for a Stage 2,
especially in our high damage metagame. Fire Weakness
and Water Resistance are standard for Grass types
nowadays, so nothing really new there. Finally, a
Retreat Cost of 1 is just about right: It can be paid if
necessary without setting you back too much.
As I said before, most Grass types have Powers and
Bodies that make them good support Pokemon in some way,
and Bellossom is no exception. Bellossom's Power, Hustle
Step, allows you to remove a damage counter from each of
your Pokemon once per turn. Now, healing is generally a
good thing, as it keeps your Pokemon alive and protects
against spread damage. However, Nidoqueen RR just simply
does a better job, because it does it in between turns
instead of once during your turn, leading to the healing
happening twice as often. One key difference is that
Nidoqueen's body can't be negated with Power Spray,
although it can be turned off through Dialga G Lv. X.
Both are relevant concerns in the modern metagame,
though I would still probably go with Nidoqueen on most
Bellossom's single attack, Dance 'til Dawn, is also
rather unimpressive. for [GC], you flip three coins, and
the attack does 30 damage times the number of heads. 90
damage for 2 energy is very good, however it won't
happen very often. The biggest problem with the attack
is that regardless of the outcome of flips, Bellossom
becomes Asleep, which sets it up to be stuck against
your opponent if you are unlucky and flip a lot of
tails. Then again, since Bellossom is largely a support
Pokemon, it probably shouldn't be attacking that much,
Modified: 2/5 I think that Bellossom may be able to work
as a one-of tech in decks that already use Vileplume
that are worried about spread damage, but most other
decks should use Nidoqueen.
Limited: 2.5/5 The ability to heal all of your Pokemon
at once is great here, but the attack is very unreliable
and can turn things in your opponent's favor quickly
even if it is cheap. Still, Bellossom might be worth
checking out if you draft some Oddish and Gloom,
especially because Fire is a relatively non-existent
type in Undaunted.

Otaku |
Today we look at Holo-Rare
Bellossom from HS – Undaunted.
I’ll be frank: this is one of my
“theoretical” reviews because I have
enough time to write about Pokémon but
neither the time nor resources to really
play at the moment.
Since we are about to embark on
the newest iteration of the Modified
Format (DP-Majestic Dawn and later)
there’s a lot that needs to be tested
and retested.
I am hopeful that my past
experience writing and reviewing will
keep my CotDs useful, since being
removed from the metagame can sometimes
offer clearer perspective.
is a Stage 2 Grass Pokémon.
Grass seems to be one of those
Types that does produce a great Pokémon
(and deck) occasionally, but it always
seems to be up against something better
or exists as a semi-rogue deck.
The deck you expect to face at a
tournament, but can’t think of anyone
you know running it for a serious event.
A 110 HP is at lower end of the spectrum
for a modern, playable Stage 2: it isn’t
bad, but it is no longer “good”, either.
The Weakness to Fire seems to be
where it matters most: many Fire Pokémon
not meant to be a deck’s main attacker
will be able to OHKO
Attacks that hit for 60 damage or
more are expected on a main attacker,
and Fire is no exception.
Even the strongest “technical”
attacks, normally played more for their
effect than their damage, will be bumped
into OHKO range.
At least the card balances this
out with Water Resistance.
Water decks will have to slam a
Bellossom with 130 damage to take it
out in a single hit.
The single Energy needed to
retreat is also useful: if you can’t
afford it chances are your deck has
All in all, I’d say that was a solid
start for the
The Poké-Power also looks
adequate: Hustle Step let’s you remove 1
damage counter from each of your
Pokémon, once per turn as long as
Bellossom isn’t afflicted with a
Special Condition.
Bellossom can then be combined with
another “tank” Pokémon to really
frustrate an opponent.
Even a hard hitting deck can be
thwarted if you just barely block a OHKO
because they are counting on that OHKO!
Unfortunately an opponent whose
strategy expects to score mostly 2-hit
Knock Outs will be better insulated: the
second attack has enough overkill to it
to make up the difference.
It might be more useful for
handling “kick” from your own attacks
and abilities: removing irritating Bench
Damage, for example, from your own
Active’s big attack.
has a second attack, and it is mediocre
at best.
It requires one Grass and one of
any Energy, so it will be possible for
it to attack in most decks without
dedicating major resources to it.
Unfortunately this is a pure
support attack so that
Bellossom can actually attack if it
has to: 30 damage per heads from three
coin flips.
It isn’t fast (you can’t use
Double Colorless Energy).
It isn’t reliable (0, 30, 60, or
90 damage).
Worst of all, it puts
Bellossom to Sleep!
All the normal drawbacks of that
plus it clashes with Hustle Step!
At least in Limited play, if you can
pull the line it’s a boon to most decks
for the Poké-Power.
The attack is still weak even in
this format!
After factoring in the difficulty
of pulling and running a Stage 2
Pokémon, you still might pass.
The final nail in the coffin for this
card comes from a pre-existing card just
doing a better job all but some really
obscure decks.
If you need this kind of healing,
just use the superior
Nidoqueen from Rising Rivals.
Unless you find the miracle card
that is made by running a bench full of
Bellossom with one
Nidoqueen for erasing 60 points of
damage between your attacks.
It sounds great… if you ignore
the obscene resource commitment.
I’ll also remind everyone that my
Modified score reflects the format as of
September 1st, 2010
since that’s less than two weeks from
Combos With:
I am still selling quite a bit of my
stuff on eBay. I’ve had a lot of
hobbies over the years, so at various
times I’ll have comic books, manga,
action figures, and video games on the
auction block.
You can take a look at what’s up
for bids
here. I usually add new stuff on
Wednesdays and Saturdays.
a reminder, Pojo is in no way
responsible for this and was merely kind
enough to let me mention the auctions
here. ;)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Bellossom (HS Undaunted)
This Pokemon always seems to be dancing around and
decorating festivals, which is probably why it has never
been much good for battling in either the cards or the
video game.
We get 110 HP (horrible, though Shaymin Lv X can fix
that) with fire weakness, water resistance and 1
retreat. Nice stats, though you don't want to see this
card in the active slot. A standard Grass tech in this
We get an attack and a Pokepower, neither of which
are brilliant because they work against each other.
Dance 'til Dawn is tha attack, and seems a variation on
Petal Dance. You get 3 flips at 30 damage per heads and
suffer becoming Asleep at the end of the attack. The
cost of GC is easy to pay, but the attack is unreliable
and stops you using the power.
Hustle Step is much better, allowing you to remove 1
damage counter from each of your Pokemon once per turn.
Obviously Nidoqueen provides better healing, but in a
Grass tank deck (coupled with Tangrowth Lv X and Shaymin
Lv X) Bellossom could provide that extra healing boost
to give more staying power. Unfortunately the power
can't be used if Bellossom is affected by a Secial
condition, so keep it benched and don't do any dancing
unless you are really, REALLY desperate.
On a side note, the card has good text (I like the
names of the attack and power, even if the effects
aren't brilliant) and the art is pretty, so this is a
decent card to collect even if you never play it. Keep
it aside for the future maybe.
Modified: 2 (has a place, but a great deal of
competition too)
Limited: 3 (if you pull the line, the healing is
Combos with: Vileplume UD, Tangrowth Lv X, Shaymin Lv X