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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Scizor #7/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
September 1, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.87
Limited: 2.87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Scizor (Unleashed)
Today’s card features another one of my favourite
Pokémon. I would like to think I made a case for
Houndoom yesterday (sort of), let’s see if I can do the
same today.
Unfortunately, Scizor is a card of contrasts. Look at
the illustration: it’s beautiful, mysterious, and
dynamic. Look at the card itself, however and it’s . . .
well . . . boring. Very, very boring.
The card’s stats are pretty standard. A retreat cost of
one and 90 HP is only decent, but being a Metal type
means that Scizor can rely on Special Metal Energy to
boost its defensive abilities. Weakness to Fire is
probably going to be an increasing problem next format,
but Psychic Pokémon always seem to be popular so the
Resistance is a welcome bonus.
When it comes to attacks, Scizor isn’t exactly bad, just
depressingly vanilla. Cut does 50 for [M][C], while
Metal Claw ups the damage to 80 for [M][M][C]. Both are
acceptable in a kind of mediocre way, but just really
unexciting and fail to give you any motivation to play
this card: you can do more damage and get more
interesting effects for less cost elsewhere.
That is especially true when you consider the other
Scizors in the format. Both Scizor Prime and Scizor MD
have useful ways of countering decks which rely on
Special Energy (which, to be honest, is most decks in
the Format), while Scizor SF needs a deck built around
it but has some clever offensive and defensive
So, while I highly recommend getting hold of one of
these, it’s for artwork/collection purposes only. You
won’t ever need a playset.
Modified: 2 (Great art, shame about the attacks)
Limited: 3 (straightforward cheap-ish attacks are fine
Combos with . . .
Too vanilla for combos
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today's Card of the Day
is a Metal-type from the new HS Undaunted set. It has
wings that aren't used for flying, but instead are
flapped at high speed to adjust its body temperature. It
also comes in a non-Prime and Prime version in this set.
Today's Card of the Day is Scizor.
Scizor is a Stage 1 Metal Pokemon. Metal Pokemon aren't
very common outside of Dialga G, but are worth a look
because they get the bonuses from Special Metal Energy.
90 HP is fairly good for a Stage 1, as hopefully Scizor
will be able to survive at least one hit or two (though
in this metagame, it still may be a bit too low). Fire
weakness is to be expected for a Metal-type, so keep it
away from Charizard and Blaziken FB. Psychic Resistance
is great, keeping Scizor alive longer against Gengar,
Mewtwo, and the pixies. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 1
isn't too bad: perfectly payable if you must.
Now, when we usually review cards, a lot of cards have
either really interesting attacks, Poke-Powers,
Poke-Bodies, or some combination in between. Sadly,
Scizor is very vanilla, with Cut dealing 50 damage for
[MC] and Metal Claw dealing 80 for [MMC]. The good thing
is that these attacks are fairly well costed, however
they don't have any useful side effects either.
Therefore, when constructing a deck in Modified, there
are generally better options to use that have more
powerful attacks, cheaper attacks, or useful Powers and
Modified: 1/5 The attacks do passable damage for the
cost, but chances are you will never see one of these in
competitive play. There are simply too many better
Pokemon that have better attacks or more interesting
abilities. It's outclassed by Scizor Prime in pretty
much every sense.
Limited: 3/5 The decent damage output of the attacks is
actually really nice here. Sometimes reliability is a
problem in Limited, as there are many more coin flip
attacks. Scizor is great for a stable attacker that has
a fairly high damage output once it is fully powered up,
and can be made better through the use of Special Metal
Energy. Fire Pokemon are also quite rare in this set, so
there really shouldn't be that much to look out against.
Plus, both Scythers in the set are quite good for
Combos With: Your binder
Overall, it's a card with nice artwork, but not much
else going for it.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Scizor (HS Undaunted)
This Scizor is incredibly boring, but it still has a
chance to act as an okay card. Here goes
We get metal typing for the defensive effect, 90 HP,
fire weakness, psychic resistance and a retreat cost of
1. Pretty fast for card wih tank potential, but
otherwise average for the format.
There are 2 attacks, both dealing vanilla damage. Cut is
50 damage for MC while Metal Claw deals 80 damage for
MMC, so nothing to report here. On the other hand, you
can throw in an Expert Belt and a Special metal or 2 for
a quick tank build with decent damage on this Scizor,
something that metal decks are very rarely able to pull
off which is why there are so few metal Pokemon in
common use.
So very boring, but still with a purpose which denies me
the pleasure of calling it binder fodder.
Modified: 2.5 (there are possibilites, but it won't make
a deck alone)
Limited: 2.5 (Special metals in this set make Scizor a
good pick, probably a better pick than the Prime)
Combos with: Expert Belt, Special metal energy