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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Togekiss #9/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
September 3, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.17
Limited: 1.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Togekiss (Unleashed)
Unlike Houndoom and Scizor, which are pretty
aggressive-looking Pokémon, Togekiss is all cuteness.
Once again, the artist has done a great job of bringing
that out in the illustration.
Togekiss is a Stage 2 Pokémon with 120 HP and the
dreaded Lightning Weakness. Fighting Resistance is nice
and the Retreat cost of one is ok. None of that should
actually matter at all though. Let’s take a look at
Togekiss’ first attack to find out why . . .
Blessed Wings costs [C][C] (or, let’s be honest, a
Double Colourless Energy). It does no damage at all (Togekiss
is a bit of a pacifist), but insteadit removes all
damage counters from all of your Pokémon before Togekiss
shuffles itself and all cards attached to it back into
the deck. Now that is one interesting attack and a lot
of uses come to mind. It can be used against spread
decks (should they ever become popular again), or as a
way of removing self-damage. It could even be used as a
general healing/Prize denial tech. Simply evolve on the
turn you play with Rare Candy, attach a DCE and hey
presto! All your Pokémon are healed!
Is it worth the effort and deck space though (not to
mention using an attack)? Sadly, the answer is almost
certainly not. It does have some advantages over
Nidoqueen as a healing tech (it shouldn’t ever be
sitting on the Bench to get dragged out), but Nidoqueen
is less resource-hungry, more consistent, and doesn’t
waste an attack.
Speaking of wasted attacks, that’s exactly what Togekiss’
Air Cutter is. Three Energy for a vanilla 80 damage
isn’t great in itself, but the fact that it can fail on
a coin flip makes it just about unusable.
Sometimes, Togekiss can be too much of a pacifist . . .
Modified: 2 (interesting healing tech, but not very
Limited: 1.75 (Doesn’t do enough for the effort of
getting out a Stage 2)
Combos with . . .
Double Colourless Energy
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, everyone! Today we end our Card of the
Day week with one of my favorite Pokemon. Today's Card
of the Day is Togekiss from HS Undaunted.
Togekiss is a Stage 2 Colorless Pokemon. Being
Colorless, it shouldn't be too hard for Togekiss to find
a slot in a deck, especially because Colorless Energy
requirements don't require any special energy-fixing of
any kind. 120 HP is fairly standard for a Stage 2, and
should ensure that that Togekiss can take a few hits
before going down. Weakness to Lightning is bad with all
of the Luxrays around. Fighting Resistance is great,
even though it isn't too helpful in the current metagame.
Finally, a Retreat Cost of 1 is fairly nice.
Togekiss has two attacks. First of all, it's pretty safe
to ignore Air Cutter, which does 80 damage for [CCC],
but flipping tails means the attack does nothing. This
attack is way too unreliable to be used in the current
format. Blessed Wings is Togekiss's support option,
which removes all damage counters from all of your
Pokemon and then shuffles Togekiss back into your deck
with all cards attached, all for the bargain price of
[CC]. With this mass healing attack, Togekiss is
immediately comparable to things like Blissey Prime and
Nidoqueen RR. Unlike Blissey, you are required to attack
instead of just coming into to play and using a Power,
however this means that it can't be Power Sprayed. Also,
Blissey has you discard all of the energy attached to
the Pokemon it heals, where Togekiss simply heals them.
In comparison to Nidoqueen, Nidoqueen only heals 1
damage counter in between turns, but doesn't require
much set up, or to use an attack. When choosing between
the three, Togekiss might be a great idea if you are
really worried about spread damage, or if you need to
massively heal all of your Pokemon without discarding a
ton of energy. Even though spread isn't such a big
factor in the metagame right now, Togekiss may still be
a good choice for healing.
Modified: 2/5 Yes, it does require two energy and the
use of an attack. However, it heals all of your Pokemon
and then gets rid of itself so you can use that bench
space for something more offensive. Not really a bad
deal at all. Plus, since it's Colorless, you can use it
in pretty much any deck as long as you have enough
Energy for it. Even still, healing doesn't win games by
itself and its offensive attack is pretty bad, so you
still may be looking at other options for deck
Limited: 2.5/5 Air Cutter is still pretty bad here, but
a Blessed Wings at a crucial moment can easily set your
opponent back enough for you to win a match. Togepi and
Togetic are also pretty good as set up Pokemon here,
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Togekiss (HS Undaunted)
I find this Pokemon very difficult to like, since the MT
version was so hard to work with. And it just looks so
freaking weird (not to mention a friend used one to
anhilate my party on Diamond).
Colourless typing makes Togekiss splashable, while the
120 HP, fighting resistance and retreat cost of 1
impress me. However, the lightning weakness means Luxray
GL will OHKO the airborn Teletubbie, as will anyone
playing Raichu.
The first attack is the main draw of the card, so I will
deal with the useless second attack first. Air Cutter
deals 80 damage for CCC, with a completely underserved
drawback of having to flip a coin and dealing 0 damage
on tails. Obviously, if you have to use this attack you
are in very deep trouble.
Blessed Wings costs CC (which means DCE will be great
here) and causes you to shuffle Togekiss and all cards
attached to it back into your deck. The payoff is fully
healing all damage counters from each of your Pokemon.
If you use Broken Time-Space, this attack is quite
useful but there are 2 main drawbacks that will see this
card consigned to the binder. First, you use your attack
and leave your next Pokemon wide open to a counter
attack, likely an OHKO. The other problem is that
Nidoqueen already exists to constantly heal damage fom
each of your Pokemon, and doesn't need an attack to do
This card is interesting and seems to be continuing the
trend Drifblim has started, but this version of the
effect is nowhere near as useful.
Modified: 2.5 (needs a lot of setup, but useful for
keeping a heavily damaged tank in the game)
Limited: 1.5 (much less useful here, but the healing
attack is more justifiable)
Combos with: Broken Time Space |