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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Victreebel #11/102
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Dec. 10, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 3.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
We end the week with a Pokémon that people really seem
to like. (Maybe its ‘interesting’ relationship with
James in the anime has something to do with it). I can’t
say it has got any hype exactly, but lots of players
seem to want to try it out. Are they wasting the time
they should be spending practising for City
Championships? Let’s find out.
At first glance, Victreebel
doesn’t look all that promising. 110 HP is very, very
low for a Stage 2. The Fire Weakness would hurt against
Blaziken FB techs, but isn’t
too disastrous in the present format, and the Retreat
cost of two seems like a pain, but, considering the way
that Victreebel is designed
to work, it isn’t going to be too much of an issue.
Tangling Tendrils PokeBody should give you some idea of
how this card is supposed to work: as long as
Victreebel is active, your
opponent’s active has its Retreat cost increased by [C][C].
That looks like a handy way of locking them in the
active slot, and you can (almost) seal the deal by
running Vileplume UD and
shutting off their access to switching and/or scooping
Trainers like Super Scoop Up, Poke Turn, and Warp Point.
But even suppose you can keep an opponent’s Pokémon
active, what do you do with it? The answer comes in the
form of Victreebel’s Acidic
Drain attack. Reasonably priced at [G][C],
it may only do 30 damage, but it also Poisons AND Burns
the Defending Pokémon (meaning it will actually do 50-90
damage, depending on flips, by the start of your next
turn). At the same time, Victreebel
will heal off 30 damage itself,
giving it a decent chance of surviving while
KOing the locked Pokémon
over a couple of turns.
This kind of strategy works best when you can choose the
Pokémon to lock (so it isn’t something that will just
OHKO Victreebel and Retreat,
or snipe around it). You could use a card like Pokémon
Reversal or even tech in Luxray
GL LV X, but the cool thing is that
Victreebel’s Basic,
Bellsprout, comes with Inviting Scent, an attack
which allows you to drag something off the bench of your
choosing. If you attach a
Berry, then Victreebel can
use this attack itself to switch in your opponent’s
techs for cheap Prizes or send a direct threat back to
the bench.
is clever and combotastic.
Yes, I’m not 100% convinced it’s tournament viable, and
yes, the ever-popular Dialga
G LX V laughs in its face and call its mum rude names,
but it’s fun, very annoying to the opponent, and can
even be pretty effective. I think they are all good
reasons to spend some time trying this card out.
Modified: 3 (You could make a decent deck based around
this card. How often can we say that?)
Limited: 3.5 (Marked down for being a Stage 2, marked up
for being cheap and annoying!)
Combos with . . .
Memory Berry
conical |
Today, we review a card that I am hype for reasons I
can't justify. This should be a fun review.
Let's start with the pros. It's Body, Tangling Tendrils,
is reminiscent of Dark Muk, increasing the defending
pokemon's retreat cost. This could be harmful,
especially for SP, who rely heavily on free-retreat
basics. Yeah, they can Poke Turn the active, but I'm
sure an SP player would rather use their resources
aggressively, rather than to avoid being locked. As a
bonus, Acidic Drain burns and poisons and does 30 damage
AND heals Victreebel, which, combined with its Body,
means that your opponent's active could be in massive
trouble if they can't avoid the lock.
Speaking of avoiding the lock, let's talk about the
cons. Your opponent probably won't try to pay the extra
energy for the retreat cost, and will instead use a bevy
of Trainers, such as Switch, Warp Point, Super Scoop Up,
or Poke Turn for SP decks. Running Vileplume UD along
with Victreebel helps limit an opponent's outs, though
they still have Warp Energy, though admittedly most
decks run 1 Warp maximum. Even so, running two Stage 2
lines in the same deck is generally difficult, even with
the advantage of Trainer lock.
Clearly, while Victreebel has its disadvantages, most
decks have too many outs for Victreebel to be
competitive without reducing consistency. Perhaps an
absurd optimist would declare that Victreebel's
potential outweighs its negatives, but...you know, I'll
be that absurd optimist. Victreebel/Vileplume for Worlds
Limited: 4/5
Combos With: Vileplume UD |
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo readers! This week we are ending
our COTD week with yet another Holo Rare from the new HS
Triumphant expansion, and this card is probably my
favorite card in the set. It's definitely not the best,
but I really like it. Today's Card of the Day is
Victreebel is a Stage 2 Grass Pokemon. Grass has sort of
been off-and-on as far as the current Modified format
goes: Jumpluff HGSS used to be relatively popular, but
has fallen into a certain amount of disuse recently.
Additionally, Vileplume UD is commonly seen paired with
Gengar in the "VileGar"-style decks, and you will
occasionally see decks based around other attackers such
as Vespiquen/Combee UD. Victreebel, however, requires
its own deck to be most effective. 110 HP is low for a
Stage 2, and can unfortunately be dispatched rather
easily by heavy hitters like Gyarados. Fire Weakness is
also pretty bad, meaning that Victreebel will most
likely go down in one shot against the likes of Blaziken
FB and Charizard AR. No Resistance is the worst kind,
and a Retreat Cost of 2 is average, but one should
probably use something like Switch, Warp Point, or Warp
Victreebel has a Poke-Body and an attack. The Body,
Tangling Tendrils, increases the Retreat Cost of each of
your opponent's Active Pokemon by two. This is very
significant in the metagame today, as we play in a
metagame that loves switching. Unown Q is commonly
played to reduce hassle in retreating common supporting
Pokemon, and free retreaters like Garchomp C, Crobat G,
and Gengar are everywhere. Tangling Tendrils effectively
ruins any chance of your opponent retreating these
Pokemon effectively, and puts Pokemon with even higher
retreat costs (Gyarados and Machamp come to mind) at an
extreme disadvantage. Yes, it is true that your opponent
can simply Warp Point or Warp Energy out of it, but Warp
Point usage is dwindling in my experience with the
presence of Unown Q, and Warp Energy is only commonly
seen in a few decks. Therefore, if you want to make sure
that your opponent's Active will stay that way,
Victreebel could end up being a good option. Pair it up
with Vileplume UD to block Warp Points and Poke Turns
for even more stalling fun.
Victreebel's attack, Acidic Drain, works perfectly with
Tangling Tendrils. for [GC]. it deals 30 damage,
automatically Burns and Poisons the Defending Pokemon,
and removes 3 damage counters from Victreebel. Normally
I would say that a single attack dealing 30 damage on a
Stage 2 is abysmal, but the number of useful added
effects on this attack actually make it decent, albeit a
bit weak on the damage side. Since your opponent will
have great difficulty in retreating, there is a good
chance that they will be taking lots of extra damage
from the Special Conditions. Finally, by reliably
healing itself, Victreebel greatly increases its
survivability as a tank if the opponent can't OHKO it.
It's just a shame that its HP is so low; as having 130
or 140 would have really made a huge difference.
So, what can work in a deck with Victreebel? There are a
few options to consider, even though they may be a bit
slow by current metagame standards. Vileplume UD was
mentioned earlier, and works really well in conjunction
with the flycatcher in order to provide a very nice
lockdown on the opponent. Shaymin Lv. X (Land Forme) can
increase Victreebel's HP, giving it more survivability.
And finally, Heatran Lv. X can be used to ensure your
opponent takes Burn damage every turn, though the other
two options may be better. Spiritomb AR would also be a
very good setup Pokemon for such a deck, putting
pressure on the opponent early on by blocking Trainers
from the beginning as well as evolving your slow Stage 2
lines. Memory Berry also works fairly well with the
Bellsprout and Weepinbell from this set, as they have
very good disruptive attacks as well.
Modified: 3/5 I think Victreebel could make a very fun
rogue deck, and with just the right list, it might be
able to compete in the current metagame. While it is
true that Blaziken FB and Charizard eat it alive and it
also has huge problems with Steelix Prime, many other
decks that depend on lots of switching will be greatly
hindered, maybe even enough to grind out a win.
Additionally, depending on what next year's rotation is,
this deck could even be more viable then.
Limited: 4/5 Victreebel is great here. At the Triumphant
pre-release I attended, my only loss was to my
girlfriend using this card. 30 damage may not seem like
a lot for a Stage 2, but the constant Special Condition
damage and reliable healing makes this a Pokemon to be
Combos With: Vileplume UD, Shaymin Lv. X (Land Forme),
Heatran Lv. X, Memory Berry