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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Magmortar #27/102
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Dec. 27, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.40
Limited: 3.18
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Hello, and welcome to
the final week of
reviews for 2010 on
CotD. It’s been
an interesting year with
the new HGSS sets,
Primes, LEGENDS, and the
return of old school
stuff like x2 Weakness
and Double Colourless
Energy. Let’s see if we
can round off the year
in style.
We kick off with
Magmortar . . .
one of the weirdest
looking Pokémon around.
At some stage, one of
the people who design
these things said ‘I
know, how about a fat
fire clown with bazookas
for arms?’, and everyone
else said ‘sure, let’s
go for it!’
Magmortar is a
Stage 1 (bad as it lacks
the speed of a Basic and
the power of a Stage 2)
with average HP
(average), Water
Weakness (eh . . . watch
out for Gyarados), and a
Retreat cost of two (not
good). Top Burner, its
first attack, is
slightly interesting.
For every Fire Energy
attached to
Magmortar, you
discard the top card of
your opponent’s deck.
Then you flip, and if
you get tails, you
discard all Fire Energy
Reliable deck
destruction is pretty
good: you can edge your
opponent towards loss by
deck out, and/or cripple
them (if you are lucky)
by getting rid of key
cards. The trouble is,
there are two big
problems when it comes
to using Top Burner to
do this.
The first isn’t so
serious . . . yeah, you
risk only being able to
do it once on a coin
flip, but if you can hit
big with it, that
shouldn’t matter too
much. The second problem
is more of an issue: how
do you get to stack a
worthwhile amount of
Energy on
Magmortar fast
enough, and avoid it
being sniped or dragged
out and killed? Sadly, I
don’t think there is a
good answer to that
question at the moment.
Typhlosion Prime
might give you a bit of
Energy acceleration, but
then you need to set up
a Stage 2 and a
discard/draw Engine
Ninetales HGSS)
to get it working. As
for protection, there’s
Bench Shield and
Manectric PL, I
suppose, but neither of
those are guaranteed to
work, and will affect
the speed and
consistency of the deck.
second attack, Burst
Punch, only does 60 plus
auto Burn for [R][R][C],
which doesn’t really
give you anything
exciting to back up Top
Burner with, while Top
Burner itself is too
needy in terms of
support to run in
combination with any of
the other deck
destruction cards (all
of which tend to be very
clunky and needy
themselves – I’m
thinking of
Flygon LV X, and
Rhyperior SV
here). It’s almost as if
the card designers
believe that this kind
of strategy is too
powerful to make it a
realistic option in the
Modified: 1.75
(potentially very
effective, but too
Energy intensive to be a
realistic play)
Limited: 3 (Smaller
decks, low damage, slow
format . . . deck out
becomes a possibility)
Combos with . . .
Prime and
Ninetales HGSS
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! I apologize for my
two-week absence, but graduate school finals and going
on vacation with limited computer access made doing COTD
reviews rather difficult. Anyway, this week our reviews
continue with more Rare cards from the HS Triumphant
expansion, and today's Card of the Day is Magmortar.
Magmortar is a Stage 1 Fire Pokemon. Aside from Blaziken
FB and Charizard, Fire Pokemon are not too commonly seen
in the current Modified metagame, as they tend to be
slow, high-risk/high-reward cards that involve a lot of
discarding for high damage. Additionally, the resurgence
of Gyarados SF has made playing Fire types even more
difficult. Magmortar's top and bottom stats are fairly
average: 100 HP will enable it to take a hit or two,
unless an opponent is hitting it for its Water Weakness.
Magmortar also has no Resistance and a terrible Retreat
Cost of 3. Therefore, if you are going to be playing
Magmortar, make sure that you have Warp Point, Warp
Energy, or Super Scoop Up handy, as it isn't going to be
retreating by itself any time soon.
Like many other Pokemon in the HGSS era, Magmortar has
two attacks. The first, Top Burner, allows you to
discard cards from the top of your opponent's deck equal
to the number of Energy attached to Magmortar. After
doing this, you flip a coin. If tails, all of that
Energy is discarded. This attack is fairly unique in
that there aren't too many attacks that "mill" your
opponent's deck in Pokemon, however this one probably
won't see much use. Why? First of all, a 50% chance of
discarding all Fire Energy attached to Magmortar will
really set you back unless you have support like Heatran
Lv. X. Second, Magmortar usually won't have more than 3
Energy attached to it anyway, so discarding the top 3
cards of your opponent's deck isn't terribly helpful,
especially with all of the recursion Pokemon has
nowadays in things like Junk Arm, Pokemon Rescue, and
Palmer's Contribution. Additionally, this attack doesn't
deal any damage, and discarding cards from your
opponent's deck rarely works well unless there is a
consistent and effective way to do so, and discarding 2
or 3 cards at a time isn't particularly effective. If
you are looking for a way to stall your opponent out,
you'd probably be better off going with something like
Flygon Lv. X or even Steelix Prime.
The second attack, Burst Punch, deals 60 damage and
automatically burns for the cost of [RRC]. Not a bad
attack by any means (and it will work wonders in
Limited), but for a Fire-type attacker in Modified,
you'd be better off going with Charizard AR or Blaziken
Modified: 1.75/5 Magmortar is just a bit too slow for
the current Modified metagame, though it may be able to
see some play several months from now if we end up with
an HGSS-on rotation.
Limited: 3.5/5 Magmortar is pretty good here. Burst
Punch deals consistent damage and automatically Burns,
which is great for the slower pace of Modified. Top
Burner probably won't be that useful here though, as
discarding all of your Energy could really set you back
and allow your opponent to recover.
Combos With: Heatran Lv. X
conical |
12/27/10: Magmortar(Triumphant)
This is a card I wish I could say more about. Top Burner
is an improved version of Fossil Moltres' first attack,
milling the opponent's deck for every fire energy
attached, then discarding the energy on a flip. This may
not seem like much, but certain decks, especially SP
decks, are built so tight that if you Top Burner only a
few cards off their deck, they will be drastically
weakened. Then again, some decks won't be bothered by
Top Burner, such as Gyarados, who should be Magmortar's
greatest obstacle to seeing play. If weaknesses to
lightning and colorless greatly hinder any card's
usefulness because of Luxchomp, then a weakness to water
ends all possibility of this card seeing any play.
But hey! For the time being, this should make a fun
casual deck for now, combined with Typhlosion Prime.
Then, maybe when the first Black and White cards get
released over here, Magmortar might see some more play.
Modified: 2.75/5
Limited: 3/5