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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Pidgeot #29/102
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Dec. 29, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.90
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
This card did actually get a second glance from a lot of
players when Triumphant was released, being looked upon
as a potential counter for low attack cost decks (which
is basically almost all of the good ones!). I’ve yet to
see anyone actually use it though, so let’s see if
people are missing out on a good tech or sensibly
avoiding a duff card.
comes complete with average-ish
120 HP, terrible Lightning weakness (yes
Luxray is still
everywhere!), useful Fighting Resistance (but so are
Machamp and
Donphan!), and the best
possible Retreat cost of zero. I should say that
probably all balances out . . . nothing there to make
you want to play it, but nothing to keep it from being
played either.
The attack that gets all the love is Headwind (the other
option, Quick Attack, is just rubbish). The cost is a
reasonable [C][C], the damage
is a pathetic 20, but it’s all about the effect. When
you use Headwind, each of the Defending Pokémon’s
attacks cost an extra [C][C]
on their next turn. Now that sounds as if it would be a
great counter to cards like
Gyarados (which attack for no Energy), or
Donphan (which will usually
only have one Energy attached). In fact, considering
most decks run very low Energy counts, it looks as
though it would be generally very useful.
However . . .
The first problem is the low damage output. Keep using
Headwind on Donphan or
Gyarados as much as you like
. . . they will still have multiple turns to find the
Energy they need to negate the effect. The more serious
problem is that it is all too easy to remove Headwind’s
effect simply by benching or scooping up the affected
Pokémon and playing it down again or using a different
attacker. If you really want to try and block your
opponent’s most threatening attacks, I suggest using a
card with an Amnesia-type attack like
Relicanth SV. For pretty
much the same cost as Headwind, you can block an attack
on the Defending Pokémon . . . and don’t forget that
Relicanth is a Basic as
is one of those cards that seems
useful in theory, but when you look more closely, you
get a better idea of just how easily a good opponent
will play around its effect. Of course, it might cause a
bit of inconvenience to a bad player, but then you don’t
really need to waste space on tech Stage 2s to beat
players like that do you?
It’s really a binder card . . . but it’s one you should
definitely want in your binder because the artwork is
stunningly beautiful.
Modified: 1.75 (if only it was as good as it looks)
Limited: 3 (moderately useful, but Stage 2)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today we continue down
the list of HS Triumphant cards with another rare from
the set. Today's Card of the Day is Pidgeot.
Pidgeot is a Stage 2 Colorless Pokemon. Colorless
Pokemon are great because they can easily be fit into
any deck, and can use any type of Energy for their
attacks. Additionally, one of the most common cards in
the Modified format (Garchomp C/Lv. X) is weak to
Colorless, so Pidgeot could hit it for Weakness. Pidgeot
has 120 HP, which is decent for a Stage 2, meaning that
it will usually be able to survive two hits. Lightning
Weakness is absolutely terrible in Modified, as Luxray
GL Lv. X will gladly OHKO. Fighting Resistance is
awesome against Machamp and Toxicroak G, and a free
retreat is also amazing.
There are once again two attacks, with one being a lot
more interesting than the other. The first, Headwind,
deals a rather weak 20 damage for [CC], but has a very
interesting effect. During your opponent's next turn,
each of their Active Pokemon's attacks costs [CC] more.
This sounds really great, but isn't so much in practice.
The effect of this attack is on the Defending Pokemon,
so all your opponent needs to do is retreat in order to
remove the effect. Since decks these days are all about
clever retreat, this significantly diminishes this
attack's usefulness. However, it is for the opposite
reason that this attack is great in Limited. Your
opponent will not be able to retreat as easily,
therefore they will have to waste precious resources in
order to attack, or sit there and do nothing.
Unfortunately, the damage output is a little low.
The second attack, Quick Attack, deals 40 damage with a
chance for 30 more if you flip heads for [CCC].
Definitely not worth it in Modified, but could
definitely see some play in Limited. I guess it is
noteworthy that it can OHKO a Garchomp C Lv. X if you
flip heads, but that's why we have Ambipom G and
Dragonite FB.
Modified: 1.5/5 Pidgeot has a horrible weakness and the
attacks don't do enough to compete here. Maybe if the
format ever slows down (such as after rotation), but not
right now.
Limited: 3.5/5 Colorless Energy requirements, free
retreat, and decent attacks make Pidgeot a pretty good
Pokemon for Limited. The attacks could be a little
stronger and you'll have to watch out for Lightning-type
heavy hitters like Magnezone Prime, but it's definitely
usable in most decks if you happen to pull it.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Pigeot (HS Triumphant)
Hey everyone, hope the holidays have been good to you.
I'm slowly working on the reviews I missed, but here is
a new one to let you know I haven't forgotten to write.
Pigeot looks like it has possibilities, but I'll discuss
that later. For now, the stats: 120 HP (better than
expected), Colourless typing, free retreat (awesome),
Lightning weakness (dang) and Fighting resistance. All
in all, Pigeot will survive a hit from anything but a
Luxray or a fully buffed attacker (Machamp, Tyranitar,
Charizard, Gyarados, the usual suspects) and will
frustrate Donphan and Machamp users with the resitance
as well as laying decent hits on all of the popular
dragons around. Just watch for Spiriomb and ghost who
will laugh at your pathetic attacks.
Now the attacks and abilities. Pigeot lacks any passive
abilities aside from looking intimidating (brilliant
artwork there, Suwama Chiaki! And to think I usually
don't like your work, I should kick myself) so the
attacks are what will make or break the card.
I look down and I say... damn, not enough damage. Quick
Attack is never good as the heavy attack on a card since
it always involves flips and this version gives you a
base of 40 damage with 30 extra damage for a Heads
result. At the cost of [c][c][c] it doesn't make the
grade even with a rigged coin.
Headwind is the much more powerful first attack, costing
[c][c] for 20 damage with the bonus of increasing the
Defending Pokemon's atack costs by [c][c] during your
opponent's next turn. Obviously switching out cancels
the effect, but it still means your opponent has to burn
cards getting their attacker out of and back into the
Active slot in the same turn, or facing the fact that
they have lost their attack. Combo this with Vileplume
UD to prevent the aforementioned trainer-based
switching, and you can enjoy a maniacle laugh as you
watch your opponent relise that their plan to drop a DCE
and smack your Pokemon into orbit is suddenly worthless.
The damage is pitful (I expect 30, and 40 would have
been both justifiable and entering into playable range)
so I don't expect to see this at tournament level
anytime soon, but players who like to mess with their
opponent's heads should seriously look at this card and
test it in a few friendly matches. Maybe stall decks are
making a tentative comeback? I'd say that isn't going to
happen (best defence is a good offence, yada yada yada)
but it is something to consider.
I would like to see more cards with this mechanic, the
only others I've seen were Azelf MT and Igglybuff HGSS,
both of which were pretty ineffective because they only
added 1 extra energy to the opponent's attack cost
(though Azelf was okay, since it was a Pokebody and not
an attack but the LA version still crowded it out).
In the end, Pigeot is a card that can be splashed into
any deck that uses Rare Candy and Double Colourless
Energy but the attacks were printed the wrong way
around. Quick attack should cost 1 energy and do 20 plus
30 more on Heads while Headwind should either stay the
same or cost [c][c][c], depending on how much you want
to boost the damage. Conclusion: not fully playable, but
a damned fun card with which to annoy your opponent.
Modified: 2 (could go up in the next rotation if the
reversal of power creep continues in the future sets
with both Rare Candy and DCE still in the card pool, but
for now it is just decent to own, enjoyable to look at
and fun to play occasionally against the newbies)
Limited: 3 (if you can get it out, you can really annoy
your opponent with Headwind and it is splashable)
Combos with: Vileplume UD
conical |
12/29/10: Pidgeot (Triumphant)
Hello, Gyarados counter?
Let's ignore Quick Attack; it's not that good. Let's
talk instead about Headwind, which for CC deals 20
damage and increases the energy cost for the Defending
Pokemon's next attack. For most decks, this is more of
an annoyance than a lasting problem. That said, Gyarados
runs like, 8 energy? Meaning that Headwind could pose a
problem to a deck with such a low energy count. And then
they topdeck a Warp Energy, and Pidgeot is no more. The
problem with Pidgeot is that even with Headwind, it
doesn't deal enough damage to bother even Gyarados that
much. It could help against a Gyarados that ran no
energy(not a good idea!), but otherwise, I wouldn't
recommend using this.
Modified: 2.25/5
Limited: 3.25/5 |