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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Sharpedo #30/102
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Dec. 30, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.20
Limited: 3.70
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
We end the year with what I consider to be the single
most frightening Pokémon card in the entire format, or
maybe even in the history of the TCG.
It’s not scary in the way that big mean-looking Pokémon
like Dialga and
Tyranitar are scary.
It’s not scary in the way that powerful cards like
Luxray GL LV X, with their
ability to destroy your set up are scary.
In fact, most of the card is anything but scary: a 90 HP
Stage 1 with horrible Lightning Weakness and a bog
standard ‘Rage’ style attack for
three energy? That has ‘meh’
written all over it.
Nope, the reason Sharpedo is
such a frightening prospect is all down to its Strip
Bare attack. For one Dark Energy, this has an
uninteresting base damage of 20, but an effect which
could very well end a game there and then. Basically,
you flip two coins and if both of them are heads your
opponent discards their entire hand.
Yep, you read that right . . . pull off the flips and
your poor opponent loses every card they hold and gets
put on top decks from that moment on. Combine a
successful Sharpedo flip
with a card like Slowking
HGSS or Chatot G to fix that
top deck, and you have
virtually guaranteed that your opponent will never
recover. You may now proceed to win the game any way you
Of course, I’m not actually going to recommend that you
enter a tournament with Sharpedo
hand disruption as your main strategy. I can’t even
claim that it combos well with other disruption cards
like Weavile UD and Cyrus’s
Initiative: if Sharpedo
works, you won’t even need them,
if it doesn’t then it’s just wasted space. If I’m
honest, I don’t really think that
Sharpedo belongs in anything other than the
world’s most annoying casual/League deck, due to the
fact that Strip Bare, although pretty much made of
greatness, is extremely unreliable.
Nevertheless, if you are ever sitting opposite an
opponent who utters the words ‘evolve to
Sharpedo, attach Darkness
Energy’ before picking up a couple of dice . . . well,
then be afraid . . . be very afraid . . .
Modified: 2 (if it works, you win . . . but that’s a big
risk to take)
Limited: 3.75 (both attacks are pretty good here)
Combos with . . .
Well that’s it for 2010. Happy New Year to everyone, and
don’t forget to check back in 2011 for more reviews!
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Sharpedo (HS Trimuphant)
We finish the year with another, if not playable, at
least interesting card from the new set. Presenting the
steroid-powered Jaws of Steel, Sharpedo!
Sadly, Sharpedo never gets much love because despite the
ingenuity and talent that went into designing the
original character, it just doesn't cut it competitively
in the cards or the video games (something about a lack
of attack power and crappy movepool). Added to that is
the fact that the dual Dark/Water typing and red
eyes makes it a natural villain, which means the anime
doesn't showcase Sharpedo the way it deserves either.
Maybe that is changing? Probably not, but I still like
the card.
The vital statistics: Dark type (yay!) Stage 1 (not a
good thing at this time in the game) with 90 HP,
Lightning weakness and a retreat cost of 1. Summary:
Lightning techs and Luxray are death to the shark, while
other pokemon won't find it difficult to get an OHKO
either due to lack of resistance and low HP (100 is what
you want on a Stage 1 nowadays, though 90 is on par for
most Stage 1 Pokmon, especially the faster ones). And
there is no excuse for the retreat cost, Sharpedo should
get free retreat in deference to its speed stat in the
video games and the lack of other good stats on this
particular card.
Now the attacks, and Sharpedo gets 2. Strip Bare has a
cost of [d] and deals 20 damage (about right,
considering the boost from Special Dark energy) with 2
coin flips. If both are Heads, your opponent loses their
entire hand to the discard pile. Unless you opponent is
playing Gyarados and their hand is full of magikarp at
the time, this is definitely a good thing but the fact
that it will only happen in a 1/4 of games (you
generally won't get a second shot) means Sharpedo needs
something more to push into the 'Playable' category.
Though this attack does help Sharpedo's survivability,
since your opponent will suddenly be out of options and
probably be unable to strike back if the attacks works.
Now the second attack. Rage is an ancient standard, and
this version follows the pattern faithfully. At the cost
of [d][c][c] you get 50 damage, plus 10 more damage for
each damage counter on Sharpedo. Considering the extra
damage you can give Dark Pokemon, this attack can hurt
but the problem is that Sharpedo will usually go form
full health to the grave in a heartbeat, so it is a huge
risk spending the Special energy (either Dark or Double
Colourless) on Sharpedo since there is no way to
retrieve them in the current format and adding Expert
Belt is also a risk as it is unlikely you will take more
prizes than you give up, though fans of the Twins and
Black Belt supporter cards might want to try it.
In the end, Sharpedo doesn't have the staying power to
be a viable choice in a Drak deck, even as a tech,
though a fun deck revolving around it and the Spiritomb
from the same set is a fun way to spend an hour at
League. Since you are most likely wondering what I mean
by that last statement, my idea is that you drop
Spiritomb and use its Poke-power to force your opponent
to shuffle and draw a hand of 6 cards, then rig your
coin and make them discard the lot. Rinse and repeat to
mill your opponent's deck to tatters, alongside other
fun cards like Slowking HGSS and Primeape SV.
Modified: 1.75 (fun, but nowhere near playable. If it
was a Tyranitar with stats to match and these attacks,
then you'd have a real contender!)
Limited: 3.5 (even without Special Dark energy in the
set,Sharpedo is cheap and nasty while the low damage in
Limited will allow Rage to hit big twice, maybe even 3
times, especially if you get lucky and discard your
opponent's hand early)
Combos with: Spiritomb TM |
conical |
12/30/10: Sharpedo (Triumphant)
You feeling lucky, punk? Well, do ya?
Let's cut to the chase. Strip Bare does D for 20, with a
nice effect for 2 heads. Now, it's a very flippy attack,
and no one should use an attack with a 25% chance of
having a good effect. That being said, I pity the fool
who plays against this, especially if the other guy
flips two heads. No deck likes having their hand
discarded. None. Not Luxchomp, not Vilegar, not even
decks like Gyarados and Charizard, who ordinarily like
discarding, like having their hand discarded. Then
again, you could topdeck an Uxie, or a Collector for an
Uxie. Good luck with that.
It's not something I'd rely upon, but underrating this
card is like asking to suffer humiliating defeat in the
early rounds of some major tournament. With that in
Modified: 2.75/5
Limited: 3.75/5
Combos With: Loaded dice
P.S. Oh right, this is the last Pojo COTD for the year.
Have a good new year, and we'll try to bring quality-ish
card of the day for 2011 too. |