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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Rapidash #8/102
HS Triumphant
Date Reviewed:
Dec. 6, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.70
Limited: 2.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Hello and welcome to a week of mostly
interesting cards here on
CotD. Two
things: first of all, I said ‘mostly’,
and secondly ‘interesting’ does not
always equal ‘good’.
We kick off with
Rapidash, a Pokémon whose card
art is almost always much more exciting
than the card itself.
gets itself off to a bad start by being
a 90 HP Stage 1. It has Water Weakness,
but I wouldn’t worry too much about
that, as Gyarados
can easily OHKO this thing anyway. The
Retreat cost of one isn’t a burden, but
all the other
Rapidash in the format have free
Retreat, which makes you wonder what’s
going on here . . . is the card so good
that they has to balance it out somehow?
In a word . . . no.
It does come with a PokeBody though:
Fiery Spirit gives
Rapidash immunity from the
Confusion Status Condition. Now I won’t
go so far as to call this
completely useless, but seeing as
Confusion is a) rarely used (ok, there
are a few
Roserade UL decks out there) and
b) not very effective, it’s pretty
You also get a single attack, Ring of
Fire, which costs [R][C][C].
Ok, you can use Double Colourless, but
still, a single three Energy attack on a
low HP Stage 1 is going to be a killer
blow to this card’s chances of
playability unless it does
one million damage
to all of your opponent’s benched
Pokémon, or something equally broken.
It will come as no surprise to learn
that it doesn’t. Instead you get a very
sub-par 50 damage, auto-Burn, and the
effect of making the Defending Pokémon
unable to Retreat next turn.
Obviously this is an attempt to create
some kind of locking card, trapping an
opponent’s Pokémon active until it gets
KO’d by the attack or Burn damage.
Unfortunately, there are so many ways
around the lock (Evolution, Poke Turn,
SSU, Warp
Energy), and
Rapidash is so slow and feeble,
that the strategy is not really a viable
one. Sure, you could partner it with
Vileplume UD
to try and cut off some routes of
escape, but even that’s hardly
foolproof, and there are several other
Pokémon I would use over
Rapidash in
a deck like that (we’ll be looking at
one later this week).
This is by no means the nicest looking
Rapidash in
the format and you know what? The art is
still better than the card.
Modified: 1.5 (I’ll give it an extra .25
for effort)
Limited: 2 (still a bit slow, even here)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! I hope you all did well
at your City Championships if you had one these past few
weeks, as I know that I had a great time judging the one
in my area. If you are still testing for an upcoming
tournament, good luck to you as well! Anyway, this week
we are continuing our reviews of new cards from the HS
Triumphant expansion. Today's Card of the Day is a Rare
version of a Pokemon that TPCi seems to print a lot of
(at least in my opinion). Today's COTD is Rapidash TM.
Rapidash is a Stage 1 Fire Pokemon. Aside from Blaziken
FB and Charizard decks, Fire Pokemon are rarely seen in
our current Modified metagame. 90 HP for a Stage 1 is
pretty decent, though is still probably low enough to be
worrisome. Water Weakness is annoying, as Gyarados and
Kingdra will easily hurt Rapidash a lot. No Resistance
is the worst kind, and a Retreat Cost of 1 is fairly
decent, but can be easily paid with Switch, Warp Point,
or Unown Q.
As for abilities, Rapidash has a Poke-Body and a single
attack. Fiery Spirit, the Body, simply states that
Rapidash can't be Confused. This is decent enough,
though Confusion is not really a common Special
Condition seen in Modified, so it is of limited
usefulness in that format. However, Confusion does show
up a bit more in Limited, so the body is useful here.
The attack, Ring of Fire, deals 50 damage for [RCC],
automatically burns, and prevents the opponent from
retreating during your opponent's next turn. The
secondary effect of this attack is great, but I can't
help that it should have done a bit more damage for the
cost. Additionally, the three-energy cost is what is
probably going to keep this from being played in
Modified. Blaziken FB can burn the opponent and force a
switch for a single Fire Energy, which is often more
beneficial than burning your opponent's Active and then
keeping them out. Blaziken FB is also an SP, meaning
that it is a Basic and gets lots of SP support, making
this a better choice than Rapidash in most cases.
Modified: 1.75/5 Rapidash probably doesn't have enough
going for it to make a splash in the Modified metagame,
although Ring of Fire could be potentially useful.
Limited: 3/5 I like Rapidash here, because Ring of Fire
can be potentially debilitating for your opponents.
Grass is a very common type in Triumphant too, allowing
for Rapidash to prey on a common weakness. Additionally,
requiring only one Fire Energy for its attack allows for
decent splashability.

Otaku |
is a Fire Pokémon, which is neither a
surprise nor super useful right now.
I’ve seen a lot of Fire Weak
decks, but they were my own,
experimental ones.
At least Fire does enjoy some
solid support (specialized draw and
Energy acceleration), so it isn’t all
Rapidash is a Stage 1 Pokémon so it
needs to be stronger than most Basic
Pokémon and faster into play than most
Stage 2 Pokémon: unlikely given the
current state of the game.
90 HP is the minimum I find
“playable”, and I am starting to
question that.
decks just need a little luck to hit
OHKO something with 90 HP, and can
regularly two-hit KO it within the first
few turns of the game.
It also means a damage doubling
Weakness to Water hurts;
Gyarados decks formidable and more
importantly, seeing a resurgence in play
now that
Junk Arm makes it (comparably) easy
to get
Magikarp into the discard pile.
No Resistance is disappointing,
as is the single Energy Retreat Cost.
The lack of Resistance is
expected, but
Rapidash is a “fast” Pokémon.
A single Energy is easy enough to
pay, but with the minimal (playable) HP,
the designers should have just let it
retreat for free.
the latter is still disappointing, but
technically “good”.
has a Poké-Body and a single attack,
normally a promising combination.
The Poké-Body would normally hold
the most promise for a card, but this
one simply blocks Confusion.
Nice, but unlikely to help most
of the time.
The name/effect combination fits
general country music themes (especially
on an equine Pokémon), but that isn’t
the obvious Johnny Cash reference.
It’s the attack, Ring of Fire.
That is perhaps Johnny Cash’s
most famous song.
The attack named after it
requires (RCC) and does 50 damage,
Burning the
Defending Pokémon and preventing it from
retreating during your opponent’s next
Evolving sheds both Burn and the
retreat blocking effect, as would use of
a Trainer like
Switch, so the attack has to rely
its damage.
50 for (RCC) is a hair low for an
“end of the line” Stage 1 Pokémon, but
at least not by more than 10 or 20
It redeems the attack a little
that it can use
Double Colorless Energy to speed
things up.
This is the only attack it
has, so it needs to come quickly.
There are three other
Technically there is a fourth,
but it is
Rapidash E4, so it is a Basic
Pokémon and doesn’t compete for the same
slots in the deck.
I’ll be brief: if you are running
Rapidash at all, you’re going to run
the version from Arceus due to its
anti-Pokémon SP Poké-Body.
I don’t think that card is good
enough to anchor a deck, and would
probably only be run as a 2-2 line,
meaning you wouldn’t even use this
version for facing down non-SP decks.
If you did decide to build a deck
around this, go with the Arceus set’s
version of
Ponyta, as it has an attack that
lets you search out and Evolve into
Rapidash for a single Energy.
The Triumphant
Ponyta is vanilla and underpowered.
Like so many cards reviewed lately, it
actually is pretty good for Limited
play, mostly because it is protected
from Confusion (which is more dangerous
when it does show up), only needs one
Fire Energy (making it easier to run
with other types), inflicts a Special
Condition (Burn), and most importantly,
shuts off the ability to retreat, even
if it is just through an attack.
Retreating is very important in
Limited, as it often will be used as a
form of Prize denial.