Bronzong LV 45
Hi and welcome to another week of Pojo’s CotD.
Prereleases for the new HGSS set are well under way now,
so this gives us just one last week to mop up a few
stragglers from the Arceus set. Did we miss any
undiscovered gems? Keep reading to find out!
We kick off the week with Bronzong LV 45.
It’s Metal Type, which is always good as you can toughen
it up with Special Metal Energy. 90 HP is pretty
ordinary these days on a Stage 1. It has a horrible
Weakness (Fire) and a great Resistance (Psychic), so
that balances out, I suppose. The Retreat cost of three
is no surprise, but that doesn’t make it any less
terrible. Basically, this is active until it gets KO’d
(assuming you wouldn’t want to waste a Warp Point on
Bronzong’s first attack, Wide Laser, is actually pretty
decent. 10 spread to all of your opponent’s Pokémon for
[M] is a good deal. It could even have some uses in
combination with cards that just spread to
already-damaged Pokémon like Gallade 4 and Gengar LV X.
It is certainly more usable than Hyper Beam, Bronzong’s
second attack, which does 50 for [C][C][C] and gives you
a flip to discard an Energy from the Defending Pokémon.
That’s way overcosted in today’s format and even the
Energy discard, if it hits, is not always so effective
given the popularity of low-Energy attackers at the
Sadly, the spread attack alone isn’t enough to make
Bronzong playable. There are better spreaders around (Abomasnow,
Manectric PL, Bronzong MD), and even those don’t see
much play these days thanks to the amount of healing in
the format (Nidoqueen RR, Garchomp C LV X).
So you are left with a second-rate card in a format
which is hostile to it. Not much to recommend here.
Modified: 1.75 (when spread becomes playable again, use
something else)
Limited: 3.25 (actually good here: cheap spread and
Colourless second attack can be very effective)