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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
HeartGold & SoulSilver
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.17
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Jumpluff (HGSS)
Today we get to review one of the really hyped cards
from HGSS – Jumpluff.
Why is Jumpluff hyped? Because players took one look at
Mass Attack and thought; ‘OMG! Attach Expert Belt and do
140 damage for one Energy!!11shiftone1!’. (No-one pays
any attention to Leaf Guard, and neither will I).
Of course it isn’t as simple as that. What Mass Attack
does is 10 damage for every Pokémon in play (both yours
and the opponent’s). Combine that with Pichu HGSS,
though, and getting that 140 damage with Expert Belt
doesn’t seem so impractical, as Pichu has an attack
which invites both players to fill their Bench with
basic Pokémon.
Is there any downside at all to this strategy? It won’t
surprise anyone to learn that there are quite a few.
Firstly, the deck relies on very weak 30 HP Basics (Hoppip,
Pichu), and so can be donked on the first turn, or give
up easy prizes to snipe or spread decks. Secondly,
Jumpluff itself is not the sturdiest Pokémon, as it is a
90 HP Stage 2 with a double Fire Weakness. Thirdly,
Jumpluff has a natural enemy in Charizard AR, which just
loves to fill its bench with Fire Pokémon and OHKO
Jumpluff for one Energy, making it just as fast and a
whole lot tougher to knock out.
The most significant drawback, though, is that getting
your opponent to fill their Bench is inviting them to
get their deck fully set up. If for any reason you can’t
then get Jumpluff out fast enough to keep up with their
deck, you’ve lost.
So, does that mean that Jumpluff, like so many cards
before it, will fail to live up to the hype? Not
necessarily. Grass is possibly the best Supported type
in the Format, and the deck can be teched to cover some
of its failings. Metapod HGSS will remove the Fire
Weakness, for example, and Shaymin LV X can do something
about the abysmal HP.
I do expect Jumpluff to see quite a lot of play at
States. It is fast and can do big damage cheaply. That
makes it very viable in this format. How successful it
will be, we will have to wait to find out, but I
definitely think this is a deck that all players should
test and be prepared to face.
Modified: 4 (a tournament-level card, with a few
Limited: 3.25 (if you can get it out, great)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today's Card of the Day
is a personal favorite of mine from the HeartGold and
SoulSilver expansion, the Cottonweed Pokemon, Jumpluff.
Jumpluff is a Stage 2 Grass-type Pokemon. Being a
Grass-type is awful right now with all of the Blaziken
FB running about, but being Grass will get slightly
better once more people start running Rain Dance decks.
90 HP is pitifully low for a Stage 2, and is definitely
one of the low points of this card. Weakness to Fire is
horrible, Fighting resistance is great, and a Retreat
Cost of zero is fantastic.
Jumpluff has two attacks. The first attack, Mass
Attack, deals 10 damage for each Pokemon in play for
[G]. This attack is fairly costed and has ridiculous
combo potential. If you are looking to fill benches,
Pichu from HGSS works wonderfully, as it can fill both
benches for no cost. However, if your opponent figures
out this strategy, it won't be quite as effective. Even
still, most people run Claydol, Uxie, and other support
Pokemon on their benches quite often, so you should be
able to deal fairly decent damage every turn. Add in an
Expert Belt and a Shaymin Lv. X (Land Forme) as support,
and you have the beginnings of a very potent rogue deck.
Leaf Guard, Jumpluff's second attack, does 30 damage
for [G] and reduces the amount of damage Jumpluff takes
by 30 after applying Weakness and Resistance. Leaf Guard
isn't nearly as useful as Mass Attack in most
circumstances, as this is a format filled with one-hit
KOs. However, if you have Jumpluff active and there are
three or fewer Pokemon in play, it might be worth using.
Modified: 3.5/5 With an attack that abuses something
players do normally and with many ways of bringing
Pokemon into play, I think Jumpluff has a lot of
potential. Pichu HGSS was already mentioned, and
Sunflora HGSS can also be mentioned as Pokemon-based
acceleration for the Jumpluff deck, along with normal
draw engines like Claydol and Uxie. It's not all good
for Jumpluff, though: Low HP for a Stage 2 and a
horrible x2 Weakness to Fire can definitely ruin
Jumpluff's day. However, it is worth noting that a
Jumpluff holding an Expert Belt can one-hit KO a
Blaziken FB Lv. X if you have a full bench and your
opponent has two Benched Pokemon, which is a fairly
common scenario if your opponent has a Claydol and
something else. Furthermore, when Rain Dance decks start
being played more (and I think they will), Grass will
become a more popular type in order to counter
Feraligatr Prime.
Limited: 3/5 Stage 2s are hard to get out in Limited,
and Jumpluff is no exception. Cheap abusable attacks and
free retreat are great to have in Limited, and since the
format is slower, there will probably be many full
benches for Jumpluff to exploit. However, the low HP is
still a problem, and there are a few potent Fire-type
threats (Typhlosion, Ninetales, Arcanine) that will get
rid of Jumpluff in a hurry. Overall a solid pick.
BoDragon |
HeartGold & SoulSilver, #6
Today we look at the Grass-type Cottonweed Pokémon
Jumpluff from
HeartGold & SoulSilver.
Its first attack, Mass Attack, really wins me over upon
its first look. For {G}, it deals 10 damage times
the number of Pokémon you and your opponent have in
play. That single Energy can power an attack with
a base damage range of 20 to 120. With Jumpluff in
play and a field full of Pokémon, this becomes a lethal
attack that spells doom for someone.
Also requiring a {G}, its second attack, Leaf Guard,
deals 30 damage and any attacks done to Jumpluff on your
opponent's next turn is reduced by 30 after applying
Weakness and Resistance. This attack deals damage
and creates and opportunity to reduce incoming damage to
Jumpluff on your opponent's next turn. I would
recommend using this attack when Mass Attack is dealing
30 or less base damage because reducing any incoming
damage on the next turn is better than nothing;
otherwise, Mass Attack should be the dominant attack.
Jumpluff's free Retreat Cost is another plus for this
amazing Pokémon, allowing it to return to your bench to
allow another to finish the job for you.
I dislike its 90 HP, low for a Stage 2 evolved Pokémon,
but it is easily overshadowed by everything else that
makes Jumpluff great.
Modifed: 5/5
Broken Time-Space and Rare Candy will allow for quick
evolution to Jumpluff to begin its carnivorous assault.
Limited: 5/5
Professor Elm's Training Method will allow you to search
out Skiploom and Jumpluff to enable Jumpluff in play by
three turns.