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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Butterfree #16/123
HeartGold & SoulSilver
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.50
Limited: 3.10
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Butterfree (HGSS)
Butterfree is one of the original 151 Pokémon, and is
obviously a favourite of the people who design Pokémon
because they seem to re-make it for every new generation
(see Dustox, Beautifly, and Mothim for details).
This particular Butterfree has 120 HP which is ok, but
it’s ability to survive is not helped by a double
Weakness to Lightning which, as we all know, means easy
KOs for Luxray GL LV X. The Fighting Resistance is nice
though, especially if Donphan Prime sees as much play as
expected. The Free Retreat is excellent as always.
Almost all of the Butterfree that have ever been printed
come with some kind of healing ability, and this one is
no different. For the bargain price of [G], Cure Powder
removes three damage counters from all of your Pokémon.
Sounds pretty useful, doesn’t it? Especially late game,
or as a counter to spread decks. But then you realise
that Nidoqueen RR can do almost as good a job by just
sitting on the bench and removing 10 damage from all of
your Pokémon between turns. Building up a Stage 2 just
for some mass healing, at the cost of using your attack
for that turn, just isn’t worth it. It does too little
to advance the game state in your favour.
But don’t despair, Butterfree does have a second attack,
Whirlwind, which does 60 damage for [G][C][C] and forces
your opponent to switch. 60 for three Energy is barely
average these days and even though the attack is
disruptive, the disruption can sometimes favour the
opponent retreating their damaged Pokémon for them.
Because the opponent chooses which Pokémon to bring up,
there is little to stop them from simply pushing up a
free retreater like Chatot or Crobat and switching back
on their turn anyway.
I’m afraid that the bad double Weakness and sub-par
attacks means that Butterfree has taken a step back in
HGSS. The Butterfree from GE is still clearly superior.
And if you want a healer . . . just use Nidoqueen or
even the new Blissey Prime.
Modified: 1.5 (not totally useless, but way short of
being competitive)
Limited: 1.75 (if you go to all the trouble of evolving
a Stage 2, you would want more than this offers)
virusyosh |
Our first week of reviewing HeartGold and SoulSilver
cards ends with a review of Butterfree. Many people are
talking about how Metapod HGSS can be used as tech in
Grass decks, but how does Butterfree compare?
As most of you should know, Butterfree is a Stage 2
Grass Pokemon. Grass Pokemon aren't the best thing to be
right now with many counters running around, but they
have tons of support. Butterfree has 120 HP, which is a
bit standard for a Stage 2, but could afford to be a
little higher. Weakness to Lightning is generally bad
due to Luxray GL Lv. X, and like everything else in
HGSS, the Weakness is x2. Resistance to Fighting is to
be expected from a Flying Pokemon, and no Retreat Cost
is great.
Butterfree has no Powers or Bodies but two attacks.
The first attack, Cure Powder, removes 3 damage counters
from each of your Pokemon for [G]. Even though this
seems like it could be pretty good, but there are better
ways to heal spread damage, such as Nidoqueen RR,
Garchomp C Lv. X, and Blissey Prime, as their healing
does not require an attack on a Stage 2. The second
attack, Whirlwind, inflicts 60 damage for [GCC] and
switches if the Defending Pokemon is not Knocked Out.
Unfortunately, for the only damaging attack on a Stage
2, it is a bit weak.
Modified: 2/5 While Butterfree won't be useful as a
main attacker, it does provide some decent support
options. Butterfree's attacks are very interesting, but
they aren't really very powerful. If you're running
Metapod HGSS as a tech for your Grass deck, it may be
worth running a Butterfree. If not, Butterfree is
probably not worth running.
Limited: 2.5/5 Stage 2s are hard to get out in
Limited, but are usually really good when you do get
them out. The healing attack can actually be quite
useful here, and Whirlwind can work to provide decent
damage and disruption.
BoDragon |
For Friday, 2010-02-12:
HeartGold & SoulSilver, #16
Today, we look at another exciting Grass-type Pokémon
HeartGold & SoulSilver, the Butterfly
Pokémon Butterfree.
Butterfree has 120 HP and free Retreat Cost, both
allowing it to endure attacks and escape harm's way.
Curse Powder, its first attack for {G}, removes three
damage counters from each of your Pokémon. The
attack deals no damage, but it removes damage from your
damaged Pokémon who can use any such heal.
When you have built Butterfree up with Energy for two
additional turns, it will have power for its second
attack, Whirlwind. It does 60 damage for
{G}{C}{C}, and causes your opponent to switch the
Defending Pokémon with one of his or her Benched
Pokémon. This attack can easily knock our Pokémon
with 60 or less remaining HP; otherwise, your opponent
will be switching damaged Pokémon to his or her bench
for later sacrifice.
Notice Butterfree's weakness to Lightning-type Pokémon.
Luxray [GL], Raichu and Ampharos can give it trouble.
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 5/5