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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
HeartGold & SoulSilver
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.25
Limited: 2.85
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Smoochum (HGSS)
We end Baby Week with the pre-evolved form of Jynx. With
a name like Smoochum, maybe we should have reviewed it
on Valentine’s Day?
By this time, you should know what to expect from these
new Baby Pokémon: 30 HP, no Weakness, Retreat, or
Resistance, Sweet Sleeping Face, and a no-cost attack.
Smoochum is no different. So, what is Smoochum’s attack,
and will it be of any use? Well, just like the Neo
Revelation version, this Smoochum’s attack involves
Energy manipulation. Energy Antics has a very simple
effect: move an Energy from one of your opponent’s
Pokémon to another.
A simple effect, yes, but one that has been made more
complicated (and much better) by a recent ruling on
Ambipom G’s Tail Code attack. According to that ruling,
if you move an Energy from a Pokémon to a Pokémon with
Unown G attached, the Unown G prevents that Pokémon from
being affected. This means that the Energy has nowhere
to go and is sent to the Discard Pile instead. Because
of this, if your opponent has Unown G attached to any
Pokémon (and they most likely will if they don’t see
Smoochum coming), Energy Antics works exactly like
Energy Removal. Setting your opponent back a turn with
their Energy attachments is a great ability, especially
if they are relying on Special Energy like Special Metal
or Double Colourless Energy. Even if your opponent
doesn’t have Unown G out, moving Energy from an attacker
to something like an Azelf or even a Claydol, can be
almost as good as removing it altogether.
So, will Smoochum see any play as a result of this
ruling? It does have one advantage over Ambipom G in
that it can move Energy from any Pokémon, while Ambipom
G can only do it to the Defending Pokémon. Ambipom G,
however, has much higher HP and is mainly included in
decks as a tech which can score OHKOs against Garchomp C
LV X. This greater versatility means that it will
usually be preferred to Smoochum, especially in SP
decks. Elsewhere, it is likely that most players will
prefer cards which help them set up, rather than set
back the opponent (although Spiritomb AR does both!),
but Smoochum might find a home somewhere as a tech
against decks which rely heavily on Double Colourless.
Modified: 2 (interesting and potentially useful, but not
worth inclusion in most decks)
Limited: 1.5 (no Unown G tricks, format is slow anyway)
virusyosh |
Happy end of the week, Pojoers! We end Baby Week by
reviewing yet another baby from the HeartGold and
SoulSilver expansion: the Kiss Pokemon, Smoochum.
Smoochum's top and bottom stats are the same as the
other HGSS babies: 30 HP, no Weakness, no Resistance, no
Retreat Cost. 30 HP is very low, but expected for a
baby. no Weakness is nice, no Resistance is meh, and no
Retreat Cost is great.
Also like the other babies, Smoochum has the Sweet
Sleeping Face Poke-Body, which prevents damage to
Smoochum from attacks while it is Asleep.
Smoochum's only attack, Energy Antics, can move an
Energy card from one of your opponent's Pokemon to
another for free, putting Smoochum to sleep afterward.
While not spectacular, the attack isn't so bad: it can
really mess with your opponent's Special Energy cards,
and can possibly deny them an attack if they can't move
the Energy back or attach a new one. For example,
stalling and moving Special Energy cards off of Dialga G
could be quite effective (albeit very risky on your
Modified: 2/5 Not the best, but could have some
potential. There are quite a few decks that run with
very few energy in Modified, and moving your opponent's
energy somewhere else could be potentially devastating
for these decks. Then again, Energy Antics is completely
useless against decks that have the ability to move
Energy, so it all depends on your opponent.
Limited: 3/5 I actually really like Smoochum here.
Most of the time, many people play 3 or more types in
Limited, so moving an Energy to a Benched Pokemon where
it won't be useful could be a great way of slowing down
your opponent and messing up their strategy. Then again,
it still has 30 HP and as such, can be taken out easily.
BoDragon Pokémon Organized Play Tournament Organizer, League Owner, Pokémon Professor and Judge
Pokémon Card of the Day for Friday, 2010-02-19:
Smoochum (HeartGold & SoulSilver, #30)
HeartGold & SoulSilver expansion brings back
notable Basic Pokémon that are prevolved forms of other
Pokémon. These Pokémon are Cleffa, Igglybuff,
Pichu, Smoochum and Tyrogue. Unlike past
appearances, these Pokémon lack the ability to
evolve using any Baby Evolution Poké-Power into Clefairy,
Jigglypuff, Pikachu, Jynx, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee or
Cleffa, Igglypuff, Pichu, Smoochum and Tyrogue share the
same Poké-Body, Sweet Sleeping Face. Its effect is
as long as the Pokémon is Asleep, all damage to it is
prevented. These Pokémon stand good chances to be
Asleep as their attacks initiate the effect.
The statistics for each of these Pokémon are consistent.
They all share 30 HP, have no Weakness, have no
Resistance, and have zero Energy Retreat Cost.
Smoochum's Energy Antics attacks, for no Energy, moves
an Energy card attached to one of your opponent's
Pokémon to another of your opponent's Pokémon before
falling Asleep. This is useful to transfer Energy
off your opponent's Pokémon with high attack costs.
I fear is is more effective late game when your opponent
has burned through most of his or her Energy cards when
he or she needs to go on that knock out spree.
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 3/5

Otaku |
HeartGold & SoulSilver 30/123
Retreat Cost:
Sweet Sleeping Face
As long as Igglybuff is Asleep, prevent
all damage done to Igglybuff by attacks.
(0) Energy Antics
Move an Energy card
attached to 1 of your
opponent’s Pokémon to
another of your
opponent’s Pokémon.
Smoochum is now
Smoochum is a Basic Psychic Pokémon.
As of right now, there are no
Stage 1 versions of
Jynx so it’s all on
Igglybuff to earn its spot in decks.
You have to know your own
metagame to know if being Psychic will
matter: for the more mundane aspects of
Weakness and Resistance, it won’t matter
Igglybuff does no damage.
is still legal and
Smoochum enjoys immunity from the
As for
Smoochum’s own Weakness, Resistance,
and Retreat Cost… all three are nothing.
So the 30 HP and lack of
Resistance are the worst possible stats
for a Pokémon but the lack of Weakness
and free Retreat Cost are the best.
Bear in mind that at just 30 HP,
most levels of Weakness wouldn’t
especially matter: past the first turn
or two
Smoochum is a OHKO anyway.
The Poké-Body and Attack are
intertwined, like all the “Homage” Baby
Smoochum is Asleep, Sweet Sleeping
Face protects it from attack damage.
Quite a few ways to bypass that,
and of course you have to be Asleep:
barring other effects, there is a 50%
chance you’ll wake up between turns.
Energy Antics,
Smoochum’s only attack, puts it to
Sleep (again, like the attacks of all
the “Homage” Baby Pokémon), and due to
the Poké-Body, that’s a bonus instead of
a drawback.
Energy Antics can really wreck an
opponent’s plan by controlling their
Energy Attachment.
suffers though, since it is an attack
and is obviously occurring after
your opponent has had at least a turn of
use from it if it is on the Active.
Uses and
Smoochum ideally will force Energy
onto Pokémon that don’t need it, slowing
down your opponent while hiding behind
Sweet Sleeping Face.
I don’t know how well it will
work, though, since most opening Pokémon
need few Energy.
Your opponent attaches an Energy
card to their Active, and attacks… you
move it around but they still had that
Move it to something on their
Bench and if it can be built up, you’ve
helped them!
They have to have something (this
is sounding familiar) like an Homage
Baby (as I keep calling this newest
batch inspired by the Baby Pokémon of
the Neo sets) you can strand the Energy
on, where it won’t do them any good.
I could see running one and basically
“giving up a Prize” with it later in the
game if it means wrecking an opponent’s
mid or late game set up:
Smoochum throwing away a much needed
Special Energy that isn’t as easy to
If it allows you to then take a
Prize (or several) safely, it would be
worth it.
Peeking at other reviews, I see
something I almost missed: if the
opponent has
Unown G attached to a Pokémon, its
effect will kick in to “protect” the
Pokémon from the effect of
Smoochum’s attack… having an Energy
attached to it.
Granted, if it is on the
Defending Pokémon, it would be protected
2/5 – It really depends on being damage
proof to have a lasting impact on the
4/5 – Multiple Energy type decks plus
with less resources to deal with
anything equal
Smoochum being a rare.
I may seem down on
Smoochum, but I am just barely
getting back into the game.
If there is some genius combo I
am missing (I did merely miss
Unown G, after all) I’ll happily eat
I mean the more good cards in the
game, the better.
Right now though
Smoochum seems to be an expensive
way to manipulate the opponent’s Energy:
you’re giving up a slot in your deck,
your Active spot, and an attack…
possibly even a Prize!
The opponent doesn’t lose the
Energy anyway, so it might be useless in
the end as your opponent just plays
around it.