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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Graveler LV 37
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.33
Limited: 2.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Graveler LV 37
Stage 1 Pokémon that evolve are probably the hardest
cards to review. This is because, with certain very rare
situational exceptions like Vibrava RR, you don’t ever
want to have one in play. If you are playing a Golem
deck, you want to get Golem into play as quickly as
possible, using Rare Candy to bypass the Stage 1, or
Broken Time-Space for instant evolution. That’s why
people playing Stage 2 decks will almost always play
fewer copies of the Stage 1 than of the Basic or the
Stage 2.
But just supposing you are stuck with Graveler, for some
reason. Would that be a complete disaster? Well,
Graveler does have 90 HP, which is very good for an
evolving Stage 1, and might help it survive a turn while
you get the Golem out. It has a Grass Weakness, which is
one of the better ones to have at this moment (although
that could change), and it has a Resistance to Lightning
which is very good news, as this would be a difficult
Bright Look + KO for a Luxray LV X. The Retreat cost of
three is abysmal, however, even though you would never
want it active.
Graveler’s attacks are straightforward and not very
interesting. [C][C] gets you Tackle, which does an
underwhelming vanilla 30 damage. For [F][F][C] you get
Double-Edge. An expensive attack which does 70 damage to
the Defending Pokémon and 10 to Graveler itself.
Honestly, if you can’t get a Golem out by the time you
get three Energy on this, there is something very wrong
with your deck. This is an attack you shouldn’t have to
use. Ever.
So, as a Stage 1 that can take a hit if you are
absolutely forced to use it, Graveler is a decent card.
However it does nothing to make it more than a mere
stepping-stone towards its Stage 2 evolution.
Ultimately, the effectiveness of that Stage 2 decides
how playable Graveler is and Golem, while not terrible,
is most definitely not a top tier card.
Modified: 1.5 (ok for what it is but is just there to
Limited: 2 (fairly sturdy and 70 damage is handy in
virusyosh |
Hello again, Pojo readers! I hope you all are
enjoying the various HeartGold/SoulSilver Pre-release
events going on right now. Today we are reviewing the
Rock Pokemon from Arceus, Graveler Lv. 37.
Graveler is a Stage 1 Fighting Pokemon that evolves
from Geodude and evolves further into Golem. Thus, if
you are playing Graveler, you are most likely running it
for Golem or in a Limited format. Graveler has 90 HP,
which is pretty standard for an evolving Stage 1.
Weakness to Grass isn't so bad right now, but could end
up being a bigger problem as there are many potent Grass
Pokemon in HeartGold and SoulSilver. Resistance to
Lightning (i.e. Luxray GL Lv. X) is fantastic. A Retreat
Cost of 3 is really expensive, so Graveler is probably
staying out unless you Switch or Warp Point.
Graveler has two attacks. Tackle does 30 damage for
[CC], which is acceptable given the Colorless energy
requirements, and can be useful if you're waiting for a
Fighting Energy or Golem, and is also good if you don't
want to damage yourself with Double-Edge. Speaking of
Double-Edge, it does 70 damage for [FFC], and Graveler
does 10 damage to itself. 70 damage for 3 energy is
pretty solid on a Stage 1 that evolves further, but you
should be careful when using this attack because all of
the recoil damage could aid your opponent in getting a
quicker KO.
Overall, a generally solid Stage 1 evolution for your
Modified: 2.5/5 You would probably only use this here
to get a Golem out if you didn't have a Rare Candy. A
Golem AR / Bronzong SF deck or something similar might
be viable as a rogue deck or just something fun to try
at your league. Quite decent for a middle evolution.
Limited: 2/5 You're obviously going to run this if
you grab a Golem, and Colorless energy requirements are
great here, so Tackle can be splashed without much
trouble. Unfortunately, there are quite a few Grass
types here, so be careful if you're going to use it.
BoDragon |
Graveler LV.37
Platinum--Arceus, #37
The Fighting-type Pokémon Graveler is a traditional
hitter, and that is what we have with this latest entry.
Its first attack, Tackle, deals 30 damage for {C}{C}.
It is moderate damage, but the attack cost is high to
deal that much damage. It does give you an option to
deal damage when building up for the next attack,
waiting for Golem, or need that primary hitter.
Its second attack, Double-edge, deals 70 damage for
{F}{F}{C}, and Graveler does 10 damage to itself.
Graveler is meant to endure attacks while dishing out
heavy damage. This would be a balanced attack.
Its three Energy Retreat Cost is atrocious,
especially when Graveler is near being Knocked-Out. This
is tradinitional with Graveler and Golem. Super Scoop
Up, Switch and Warp Point are great uses to save
Graveler from additional pain.
90 HP is decent health for a Stage 1 Evolved Pokémon
to endure damage.
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 3/5