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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Ampharos #105/123
HeartGold & SoulSilver
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.25
Limited: 3.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Ampharos (Prime) HGSS
Hello, and welcome to Prime week on Pojo’s CotD.
So . . . now that we have moved from the DP block to the
HGSS block, LV X Pokémon are no more. Instead we have
Primes and Legends (I’m sure we will be reviewing the
Legends later, so I will hold off on saying anything
about them for now).
But what exactly are Pokémon Prime? Good question.
Unlike the LV X and EX Pokémon, Pokémon Prime don’t
appear to bring any new mechanics of their own to the
game. They just seem to be ‘super’ versions of final
stage evolutions with better attacks and/or Powers. They
don’t have ‘Prime’ included anywhere in their name (so
you can’t play four regular and four Prime versions of
the same Pokémon), and they evolve from their previous
Stage as normal. Pokémon Prime do have a snazzy new card
design and the artwork seems to focus on a close up of
the Pokémon’s head. The really good news about Pokémon
Prime though is that they don’t have that LV X rarity:
you can expect to get six in a sealed box, as opposed to
2-4 LV X. That’s great for players as it will be easier
(and cheaper!) for them to get hold of the cards they
We kick off our Prime reviews with Ampharos, one of my
favourite Pokémon from the Second Generation. He has a
massive 140 HP and he is going to need it as he also has
a x2 Weakness to Fighting (Sunnyshore Gym seems like a
must if you run him). Metal Resistance isn’t the most
useful, but it’s better than nothing, and the [C][C]
Retreat cost seems reasonable for this Pokemon, though
it is high enough to make playing Warp Point or Switch
worth your while.
Ampharos’ attack, Lightning Crush, is reasonably priced
at [L][C][C] (remember, Double Colourless Energy is
back!). It has a base damage of 40 and then requires you
to flip a coin. If you get heads you do another 40
damage; if you get tails, you get to discard an Energy
card from the Defending Pokémon. Obviously, both of
these extra effects could be extremely useful in certain
match ups and situations, and it is that fact that makes
Lightning Crush so very annoying because you are relying
on a coin flip to determine whether or not you make the
best play. For example, if you are playing against
Gyarados or Kingdra, you want the 80 damage, as the
Energy discard is practically useless against those
Lightning-weak Pokémon. On the other hand, against a
Gardevoir SW, you will want to hit tails so that you can
discard a Double Colourless Energy and make it difficult
for them to Psychic Lock you next turn. With Lightning
Crush, you don’t get to choose, so you risk making a
sub-optimal attack and throwing off your game plan.
Don’t write off Amphy yet, though, as he also has a nice
PokeBody which has some synergy with his attack. In
keeping with the retro feel of HGSS, Ampharos has the
same Conductivity PokeBody as the Old Dark Ampharos from
Neo Destiny. It states that, whenever your opponent
attaches an Energy card, you get to place a damage
counter on that Pokémon. This is a nifty way of
spreading damage around, and could combine well with
Ampharos SW which places a counter on all of your
opponent’s Pokémon whenever they use a Supporter.
Good enough to make a top tier deck, though? I doubt it.
The presence of Nidoqueen and Garchomp C LV X in the
format mean that spreading damage is often a futile
effort, not to mention that Ampharos Prime, like all
Amphys is shut down by Dialga G LV X. Another factor is
the sheer number of decks that have very minimal Energy
requirements and are therefore not bothered by the
discard effect of Lightning Crush nor the damage counter
from Conductivity: Kingdra, Gyarados, Jumpluff, Beedrill,
and Donphan all fall into this category.
Basically, the format right now is just not friendly to
Ampharos, and often will not allow you to make the most
of his rather neat abilities. Amphy fans will be hoping
that this changes in the future.
Modified: 2.5 (For now, it’s a cute but unreliable tech
. . . typical Ampharos)
Limited: 3 (hard to get out, but the inconsistency won’t
matter so much here)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! This
week we are reviewing 5 of the new Pokemon Prime cards
in the new HeartGold and SoulSilver expansion. If you
didn't know, Pokemon Prime are nothing more than
super-powered versions of normal fully-evolved Pokemon.
Our week kicks off by reviewing the Light Pokemon,
Ampharos is a Stage 2 Lightning Pokemon. With the
release of HeartGold and SoulSilver, Lightning got more
powerful, but also gained a few major weaknesses.
Ampharos Prime has 140 HP, which is a decent amount for
a Stage 2. Double weakness to Fighting is awful, as
Machamp SF is still common and Donphan Prime is probably
going to become VERY popular. Resistance to Metal is
great, as Dialga G is still common. A Retreat Cost of 3
is terrible, so make sure that you have a Switch, Warp
Point, or Super Scoop Up handy.
Ampharos Prime has a Poke-Body and a single attack. The
Poke-Body, Conductivity, places a damage counter on your
opponent's Pokemon when your opponent places a damage
counter on it.
This power has a lot of use against most decks that use
a lot of energy, but isn't quite as useful against decks
that use a low number of energy, such as Kingdra,
Gyarados, and Jumpluff. This power also has a lot of
combo potential, working well with Garchomp SV to lock
down your opponent's energy, and also can work with
Electivire Lv. X for further damage from Energy
placement, and Ampharos PT to lock down Poke-Powers.
There are probably quite a few other combos that
Ampharos Prime can be a part of, as well.
Ampharos' only attack, Lightning Crush, does 40 damage
for [LCC], adding 40 if you flip heads and discarding an
Energy if you flip tails. 80 damage for 3 energy and no
drawback is fantastic, and the potential energy discard
will also work to your advantage with Conductivity.
Overall, a fairly good attack.
Modified: 3/5 I think Ampharos has quite a good deal of
potential. While Ampharos Prime/Garchomp SV might be a
little slow to take many major tournaments, but all of
the Primes released thus far in HGSS are worth playing,
and Ampharos is no exception. Just stay very far away
from Machamp SF and Donphan Prime.
Limited: 3.5/5 Stage 2s are hard to get out, but if you
can get it out, you're probably going to win. However,
Ampharos is prone to getting badly damaged by Donphan
Prime or even Sandslash, so just make sure to get rid of
your opponent's Fighting Pokemon before you sweep.

Otaku |
Today is a special day.
First and foremost, it’s George
Washington’s birthday!
He was quite a guy, and if you’re
unfamiliar with him you owe it to
yourself to study up on him (especially
It is also my younger sister’s
Happy birthday, Jennie!
I’d love to go into great depth about
today’s CotD, but time is not on my
Ampharos Prime just looks like too
much fun for me to ignore, so I’ll be
giving a concise (by my standards)
overview of the card.
I see solid stats given what has and
hasn’t returned to the “classic” style
for attributes, so that seems unlikely
to determine if this card is worth
What I do see is another blast
from the past, Conductivity.
This time around the Poké-Body is
good for a single damage counter when
Energy is attached from hand to an
opponent’s Basic Pokémon, but at least
it will work for every attachment from
hand and (I am hoping) it stacks.
I couldn’t find a ruling on it,
but we all learned a long time ago how
imprecise language can be… especially
when playing a TCG where the cards are
originally in a different language.
As long as it stacks,
Conductivity is a great reason to play
this card: if you can get two or three
on your bench, your opponent will be
hurting quite a bit.
The attack isn’t bad either:
Lightning Crush has a low damage yield,
especially for a Stage 2 “Prime”
Pokémon, but excellent effects.
You flip a coin and if heads, you
do 40 plus 40 for 80 points of damage,
or if its tails you get to discard an
Energy card attached to the Defending
LCC for 80 is still nothing to
write home about, but again assuming
Conductivity stacks, two or three
Ampharos Prime will make that into a
OHKO for many Pokémon.
40 won’t KO a lot of Pokémon, but
again if we are able to stack
Conductivity, your opponent may not be
able to afford the damage attaching a
replacement Energy would do.
All in all, this looks like a great
example of
Ampharos best tricks.
The scores assume I am correct
and the effect of Conductivity stacks.
So paranoid am I about card
wording that I will add you should drop
the Modified score by a full point if it
doesn’t and the Limited score by half a