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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Meganium #109/123
HeartGold & SoulSilver
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.50
Limited: 3.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Meganium (Prime) HGSS
Our final Prime Pokémon of the Week is Meganium. There
doesn’t seem to have been a decent Meganium card in ages
(if ever). Will bumping it up to Prime status change all
The first thing you notice about Meganium is its HP. At
150, it’s massive. Because Meganium is a Grass Pokémon,
it can take advantage of Shaymin LV X to boost that HP
to a ridiculous 190. Add an Expert Belt and . . . well
you get the picture. It even has a Resistance to Water,
making it an impossibly tough KO for something like
Kingdra. Even Gyarados will struggle to take one of
these down. But what about that nasty x2 Fire Weakness?
Well, Grass decks now have a new way of dealing with
that too, thanks to Metapod HGSS and its Green Shield
It should be clear by now that Meganium with the right
support is an enormous tank. Not unlike Torterra, in
fact. It also has a useful PokePower in Leaf Trans,
which lets you move your Grass Energy around the Field
as much as you like. Combine this with Blissey Prime,
and getting a KO on Meganium will prove a frustrating
experience. It’s attack, Solarbeam, is a vanilla 80 for
[G][G][C][C]. That’s a high cost for a pretty ordinary
damage output, but again, Grass support comes to the
rescue in the shape of Sceptile GE, which makes your
Grass Energy count double.
As usual, though, Meganium is nowhere near as good in
practice as it sounds in theory. All that Grass support
(Sceptile, Metapod, Shaymin) makes the deck slow,
inconsistent, and vulnerable to decks which snipe the
bench, or drag out Pokémon for the KO. Not only that,
but a single Dialga G LV X will simply turn off all of
those crucial PokeBodies that Meganium relies on. If you
can get Meganium and all his friends out, while
protecting your bench, then you have a deck that will be
very hard to defeat. The trouble is that that is a very
big ‘if’ in today’s format.
Modified: 2.5 (Nice tank, but underpowered and slow)
Limited: 3.25 (low damage not such a problem here)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo! Today we are ending our week of
reviewing Pokemon Prime cards by reviewing Meganium
Prime from the HeartGold and SoulSilver expansion.
Meganium is a Stage 2 Grass Pokemon. Grass Pokemon
aren't really played that often right now due to the
prevalence of Blaziken FB and a few other Fire types,
but will probably rise if Rain Dance becomes popular and
if other Grass Pokemon (such as Jumpluff) become more
common. Meganium has 150 HP, which is pretty great for a
Stage 2. Weakness to Fire is as awful as always, a
Resistance to Water is great for Kingdra, Gyarados, and
Feraligatr, and a Retreat Cost of 2 isn't terrible for a
large Stage 2, but it's still probably better to Switch
or Warp Point.
Like many other Primes, Meganium has a Poke-Power and
a single attack. Meganium's Power, Leaf Trans, is very
similar to Base Set Venusaur's Energy Trans, and allows
you to move a Grass Energy attached to one of your
Pokemon to another one of your Pokemon. Leaf Trans has
some immediate potential: When combined with Sceptile AR
(Green Breath), Leaf Blast has the potential to do a lot
of damage, and can do even more if you can manage to get
a Sceptile GE in play. A less consistent combo could be
with Exeggutor HGSS, doing something similar to Sceptile
AR, but with coin flips. In general, Meganium Prime can
work either with or in place of Sceptile GE to
manipulate your Grass energies, and this will be even
more important for slower Grass-type evolution decks
when Sceptile rotates out later this year. Finally,
there are a few other interesting Grass types coming out
in the next set, like Vileplume.
Meganium's attack, Solarbeam, deals a straight 80
damage for [GGCC]. The attack is a really expensive
without Sceptile GE, and isn't really all that
Modified: 2.5/5 Meganium can make a nice support
Pokemon in slower Grass evolution decks, but Sceptile GE
is still probably better until it rotates out. Some
decks may have the space to run both, but it might be a
bit too crowded. Still the Power is useful, and it does
have high HP. The Meganium/Sceptile AR deck may also be
fun rogue deck, but it is probably a bit too slow to be
Limited: 3/5 Leaf Trans can be fantastic here even if
you don't mainly run Grass, and 150 HP is great. Still,
the Fire weakness is a problem, and the attack costs 4

Otaku |
Since I’ve been in a "Transformers"
frame of mind all week while reviewing
the Pokémon “Prime” and today’s Card is
a plant, I’ll just say “I hate Botanica”.
I also won’t be doing a text spoiler or
following my normal formatting: I simply
don’t have the time.
It’s an abridged review or
nothing, so I went with the former.
Prime revives the old Poké-Power Energy
Trans as Leaf Trans.
Except we have a card with Energy
Trans that is still legal, so it isn’t
much of a revival.
With either name, the Poké-Power
is handy but has never spawned a
prominent deck.
Several decks have sought to use
and abuse Energy/Leaf Trans, but
something else always seemed to outshine
Part of the problem is that the
best Grass Pokémon I can think used low
Energy attacks.
Well, at least the big ones that
carried their own deck.
I want
Meganium Prime to break this
pattern, but I don’t think its
The best way to run this card
that I can think of is partnering it up
with… you guessed it,
Blissey Prime.
Blissey isn’t the hardest hitter,
but it will provide a decent back up
Pokémon while blessing you with its
healing Blissful Nurse.
Combined with Leaf Trans, you
should be able to shift your Energy off
injured Pokémon, heal and shunt it right
back to them.
isn’t impossibly huge or hard hitting.
The combo suffers if something
with Energy does get KO’d, and you still
have to take the time to power up
For this to work you need to be
fueling something as big as
Wailord so that you can easily heal
between turns, or some effect where you
can jack up your damage by injuring your
own Benched Pokémon (but it can’t be all
of them or again, the combo falls
I suppose a tag out effect could
also work… but again, you have to have
every Pokémon capable of surviving and
at least one remain uninjured so you can
pull off the combo.
In the end, it’s a lot of “ifs” and I
was dealing with hypothetical cards that
don’t even exist yet, or that require
such a complex combo you’ll need two
decks to fit them all in.
I think the only way
Meganium will see play is if we get
something good to combo with it in the
future, or if something like
Feraligatr is dominant.