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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Beedrill [G] LV.56
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 2.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Beedrill G LV 56
Quite possibly the last SP Basic to be released,
Beedrill G needs to be very good indeed to be worthy of
a spot in SP decks, which already have a plethora of
excellent Pokémon at their disposal.
Is it going to make the grade?
Ummm . . . sadly, no.
Beedrill does have an ok 80 HP. Unfortunately, it also
has a X2 Fire Weakness and a Retreat cost of one which
seems unnecessarily high for a card like this, for some
It also has two attacks. The first, Raid, does 10 damage
for [G]. That’s just poor, but, if Beedrill G was played
from the hand that turn, the damage is increased to 40.
While 40 for [G] seems like good value, it really isn’t
enough to worry most Pokémon these days, except for the
occasional very low HP evolving Basic. What’s worse, you
can’t even use the effect to get a turn 1 KO if Beedrill
G was your starting Pokémon. The second attack, Fury
Attack, is even worse. If you really want to put 3
Energy (or two and an Energy Gain) on Beedrill you can
use a completely flippy attack that does 0, 30, 60, or
90 damage, depending on how lucky you are. Coin flip
attacks are usually something to be avoided, and ones
that can end up doing nothing are to be avoided like the
plague. Yuk . . . basically.
Poor Beedrill G . . . one of the last, and least, of the
SP Pokémon.
Modified: 1.25 (Conditional 40 for one saves it from the
lowest possible score)
Limited: 1.5 (eh . . . most things aren’t quite so bad
in Limited)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today we are looking at
one of the last SP Pokemon to be released, Arceus's
Beedrill G.
Beedrill G is a Basic SP Pokemon, and gets all of the
wonderful support available to SPs (PokeTurn, Power
Spray, Energy Gain, the list goes on...). 80 HP is
pretty low for a non-evolving basic. Weakness to Fire is
terrible, no Resistance is unfortunate, and a Retreat
Cost of 1 is manageable.
Beedrill G has two attacks. Raid normally deals 10
damage for [G], but deals 40 damage if you've played
Beedrill G from your hand that turn. This attack has
some potential for a surprise KO if your opponent isn't
expecting it, and sometimes even if they are. The
attack's effect can be further abused with PokeTurn, if
you are willing to use them to pick up and drop Beedrill
to get the extra 30 damage. An important consideration
to keep in mind that this effect doesn't activate if you
start with Beedrill G, so if you start the game with it,
Raid will only do 10 damage.
Beedrill G's second attack, Fury Swipes, isn't nearly
as exploitable as Raid. For [GCC], it flips 3 coins and
does 30 damage times the number of heads. Although the
cost can be lowered by Energy Gain, the attack can be
unreliable and probably isn't worth using very often.
Modified: 2.5/5 I can actually see this being used as
a finisher of sorts in a dedicated SP deck. Picking off
a weakened opponent with Raid can be a great. However,
Weakness to Fire and low HP may make it difficult for
Beedrill to find a deck spot.
Limited: 3/5 Relatively high HP for a basic here, a
potentially powerful cheap attack, and another attack
with Colorless energy requirements. When I went to the
Arceus Prerelease in November, nearly everybody was
playing Beedrill G, with good reason. Just watch out for
Rapidash and other Fire types. Too bad the second attack
is so flippy.
BoDragon |
Beedrill [G} LV.56
Platinum--Arceus, #53
Pokémon Card of the Day 2010-02-03
The Poison Bee Pokémon returns as one of Team Galactic's
Pokémon in
Its first attack, Raid, does 10 damage for {G}.
The attack is better maximed on the turn you play
Beedrill {G] from your hand as the base damage is 40
instead of 10, and this I consider Beedrill [G]'s most
effective moment in a game.
Its second attack, Fury Attack, can deal 0, 30, 60 or 90
damage for {G}{C}{C} dependent on the result of three
coin flips. It takes two additional turns after
using Raid to build up the attack cost. Next, you
have to deal with three coin flips to determine damage.
Three successful flips is 90 base damage. Three
unsuccessful flips deals no damage, and that may set you
back greatly in battle. The attack's high attack
cost and risk of damage dealt causes much concern.
Its x2 weakness against {R} Pokémon can be fatal with
Beedrill [G]'s 80 HP and {R} Pokémon's attacks dealing
40 base damage considered. Attacks from Pokémon
dealing 80 damage or more with the use of Expert Belt
can one hit knockout Beedrill [G].
Its one Energy Retreat Cost is good to escape damage,
but Beedrill [G] will take up bench space having no
other uses.
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 3/5