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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Makuhita Lv. 21


Date Reviewed: 02.04.10

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 1.25
Limited: 1.75

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Makuhita LV 21


Evolving Basics are nearly as hard to review as evolving Stage 1 cards. However, unlike Stage 1s, they can’t just be skipped altogether. If you play them in your deck, you have to be prepared to have them active if you start with one.


Makuhita is not a terrible Basic in those circumstances. It has a very good 70 HP, which makes it very tough to KO on the first turn for most decks. Even a Kingdra will need a PlusPower or a Crobat G to do the job. Makuhita’s Weakness to Psychic shouldn’t be too much of a problem, as it is only a +10 Weakness. The Retreat cost of two is, however, very high for a Basic and makes it tough to swap it out on the first turn if you draw into a more desirable starter.


Makuhita’s chances of surviving are enhanced by its Sand Attack which, for [C] means that the Defending Pokémon has to flip a coin to see if it can attack on the next turn. Unfortunately, switching out or evolving the Defending Pokémon will negate this effect, but it could still be handy early game while you wait to evolve. Makuhita’s second attack, Magnum Punch, is an unremarkable 30 for [F][C] which is not going to worry anything but the weakest of Pokémon.


Of course, no matter how good Makuhita is, the amount of play it sees is completely determined by how good its Stage 1 is. Sadly, there are no Hariyamas that are even remotely competitive at the moment, making it very unlikely you will ever see this card at a tournament.




Modified: 1.5 (decent Basic for a horrible Stage 1)

Limited: 1.75 (can stall for a couple of turns)


Greetings, Pojo readers! Today we are reviewing a Common from the Arceus set. Today's card of the day is Makuhita Lv. 21.

Makuhita is a Basic Fighting-type Pokemon. Fighting is a pretty bad type to be right now, as very few Fighting-types are played right now outside of Machamp SF. Then again, that may change in the near future with the release of HeartGold and SoulSilver's Tyrogue and Donphan Prime. Makuhita has 70 HP, which is really good for an evolving basic, but still low enough that most evolutions will dispatch of it quickly. Weakness to Psychic isn't great, no Resistance is unfortunate, and a Retreat Cost of 2 is way too much for an evolving basic.

Makuhita has no Powers or Bodies, but two attacks. Makuhita's first attack, Sand-attack, is a stalling move that has the chance to make your opponent's attacks fail on the next turn if they flip tails for the price of [C]. Not really worth it, in my opinion. The second attack, Magnum Punch, does a vanilla 30 damage for [FC]. Again, not really spectacular.

Modified: 1/5 Only use it with Hariyama, but even then, it's not very spectacular and probably not worth it.

Limited: 1.75/5 High HP basic that can be alright here, but I would still only use it here with Hariyama.

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