Cyrus's Conspiracy (Platinum)
Remember all those great Supporters we used to have?
Rocket’s Admin, Steven’s Advice, Castaway . . . ? They
just don’t make them like that any more, do they?
Not unless you play SP, that is.
Placing at #4 on our Top 10 list is the beating heart of
any good SP deck: Cyrus’s Conspiracy. A card so good
that it is basically a deck Engine all by itself.
Cyrus has the virtue that you most want in a Pokémon
card: very high utility. If you are running SP Pokémon
and you need a card, then Cyrus will either fetch it for
you, or it will grab you something that can fetch it for
you. It means constant access to Energy, to any of the
near-broken Team Galactic’s Inventions, and even to any
SP Pokémon in your deck via SP Radar. Not only that, but
it will even fetch another copy of itself so you can do
the same thing all over again on your next turn. (Of
course, if you need a Bebe’s Search or an Aaron’s
Collection, it will get that as well).
An often neglected benefit of Cyrus’s Conspiracy is
that, because it fetches you three cards per turn, it
also thins out your deck very quickly, meaning that your
odds of drawing into anything else you might need (with
Claydol and/or Uxie) are improved. It also makes running
a low Energy deck with single copies of an Energy type
for tech Pokémon very viable.
The ability to chain Cyrus’s Conspiracy, more than
anything else, means that SP decks can run smoothly,
efficiently, and quickly with a high Trainer count and a
relatively large amount of tech.
Cyrus’s Conspiracy is an essential part of some of the
most dominant and successful decks to be played this
Modified: 4.5 (Everything you need to play SP in one
handy card)
Limited: 5 (it’s a search Supporter. Absolute gold in