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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards of 2009:
#3: Flygon Lv. X (Rising Rivals)
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.13
Limited: 3.38
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Flygon (Rising Rivals)
Flygon was massively hyped before it was even released.
In fact there was even a ‘Flygon is overhyped’ backlash
before the card ever saw any tournament play.
The fact that it claims a top 3 spot on this list should
go a long way towards showing that most of the hype was
justified. There is no denying that Flygon decks are now
a powerful and winning archetype in this format.
But just what is meant by a ‘Flygon deck’?
You have Flygon/Machamp, Flygon/Nidoqueen, Dark Flygon,
FlyTrap (with Memory Berry and Palkia LV X) . . . even
Flygon/Gardevoir/Dusknoir, plus several other less
well-known variants.
And that is the secret of Flygon’s success.
With its Colourless Energy requirement and Rainbow Float
PokeBody able to give Free Retreat to practically any
other Pokémon, Flygon is amazingly versatile and just
begs to be paired with other Pokémon to create
tournament winning decks and combos. What’s more, having
multiple evolution lines benched actually helps Flygon
itself by adding to the damage it can deal with its
Power Swing attack. Add to this a decent
Stadium-discarding first attack and a LV X that can
snipe almost any other LV X off the field and you have a
superb card to build a deck around.
Powerful in its own right and almost infintely combo-tastic,
it’s not hard to see why Flygon variants have enjoyed so
much success. Easily the number one Stage 2 deck of
Modified: 4.25 (adaptable and capable of big hits,
Flygon isn’t going away any time soon)
Limited: 3.75 (Stage 2’s aren’t so easy to get out, but
if you do . . . )
BoDragon |
Flygon (Platinum--Rising Rivals, #5)
Flygon and its level-up from
Platinum--Rising Rivals is currently
among the top tier decks for the 2010 tournament season
modified-constructed decks. I am looking back on
its LV.65 form today.
Flygon having no retreat cost is a plus. Other
Pokémon having no retreat costs would be a plus.
Its Rainbow Float Poké-Body provides 0 retreat cost to
your other Pokémon if you have any basic Energy cards
attached to Flygon that are the same color type as your
other Pokémon.
Its Sand Wall attack for {C}{C} and 40 damage discards a
Stadium card your opponent has in play. If you do,
all effects of an attack, including damage, is done to
Flygon is prevented on your opponent's next turn.
This attack works best when both you and your opponent
are playing off his or her Stadium card.
Its Power Swing attack for {C}{C}{C} deals 60 damage
plus 10 more damaged for each evolved Pokémon on your
bench. Flygon needs the support of evolved
Pokémon, i.e. Claydol, Nidoqueen, etc., to maximize the
damage. Since you can have up to 5 benched evolved
Pokémon, the maximum base damage will be 110.
Both of Flygon's attacks deal reasonable damage with
conserative attack costs, and I will consider that
another plus.
Looking at its statistics, 120 HP and +30 weakness
against Colorless types are good. Its -20
resistance against Lightning type is moderate, but will
likely have minimal affect on attacking Pokémon like
Luxray [GL] LV.X.
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 3/5
Bo Finley
Pokémon Organized Play: Tournament Organizer,
League Owner, Pokémon Professor, Judge
virusyosh |
Greetings, Pojo
readers! I hope the middle of your week is going well.
Today we are reviewing our number 3 card of our Top 10
of 2009. Today's card is Flygon from Rising Rivals.
As I'm sure you already know, Flygon is a Stage 2
Colorless Pokemon. 120 HP is fairly normal on a Stage 2,
Weakness to Colorless isn't great (watch out for mirror
matches), Resistance to Lightning is nice for the random
Electivires or Ampharos still running around. Having no
retreat cost is the best you can have.
Flygon has a Poke-Body and two attacks. Flygon's body,
Rainbow Float, allows all of your Pokemon to have no
retreat cost as long as Flygon has a basic Energy card
of their type attached to it. This is really good for a
few reasons: First of all, it can lower the Retreat
Costs of things like Uxie and Claydol that got Bright
Looked. Second of all, since Flygon's energy
requirements are Colorless, this allows you to use the
body most effectively without wasting a lot of Energy.
Flygon's first attack, Sand Wall, is one of the reasons
why Flygon RR is #3 on this list. For two Colorless, the
attack does 40 damage. If your opponent has a Stadium in
play, you discard it to prevent all effects of attacks,
including damage, done to Flygon. The circumstances for
this happening are very common: nearly every Evolution
deck runs Broken Time-Space, many Shuppet decks run
Speed Stadium, and many SP decks run Galactic HQ. This
attack, in addition to Flygon Lv.X's Wind Erosion and
Trapinch SW's attacks, allows for the Flygon player to
stall quite effectively.
Flygon's second attack, Power Swing, deals decent damage
for three Colorless. It starts at 60, but increases by
10 for each Evolved Pokemon on your bench. With Claydols
and more Flygons, this damage can add up in a hurry.
Modified: 4.25/5 Flygon Stall is a really effective deck
when used properly, just look out for SP decks that can
set up faster than you or shut down your bodies with
Dialga G Lv. X.
Limited: 4/5 If you can get it out it's really nice.
Colorless energy requirements, great body for the
format, and decent attacks make this a great pick here.
Only problem is that it's a Stage 2 in a set full of