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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Cherrim Lv. 33
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Remember Cherrim from Stormfront? It saw a fair bit of
play in Scizor SF decks until Dialga G LV X came along
to spoil all their fun.
Well, this new Cherrim is kind of the exact opposite of
its Stormfront cousin. While the SF Cherrim had a
PokeBody that increased the damage that Fire and Grass
Pokémon could do, this one reduces the damage they take
by 10. Like its previous incarnation, the body stacks
so, with 4 Cherrim out you could, in theory, be reducing
40 damage per turn.
Of course, that isn’t likely to happen. Especially not
in a Fire deck, which tend to focus on being
super-aggressive and hitting big, rather than preventing
damage. Dialga G LV X makes this Cherrim very sad too.
It could potentially find a place in a grass deck that
relies on healing and surviving. Torterra being the
obvious choice. However, bench space in these kinds of
decks is already tight: they tend to rely on Sceptile GE
for Energy acceleration and Shaymin LV X for increased
HP for a start.
With only 80 HP and a Weakness to the still-popular Fire
Type, Cherrim isn’t the sturdiest of Pokémon itself, and
its under-powered attack (30 for [G][C] plus a Confusion
flip) is not going to endear it to competitive players
In the end, Shaymin LV X probably provides the better
support for tanking Grass-types, so it’s difficult to
see just where this Cherrim will find a niche.
Aggressive decks like Scizor will want the old Cherrim
rather than this one, and defensive decks simply can’t
afford the room. It’s an interesting Pokémon (with great
card art), but I’m afraid it isn’t anything like as
useful as it first appears.
Modified: 2 (it may have a niche . . . but where?)
Limited: 3 (if you pull some Grass Types, this works
well in a lower-damage format)
virusyosh |
Hello, Pojo readers! Today we are reviewing Cherrim
from the Arceus set.
Cherrim is a Stage 1 Grass Pokemon, which can be a
bit awkward in the current format. They don't usually
have the speed of SPs or Basics, and rarely have the
power of Stage 2s. Being a Grass type isn't entirely
great either, due to a weakness to the very common Fire
techs like Blaziken FB or the occasional Infernape 4. 80
HP is decent for a Stage 1, but could afford to be
higher, because having Weakness to Fire (like Blaziken
FB and Infernape 4) is bad. However, having a Resistance
to Water is good,. A Retreat Cost of 2 is lackluster:
You can pay to retreat if you absolutely have to, but
Switch or Warp Point is recommended.
This particular Cherrim has a Poke-Body and an
attack. Cherrim's Poke-Body, Cloudy Sky, reduces the
damage done to your Grass and Fire Pokemon by 10 by any
attack. While damage reduction can be really useful, you
need multiples of this Cherrim to really have any sort
of noticeable effect. Getting multiples of this card on
your Bench can take a lot of time, as well as
potentially taking up valuable space from things like
Uxie, Claydol, or one of your main attackers. If you
must run a Cherrim, I would recommend Cherrim SF,
because it at least increases your damage potential, and
has a few cool combos to go with it (Scizor SF comes to
Cherrim's attack, Worry Seed, does 30 damage and has
a chance of confusion for [GC]. Nothing really too
spectacular, especially from a fully evolved Pokemon.
Modified: 1.5/5 The damage reduction really isn't all
that useful here, as so many things hit for tons of
damage anyway to go for the one-hit KO. A reduction of
10 or 20 isn't going to be much of a help when your
opponent is hitting you for 100. In addition, Weakness
to Fire and a weak attack really make it hard to use in
the format.
Limited: 2.5/5 The damage reduction is more useful
here, and the attack isn't quite as lacking. Just watch
out for opposing Heatran, Rapidash, Charizard, or Fire
BoDragon |
Yours truly is celebrating his twenty-seventh birthday,
so happy birthday myself. Otherwise, our focus
today is on Glalie.
Glalie LV.46 from
Platinum--Arceus is a quiet Stage 1 Water Pokémon whose
unnoticeable attacks can freeze the competition.
Its Wreck attack, dealing 20 damage for 2 Energy, can
deal 50 more damage if a Stadium card is in play; the
Stadium card is discarded afterward. Many decks
are Stadium heavy with Broken Time-Space, Ultimate Zone,
Moonlight Stadium, etc. This attack can burn your
opponent's Stadiums while dealing the extra damage.
Its second attack, Avalanche, deals 50 damage for
{W}{W}{C} with 50% probability of dealing 10 damage to
each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. This is a
good attack with chance of causing spread damage,
essential to easily knocking out your opponent's Pokémon
later in the battle.
Its Metal-type weakness, +20, will likely be against
Metagross and Dialga [G], and should be easily ignored.
Its one Energy retreat cost is very good to return to
the bench, then come back later with enough Energy still
in play to cause damage.
Modified: 4/5
I do not expect Glalie to be the primary attacking
Pokémon, but should definitely be considered as the
secondary attacker to burn Stadium cards and clean up or
spread damage.
Limited: 2/5
Its Wreck attack would be ineffective with Ultimate Zone
as the only Stadium in Platinum--Arceus, and its
Avalanche attack will take three turns to be fully