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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Glalie Lv. 46
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 2.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
The first time I ever saw Glalie was fighting the Elite
4 in Pokémon Sapphire. I remember thinking ‘what the
heck is THAT?’ before discovering that Blaziken pretty
much destroys it!
The evil-looking snowball is one of those cards that has
never been any good in the TCG. Is this one any
different? Let’s take a look . . .
Well, it’s a Stage 1, which is not a good thing at the
moment, it has a mediocre 90 HP, an acceptable Retreat
cost, and an ok Weakness to Metal (well, it’s better
than Lightning or Fire anyway). Glalie doesn’t have any
PokeBodies or Powers, so any playability will be
dependent upon its attacks alone.
The first attack, Wreck, is interesting. For a
relatively convenient cost of [C][C] it does a meagre 20
damage. However, if a Stadium is in play, that goes up
to a much more acceptable 70 damage, and it discards the
Stadium. Obviously, this can be a handy way to get rid
of your opponent’s Stadium, and this can be a good move
against decks which need a Moonlight or a Stark Mountain
in play to function at their best. At the same time,
relying on your opponent playing Stadiums in order to do
decent damage is not ideal. You can always play your own
though . . . maybe use Broken Time-Space to get a Turn 2
Glalie and hit for 70 damage?
If Wreck is somewhat unreliable, then Glalie’s second
attack is just plain bad. [W][W][C] for 50 and a coin
flip for 10 spread? I’ll pass, thanks. That’s way too
expensive, and that flippy spread bonus is almost
useless in a format full of Nidoqueen, Poke Turn, and
Garchomp C LV X. If you want a Water Pokémon with a much
better version of this attack, look no further than
Palkia G (a Basic that benefits from SP Support).
The female evolution of Snorunt, Froslass, gets better
cards than this.
Modified: 1.5 (Still waiting for a playable Glalie)
Limited: 1.75 (there is ONE Stadium in the set . . . )
virusyosh |
Good day, Pojo readers! Today we continue reviewing
cards with Glalie from the Arceus expansion.
Glalie has 90 HP, which is pretty good for a Stage 1.
Metal weakness can be a bit of a problem with all of the
Dialga G around, but isn't too bad otherwise. No
resistance is a shame, but can be somewhat expected. A
Retreat Cost of one isn't too bad, as you can pay it
without being too far behind.
Glalie's first attack, Wreck, is where I think this
card really has a lot of potential. For two Colorless
Energy, Wreck does 20 damage to begin with, but if there
is a Stadium in play, the attack does 50 more damage and
that Stadium is discarded. Discarding your opponent's
Broken Time-Space or Galactic HQ can be disruptive
enough on its own, but I'm sure there has to be some way
to abuse this, such as playing your own Stadium every
turn but then somehow getting it back into your hand to
do 70 every turn.
The second attack, Avalanche, does 50 damage for WWC,
and can do 10 to each of your opponent's bench if you
flip heads. The attack is solid, but would be a lot more
useful without Nidoqueen RR being around so much.
Modified: 3.5/5 This card has a hard time fitting
into a lot of decks that are doing very well this
format, but I can't help thinking that there has to be
some way to abuse it. The possibility of a turn 2 70
damage is very enticing, and if Stadiums can be
discarded consistently, this has the potential to really
be a force.
Limited: 3/5 The only Stadium here is Ultimate Zone,
which probably isn't worth running unless 1.) You have
four and want to build a deck around Glalie
(unlikely), or 2.) You have a few of them and an Arceus
to use it with. Otherwise, Avalanche can be a decent
attack here, even if it is a little slow.
BoDragon |
Yours truly is celebrating his twenty-seventh birthday,
so happy birthday myself. Otherwise, our focus
today is on Glalie.
Glalie LV.46 from
Platinum--Arceus is a quiet Stage 1 Water
Pokémon whose unnoticeable attacks can freeze
the competition.
Its Wreck attack, dealing 20 damage for 2 Energy, can
deal 50 more damage if a Stadium card is in play; the
Stadium card is discarded afterward. Many decks
are Stadium heavy with Broken Time-Space, Ultimate Zone,
Moonlight Stadium, etc. This attack can burn your
opponent's Stadiums while dealing the extra damage.
Its second attack, Avalanche, deals 50 damage for
{W}{W}{C} with 50% probability of dealing 10 damage to
each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. This is a
good attack with chance of causing spread damage,
essential to easily knocking out your opponent's Pokémon
later in the battle.
Its Metal-type weakness, +20, will likely be against
Metagross and Dialga [G], and should be easily ignored.
Its one Energy retreat cost is very good to return to
the bench, then come back later with enough Energy still
in play to cause damage.
Modified: 4/5
I do not expect Glalie to be the primary attacking
Pokémon, but should definitely be considered as the
secondary attacker to burn Stadium cards and clean up or
spread damage.
Limited: 2/5
Its Wreck attack would be ineffective with Ultimate Zone
as the only Stadium in Platinum--Arceus, and its
Avalanche attack will take three turns to be fully
Bo Finley
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