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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Manectric Lv. 46
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Manectric Lv 46
The Arceus set brought us two Manectrics. Today, we’re reviewing the one that isn’t completely rubbish.
This Manectric has fairly typical stats. A middling 90
HP, a worrying Fighting Weakness, a useful Metal
Resistance (Deafen without Expert Belt can’t hurt it!),
and an excellent Retreat cost of zero.
Manectric’s second attack, Swift, appears on quite a few
Pokémon cards in various ways. Absol G, Electrode SF,
and the Water Arceus all have this type of attack that
does damage regardless of any Weakness, Resistance,
Power, Body or Effect. Sometimes they can be useful, for
example against a Lucario LV X that used Stance to
protect itself, or a Garchomp SV that has used Guard
Claw to reduce the damage it takes on your next turn.
Unfortunately, these attacks also tend to be over-costed
and underpowered, and this is certainly the case with
Manectric. 50 damage for three Energy is just much to
slow in today’s format and represents to big an
investment on a Pokémon which is not likely to survive
more than a turn or two.
Much more viable is Manectric’s first attack, Second
Bite. For [L][C], this does 20 damage, plus 20 more for
each damage counter on the Defending Pokémon. In other
words, if you can find a way to put four damage counters
on a Pokémon, Manectric can do 100 damage for just two
Energy. It’s an interesting attack that does appear to
have some potential for finishing off high HP Pokémon
quickly, especially those that like to accumulate damage
in order to do some kind of Rage attack (such as
Rhyperior SV). Unfortunately, I haven’t really been able
to discover a really effective way to use it yet. It may
be that a format dominated by OHKOs and healing really
has no place for a Pokémon like Manectric.
But maybe that will change in the future.
Modified: 2.5 (has potential . . . but I haven’t found
it yet)
Limited: 3.25 (pretty good here and works well as a
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo readers! I hope you all had a good
week. Today we are reviewing Manectric from the Arceus
Manectric is a Lightning-type, which is a pretty
decent thing to be in this format: There aren't too many
Fighting types around to exploit its Weakness (except
for Machamp SF), and the type has a great advantage
against Kingdra LA and Gyarados SF. 90 HP is decent for
a Stage 1, but altogether not fantastic because of how
awkward this format is for Stage 1s as a whole.
Resistance to Metal is nice for Dialga G, and a Retreat
Cost of zero is the best you can get.
Manectric has two attacks. The first, Second Bite,
does 20 for [LC] and adds an extra 10 damage for each
damage counter on the Defending Pokemon. The secondary
effect is very nice especially when using this in
conjunction with spread damage. However, if no previous
damage exists, 20 damage for two energy is really
expensive, and there are more effective attacks to use
on other Pokemon, putting Manectric into more of a
secondary attacking role.
Manectric's other attack, Swift, costs [LCC] and
deals 50 damage without taking Weakness, Resistance,
Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies, or any other effects on the
Defending Pokemon into account. Even though this effect
can be nice on occasion, this attack is largely
Modified: 1.75/5 Second Bite can be nice as a use of
secondary damage or cleanup, but there's really not a
place for this card in the format. If you need to use an
Electric type, use Luxray GL Lv. X, Electivire, or even
Limited: 3/5 Swift + Second Bite has the potential to
2HKO every non-Lv.X in the set that doesn't resist
Manectric, which is pretty nice. As long as you can
power up its attacks, it can be a decent attacker here,
and an even better finisher.
BoDragon |
Manectric LV.46
Platinum--Arceus, #22
Two Manectrics exist in Platinum--Arceus, and possess
only attacks. Manectric LV.46 possesses the Second Bite
and Swift attacks.
Second Bite, for {L}{C}, deals 20 damage plus 10 more
damage for each damage counter on the Defending Pokémon.
I like to use this attack when the opposing Pokémon has
taken enough damage, through spread damage or attacks
from my previous Active Pokémon, where it can be knocked
out easily; very fatal that Defending Pokémon.
Swift, for {L}{C}{C}, deals 50 damage ignoring
Weakness, Resistance, Poké-Powers, Poké-Bodies, and any
other effects on the Defending Pokémon. Dealing 50
non-negotiable damage is good, but ignoring weakness
could be a bummer against Water-type Pokémon or Beedrill.
I prefer its attack cost to be lower to make up for that
Manectric has zero retreat and good HP, worthwhile
for playing it.
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 5/5