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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Omastar Lv. 55
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.50
Limited: 2.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Omastar LV 55
Hi and welcome to a brand new week. We are getting very
close to Prereleases for the new set, but luckily we
still have plenty of Arceus cards for review!
Kicking off this week is Omastar, an interesting Pokémon
which has some similarities to previously released cards
featuring this Pokémon.
Omastar has 120 HP which is . . . ok for a Stage 2,
Weakness to Grass, which is a big bonus on a Water Type
as it is so much better than Lightning, and a decent
Retreat cost of one. Unfortunately, it is a Fossil
Pokémon, and those are very hard to play right now,
thanks to the Trainer Lock provided by Dialga G and
Spiritomb. Fossils come with their own set of problems
too: the Basic cannot be fetched with Call Energy or
Roseanne, and they are the two best consistency cards in
the format.
But just supposing you do manage to get this Fossil up
and running, what do you get for your trouble? Well with
Omastar, you can usually expect some kind of devoluter-style
ability ( remember Omastar MD and Omastar PK?). This one
is no different. For the relatively easy cost of
[C][C], you get to remove the highest stage of one of
your opponent’s Pokémon and shuffle it back into their
deck. This can be an excellent move, forcing them to
burn another search card to retrieve it next turn. If
they evolved with Rare Candy, that’s even better as they
effectively wasted a key card. A successful Time Spiral
could set your opponent back a couple of turns, and that
could be enough to swing a game your way.
But . . . (there’s always a ‘but’), remember that a
simple Unown G will block this attack completely,
meaning that you won’t always be able to target the
Pokémon you want to. It’s also almost completely useless
against the ever-popular SP decks, many of which run
only Basic Pokémon or, at most, a Claydol or two. So,
it’s just as well Omastar has a second attack. It’s
pretty cheap too, as Primal Tentacles only costs [W][C]
and does 30 damage, plus 10 more for every Fossil Basic
in your discard pile.
Obviously, if you wanted to use this attack you would
need a way of discarding Fossils. Cards like Felicity or
Blissey PL would certainly work, but I suspect this card
was meant to combo with Kabutops AR which can do 70 for
one Energy, provided it discards a Fossil Basic. Of
course, in order to pull this off, you need to set up
two Stage 2 Fossils, AND ensure a constant supply of
Fossil Basics to your hand with . . . yep you guessed
it, yet another Fossil! Aerodactyl AR and its Unearth
A slick combo in theory, setting up all those Fossil
Pokémon is somewhere between very tough and utterly
impossible in competitive play, making that idea only
good for a fun gimmicky casual deck. This leave
Omastar’s only chance of tournament play is in the form
of a devoluter tech where, again, being a Stage 2 Fossil
counts heavily against it. Even here, the MD Omastar
would probably be a better choice as it devolves all
your opponent’s Pokémon with a coming-into-play
Modified: 1.75 (a crucial part of a deck that isn’t
Limited: 1.5 (tough to get out and very hard to support
in Limited)
virusyosh |
Hello, Pojo readers! Today we begin our new COTD week
by reviewing Omastar from the Arceus set.
Omastar is a Stage 2 Water Pokemon, evolving from
Omanyte and Helix Fossil. Being a Fossil Pokemon is
mixed at best: There are a few supporting cards (such a
Fossil Excavator), but most are generally considered too
slow compared to other popular decks. Omastar has 120
HP, which is pretty good for a Stage 2. Weakness to
Grass can be problematic with the occasional Leafeon Lv.
X, Torterra, or Tangrowth. As for its other bottom
stats, no resistance is unfortunate, and a Retreat Cost
of 1 is decent: it can be paid without too much of a
This particular Omastar has two attacks. The first
attack, Time Spiral, returns the highest stage Evolution
card from one of your opponent's Pokemon for [CC]. This
particular attack is obviously very good against
Evolution decks: being able to remove an Evolution card
can clearly mess with your opponent's strategy.
According to the Compendium, if the targeted Evolution
card is leveled up, the Lv. X card returns to the deck
as well. Of course, against an SP deck or another deck
mostly reliant on Basics, this attack won't do that
Omastar's other attack, Primal Tentacles, does 30
damage plus 10 more for each Helix Fossil, Dome Fossil,
and Old Amber in your discard pile for [WC]. This attack
is really only good in dedicated fossil decks, where you
will have many Fossils. Additionally, this attack has
very good synergy with this set's Kabutops, which deals
more damage based on the number of these Fossils you
Modified: 2/5 The ability to remove the highest stage
Evolution of one of your opponent's Pokemon and
returning it to the deck is great, but won't always be
useful against some decks. Additionally, the second
attack is really only good in dedicated Fossil decks.
Said fossil decks are very hard to use in Modified,
however, because of the lack of search options for
Fossils and the frailty of the Fossils themselves.
Limited: 2.5/5 The relative lack of SPs and basics
here combined with limited searchability and draw power
make Time Spiral really good to use in Limited. 120 HP
also means that Omastar should be able to take quite a
few hits, barring an opposing Tangrowth or Sceptile.
However, Primal Tentacles won't be good if you don't use
a lot of Fossils.
BoDragon |
Omastar (Platinum--Arceus, #23)
Omastar from Platinum--Arceus is a Stage 2 evolution
Water-type Pokémon that can be played to devolve and
knock out your opponent's Pokémon. This is
noticeable in its first attack, Time Spiral. For
{C}{C}, you choose one of your opponent's Evolved
Pokémon, remove the highest Stage Evolution card from
that Pokémon, and have your opponent shuffle that card
into his or her deck. Choose your opponent's
Evolved Pokémon with the most damage taken for the
attack, devolve it, and knock it out.
Its second attack is Primal Tentacles. For {W}{C},
it deals 30 damage plus 10 more damage for each Helix
Fossil, Dome Fossil, and Old Amber in your discard pile.
If you are able to play with many fossil cards
discarded, you should be able to maximize damage.
Otherwise, this attack I would not recommend for
consistently attacking to deal moderate to heavy damage
before using Time Spiral.
Omastar has good health at 120 HP and a decent retreat
cost of 1 Energy. Its +30 weakness against
Grass-type Pokémon may hurt against decks like Beedrill
and Tangrowth.
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 3/5