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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Raichu Lv. 46
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.67
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Raichu LV 46
Raichu is another one of those cards that the card
designers seem to love. We have currently NINE legal
Raichu in Modified, including an SP Basic and a LV X!
Apart from a few decks which tried to use the LV X
when it was released, Raichu has not seen the same love
from players. This has a lot to do with the fact that
Raichu almost always appears in the form of a low HP
Stage 1 with very Energy-intensive attacks. Not good in
a fast OHKO format like the one we have now.
The lastest version of this Pokémon comes with the
kind of stats you would expect: 90 HP, Fighting Weakness
(bleh), Metal Resistance (decent) and a Retreat cost of
one (acceptable). While 90 HP seems reasonable for a
Stage 1, it puts it at a disadvantage in a metagame
filled with faster SP Basics boasting equal or higher
HP, and more powerful Stage 2 monsters with 130+ HP.
As for Raichu’s attacks, well, the first one isn’t
bad: for a single Lightning Energy you do a mere 20
damage, but attach a Tool to Raichu and the attack will
also spread 20 damage to each of your opponent’s
unevolved Pokémon. That spread can be very nice early
game, when your opponent hasn’t had the opportunity to
evolve, and is obviously effective against all-Basic
decks. There are a few decent tools to use as well:
Expert Belt will increase Raichu’s attack and HP (though
it also carries considerable risk) or you could always
use an Unown like G (protection from Effects) or Q (to
give Raichu free Retreat). Raichu’s second attack is
much less interesting, being a vanilla 70 for three
Energy and a discard. That’s an underwhelming return for
the Energy investment and not something to build a deck
So, is the first attack good enough to earn Raichu
some play? Well, I can see it being useful in a Raichu
LV X deck: that early 20 spread could give the LV X more
options when it comes to using Link Lightning and
Voltage Shoot in an attempt to take two Prizes in one
turn. Whether this makes it a better choice than Raichu
MT, with its Energy acceleration attack, or Raichu SF,
with a wider range of better-costed and more effective
attacks is questionable. One certain thing is that it
doesn’t do anything like enough to make the relatively
slow and fragile Raichu LV X deck worth reviving any
time soon.
If you really want to play Raichu (and I’m still not
recommending it), I suggest holding off until the next
set is released . . . (yes, that is a hint!)
Modified: 2 (interesting first attack, but ultimately
a mediocre card for an uncompetitive deck)
Limited: 3.75
(great one energy attack and plenty of Tools in the set)
virusyosh |
Good day, Pojo readers! The middle of our COTD week
continues with a card that won me a few matches at a
Prerelease tournament, Raichu from Arceus.
Raichu is a 90 HP Electric-type Stage 1. Electric is
a decent type to be right now: Electric weakness is
common in Kingdra and Gyarados, and Electric counters
aren't very common. Weakness to Fighting is decent, as
there aren't too many Fighting-types played nowadays
except Machamp SF. Resistance to Metal helps with Dialga
G, and a Retreat Cost of 1 is decent.
This particular Raichu has two attacks. Boosted
Voltage deals 20 damage for [L], and if Raichu has a
Pokemon Tool, the attack also does 20 damage to each of
your opponent's non-evolved Pokemon. While there are a
few commonly used Pokemon Tools such as Expert Belt and
Unown G, this could be a lot better in the current
environment: Nidoqueen RR prevents spread damage from
being really useful.
Raichu's other attack, Thunder Blast, deals a solid
70 damage for [LCC] if you discard a Lightning Energy
from Raichu. In the current format, 70 for 3 is fairly
expensive, and the discard requirement isn't very
helpful either.
Modified: 1.25/5 It's a bit too slow to do much of
anything in this format. Spread damage isn't very good
against Garchomp C Lv. X and Nidoqueen RR, and 70 damage
for 3 energy isn't quite enough to cut it in an
environment filled with SPs and decks that can attack
for very few energy. Being a Stage 1 isn't too great
right now, either.
Limited: 3/5 There will probably be a significant
amount of non-evolved Pokemon on your opponent's Bench
here, and there are a few worthy Pokemon Tools in the
set (Expert Belt, Bench Shield). Additionally, Thunder
Blast's energy requirements aren't so outrageous here,
and a 70 damage attack will two-hit KO nearly everything
in the set, excluding Pokemon Lv. X.
BoDragon |
Raichu LV.46
Raichu appears in
Arceus at LV.46 with two attacks, Boosted
Voltage and Thunder Blast.
Boosted Voltage, its first attack, deals 20 damage for
{L}{C}. If Raichu has a Pokémon Tool card attached
to it, this attack does 20 damage to each of your
opponent's Benched Pokémon that is not an Evolved
Pokémon, Weakness and Resistance not applied for Benched
Pokémon. Using Expert Belt on Raichu increases the
damage output by 20 damage to the Defending Pokémon.
Thunder Blast, its second attack, deals 70 damage for
{L}{C}{C}, and a Lightning Energy card is discarded from
Raichu. If you have Expert Belt attached to Raichu
already for its Boosted Voltage attack, 20 more damage
is applied to Thunder Blast's attack damage.
Discarding Lightning Energy cards should be no problem
if you are using Conductive Quarry.
Raichu's 90 HP, +20 weakness against {F}, and -20
resistance against {M} are typical. The one Energy
retreat cost is good.
Modified: 5/5
Limited: 3/5