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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Raticate Lv. 31
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 3.80
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Raticate LV 31
Believe it or not, there was actually a tiny bit of
hype for this card prior to release. Hype? For a
Raticate? Yep. No joke.
The reason for the hype? Well, it certainly isn’t the
first attack, Recruit. For [C], this lets you see your
opponent’s hand (good) and then lets you use a Supporter
there as the effect of the attack (horribly unreliable –
what if they don’t have a Supporter? Or have one that’s
no use to you such as Aaron’s Collection or Bertha’s
No, the reason for the hype was Extend Fang. For the
same cost as Recruit, Raticate does 20 damage. Nothing
special, but when you add a Tool, this does 60 damage,
which is great. If that Tool is Expert Belt you are
doing 80 damage for 1 Energy! Potentially on your first
Trainer turn if you can evolve with Broken Time-Space!
If that doesn’t look like a donk, I don’t know what
So, why isn’t the format swarming with T2 Raticate
donk decks? Well, it does have a few issues.
Firstly, Rattata is a horrible weak Basic with only
30 HP, meaning it stands a good chance of being KO’d
first turn itself. Secondly, Trainer lock is very big in
the format thanks to Spiritomb and Dialga G’s Deafen. If
you can’t attach a Tool to Raticate, it’s just a very
low HP Stage 1 that does very weak damage (though you
could still use an Unown Tool, I suppose). Thirdly, if
Raticate doesn’t get that second turn KO win for
whatever reason (high HP Basics, your opponent has
benched Pokémon), then it is extremely vulnerable
itself, having a mere 70 HP.
Really, Raticate is the ultimate high-risk ‘T2 win or
lose’ Pokémon. Might be fun to try out, especially if
you are the sort of player who likes their games to
finish quickly. As far as tournament play goes, though,
playing this would be taking an insane risk. You might
win a couple of games (though not many friends!), but
never consistently enough to hit the top cut.
Modified: 2.25 (All or nothing donk card – only for
the very brave!)
Limited: 4 (low Energy, high damage and
lots of Tools to use)
virusyosh |
Happy Thursday, Pojo readers! Our Card of the Day
today is one of my personal favorites from the Arceus
set, Raticate.
Raticate is a Stage 1 Colorless Pokemon. 70 HP for a
Stage 1 is absurdly low in the DP-on format, as there
are many basics (SPs and otherwise) that have the same
amount of HP, if not more. Weakness to Fighting isn't
too problematic, though Machamp SF will still one-hit
KO. Raticate has no Resistance, and a wonderful free
Retreat Cost.
Arceus Raticate has two attacks, both for the price
of [C]. The first attack, Recruit, allows you to look at
your opponent's hand, choose a Supporter there, and
discard it to use that card's effect as the effect of
the attack. The use of this attack obviously depends on
your opponent, so this would be best used with something
that would help you look at your opponent's hand, like
Gengar SF's Poltergeist or something similar.
Raticate's second attack, Extend Fang, does 20 damage
at first, but if Raticate has a Pokemon Tool attached to
it, the attack does 40 more damage. Extend Fang combos
very well with Expert Belt from the Arceus set, dealing
a pretty decent 80 damage for just one energy. If you
can pull this off early game, say turn 2, it could be
quite damaging for your opponent. However, even with the
Expert Belt, Raticate still has very low HP, and is
bound to get KOed very easily. Raticate could
potentially work in a deck with Luxray AR and Porygon-Z
G for some bizarre kind of Pokemon Tool manipulation
deck, but I don't know how well it would actually work
in Modified.
Modified: 1.5/5 I really wish I could rate this
higher, given that it has the possibility to deal 80
damage with an Expert Belt for a single Energy. However,
70 HP is really low for a Stage 1, and it requires Tools
to be effective. Unfortunately, it probably won't be
able to do much to your opponent before it is KOed.
Limited: 3/5 Colorless energy requirements and free
Retreat are very good in Limited, and both of Raticate's
attacks require a very cheap single Colorless Energy.
Couple this with the ability to have a good damage
output for Limited (Extend Fang does 60 with a Bench
Shield or Lucky Egg, and does 80 with an Expert Belt)
and you have yourself a card that's decent in Limited.
Unfortunately, there are only two Supporters in Arceus
to Recruit, but Department Store Girl could potentially
help you fetch your own Tools to put onto Raticate, even
if that is very situational. The low HP is still a
problem here, though.
BoDragon |
Raticate LV.31
Platinum--Arceus, #29
Raticate appears in Platinum--Arceus at LV.31 with
two attacks, Recruit and Extend Fang. Both attacks cost
Recruit causes you to look at your opponent's hand,
choose a Supporter card you see there, discard it, then
use the effect of it as the effect of the attack. This
attack works as a second Supporter or as the Supporter
for the turn without the Supporter Card.
Extend Fang does 20 damage, then 40 additional damage
if Raticate as a Pokémon Tool card attached. This is
another Pokémon who benefits from the use of Expert
Belt, which provides 20 additional HP and 20 additional
damage to your Pokémon's attacks it is attached to.
Using Extend Fang for 80 damage for 1 Energy can go a
long way.
Raticate has typical resistance to Fighting-type
Pokémon with +20 damage. It has an excellent zero Energy
retreat cost. Its 70 HP is a major drawback, something
Raticate can use more of.
This is the better Raticate I have seen in awhile,
and hope it will see use in a decent attacking deck.
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 4/5