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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Sceptile LV. 57
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.83
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Sceptile LV 57
The Arceus set brought us two Sceptiles. This is the
good one.
In fact it should remind you of a card that saw a lot
of play a couple of years ago. That’s right, it’s
basically a Stage 2 Grass version of Magmortar SW!
Sceptile has low-ish HP for a Stage 2 at 120, but
that can always be increased by Shaymin LV X, and it
does have a PokeBody that heals 20 damage whenever you
attach a Grass Energy to it. This should make it a bit
more difficult to KO than it seems to be. Fire Weakness
is problematic though, with Blaziken FB still popular,
Infernape 4still being played, and Charizard AR probably
seeing an increase in play. Water Resistance is lovely
though. This card will give Kingdra and Palkia G fits,
and even Gyarados might have a hard time against it. The
Retreat cost of 2 isn’t great, and would make Warp Point
or Switch a good inclusion.
The first attack, Leaf Blast, is where this card
could shine. It does 20 damage times the amount of Grass
Energy attached to Sceptile. Although doing, say 60 for
three Energy doesn’t sound anything special (and it
isn’t) this Sceptile has the perfect supporting partner
in the shape of Sceptile GE whose Wild Growth PokeBody
makes each Grass Energy count double. In other words,
with Sceptile GE on your Bench, three Energy now means
that Leaf Blast will do a very nice 120 damage for three
Energy while Healing itself with every attachment. You
could even throw in Dawn Stadium for more Healing fun!
The second attack, Poison Claws, is vastly inferior.
Needing four Energy for 60 damage and Poison. Unless you
are trying to use Poison as a means of avoiding Fainting
Spell, you are always going to prefer to use Leaf Blast
for 160 damage (with Wild Growth).
Is Leaf Blast and all the Grass-related support
enough to make Sceptile playable? Well, there are a
couple of thing that count against it. As well as the
Fire Weakness, there is the fact that Dialga G LV X
simply shuts the whole deck down by negating all of the
PokeBodies that this deck needs to function. If Dialga
sees any play in your area, then Sceptile is best left
in the binder for now. If not, then it has the potential
to be effective, especially if Water Pokémon become more
popular in future.
Modified: 3 (borderline competitive, but Dialga G
kills it) Limited: 3.25 (getting Stage 2s out is hard,
but if you can do it, this will win games on its own)
virusyosh |
Hello, Pojo readers! I hope all of your weeks went
well. Today we end our COTD week with Sceptile Lv. 57
from Arceus.
There are currently four Sceptiles available for play
in Modified right now. The most common of these,
Sceptile GE, has a Poke-Body that lets all Grass Energy
provide two energy, speeding up many Grass-type decks.
Sceptile SF has the Energy Trans Poke-Power originally
on Base Set Venusaur, and the other Sceptile from Arceus
has two attacks and no Pokemon Powers. How does this
Sceptile match up to the others?
This particular Sceptile has 120 HP, which is just
about standard for a Stage 2. Sceptile is also a
Grass-type, and while there are a few Grass decks played
here or there using Leafeon Lv. X and Shaymin, they are
generally rare due to the rampant use of Fire-types like
Blaziken FB or Infernape 4. The aforementioned Weakness
to Fire isn't very good, however Water Resistance is
very nice in a format with Kingdra LA and Gyarados SF. A
Retreat Cost of two is slightly expensive, so be sure to
have your Switches and Warp Points handy.
Sceptile's Poke-Body, Green Breath, allows you to
remove two damage counters from Sceptile whenever you
attach a Grass Energy to Sceptile from your hand. A free
Potion whenever you attach an Energy can be nice because
many Grass decks have a lot of Energy acceleration and
similar effects (Leafeon RR and Dawn Stadium come to
mind). Thus, with a decent amount of Energy in hand and
a Dawn Stadium in play, Sceptile should be removing
quite a few damage counters for each Energy drop.
Keeping Sceptile healthy and at full health should be
quite important, as Blaziken FB Lv. X will one-hit KO
Sceptile if it has any previous damage on it.
In addition to its Poke-Body, Sceptile has two
attacks. The first, Leaf Blast, deals 20 damage times
the number of Grass Energy attached to Sceptile for [G].
This attack obviously has synergy with Sceptile's
Poke-Body, but also works surprisingly well with
Sceptile GE and Sceptile SF. Using Sceptile GE's Wild
Growth to double the amount of Energy and Sceptile SF's
Energy Trans ability to move Grass Energies, this
Sceptile has the potential to do crazy amounts of
damage. However, having three different Sceptiles in
play is very difficult to do in this metagame, and
running three different types of Sceptile in this manner
will probably end up being inconsistent. Such a deck may
work when HeartGold/SoulSilver comes out, however, as
Meganium Prime can take over energy transferring duties
from Sceptile SF with its own Leaf Trans, allowing more
space for this and Sceptile GE.
Sceptile's second attack, Poison Claws, does 60
damage and poisons for [GCCC]. This attack is seriously
underpowered for its price, so you should probably stick
to Leaf Blast whenever possible, unless you're in
Modified: 3.5/5 I'm probably rating this a bit high,
but Leaf Blast has the potential to be very powerful.
While a deck using this as its main attacker may be
slower than the SP decks dominating the format, Leaf
Blade's attacking power can be monstrous with proper
Energy acceleration.
Limited: 2/5 Green Breath is great here for stalling,
especially if you can get a Cherrim or two out along
with it. However, it is a Stage 2, and thus will be
pretty hard to get out. Leaf Blade is also slightly less
useful due to the lack of Energy movement and
acceleration, and Poison Claws is still overpriced. Fire
weakness is also rather unhelpful, as there are quite a
few Fire Pokemon in this set.
Have a good weekend!
BoDragon |
Sceptile LV.57
Platinum--Arceus, #30
Does anyone recall Magmortar from
Diamond & Pearl--Secret Wonders (#31)
with the Flame Body Poké-Body and Flame Blast attack?
Meet the Grass-type version, Sceptile!
Sceptile's Green Breath Poké-Body removes two damage
counters from itself when you attach a {G} Energy card
to it. (This is similar to Magmortar removing two
damage counters from itself when attaching a {R} Energy
with its Flame Body Poké-Body.) This is an
excellent Poké-Body that removes damage when attaching
basic {G} Energy.
Its first attack, Leaf Blast, costing {G}, deals damage
times the number of {G} Energy attached to Sceptile.
(This attack is similar to Magmortar's Flame Blast
attack that deals 20 damage times the number of {R}
Energy attached to it.) You want to use a lot of
{G} Energy to maximize the attack cost. Use
Togekiss's (Diamond & Pearl--Great Encounters, #11)
Serene Grace Poké-Power to add {G} Energy into play or
Tangrowth LV.X's (Platinum--Arceus, #99) Big Growth attack to recover discarded
{G] Energy cards to attach to Sceptile.
Its second attack, Poison Claws, costs {G}{C}{C}{C} to
deal 60 damage. If you have three or more {G}
Energy to Sceptile, you are better doing equal damage or
more with Leaf Blast. If you using ofther Energy
while building up for Leaf Blast, this attack is okay,
but the attack cost is one Energy more than I like.
Its stats, +30 weakness against {R}, -20 resistance
against {W}, 2 Energy retreat cost, and 120 HP, are
typical for a good attacking and healing Pokémon.
If you enjoy playing Magmortar, consider Sceptile as a
Grass type alternative. It may be a step slower
with Sceptile's Stage 2 Evolution, but it still packs a
Modified: 5/5
Limited: 5/5
BoDragon, proud member of
Team Sceptile