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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
July 13, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Honchkrow (Undaunted)
Our second preview card this week is Honchkrow. The last
Honchkrow we got (in Supreme Victors) was a key
component of the deck that won US Nationals, so this one
has a hard act to follow.
Honchkrow is a Stage 1 Pokémon with a reasonable 90 HP,
a horrible Lightning Weakness (horrible unless you are
the person KOing it with Luxray), a very nice Fighting
Resistance, and a relatively high Retreat cost of two.
Grrrr . . . it just bugs me when they give Flying
Pokémon a high Retreat – just doesn’t seem to make
Like the Forretress we looked at yesterday, Honchkrow
has two attacks that seem to be designed to work
together. Unfortunately, they are very badly designed –
so much so that the card doesn’t really work.
The first, Whirlwind, costs [C][C]. It does 20 damage
and forces a switch. The damage is far from being good
for the price, but the effect is a nice disruptive
bonus. Now you may think that you could use Double
Colourless Energy to get this attack going quickly, but
doing that would be a big mistake. Why? Because
Honchkrow’s second attack, Blindside, costs [D][D], so
any DCE you attach to it will be wasted. But that’s ok,
right? At least you get to increase attack damage with
Special Dark Energy, right?
Wrong. Bindside is an attack that does 50 damage to an
opponent’s Pokémon of your choice, provided it already
has damage counters on it. Clearly the intended strategy
is to use Whirlwind, then Blindside to hit the Pokémon
your opponent was forced to switch. Unfortunately, if
you do that and snipe a benched Pokémon, you will not
get the attack boost from Special Dark Energy.
But you might still be thinking that a 50 snipe for
[D][D] isn’t bad, and I suppose it isn’t. However,
Honchkrow is simply not the best Pokémon for this kind
of job . . . in fact it isn’t even the best Honchkrow
for this kind of job. Why use a Stage 1 and 2 Dark
Energy for a 50 snipe when you can use the Basic
Honchkrow G which will snipe a damaged Pokémon for 40 at
the cost of [D][C] (or [D] and an Energy Gain?
Outclassed by its SP counterpart, Honchkrow might have
been just about playable if it could have taken more
advantage of DCE or Special Dark. As it is you are
better off sticking with the older Honchkrows.
Modified: 1.5 (annoying conflicts in the design)
Limited: 4 (relatively cheap disruptive attacks make it
a good play here. Bench snipers are devastating in
Combos with . . .
Crobat G could put some damage on the Bench for you to
work with.
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers. Today we are reviewing
another preview card from the new HS Undaunted set:
Honchkrow is a Stage 1 Darkness Pokemon. Dark Pokemon
have started to see a lot of play recently, anywhere
from Sableye SF, Tyranitar SF, Honchkrow SV, and even
Tyranitar Prime. 90 HP, much like Forretress yesterday,
is very average for a Stage 1, and a bit more HP would
be welcome. Double Lightning Weakness is quite bad,
allowing Honchkrow to be easy KO bait for Luxray GL Lv.
X. Fighting Resistance is good, helping against Machamp
SF, Donphan Prime, and Promo Toxicroak G. Finally, a
Retreat Cost of 2 is somewhat average, but seems a
little high. Switch and Warp Point are probably be best
way to get Honchkrow back to the bench.
Honchkrow's first attack, Whirlwind, costs [CC],
deals 20 damage and causes your opponent to switch the
Defending Pokemon with a Benched Pokemon. The damage
output is low, but the secondary effect is potentially
quite nice. However, one could also just use Warp Point,
Pokemon Circulator, or Luxray GL Lv. X to switch your
opponent's Pokemon, and then attack with a
higher-powered attack.
The second attack, Blindside, costs [DD] and deals 50
damage to one of your opponent's Pokemon with damage
counters on it. This works quite well with the first
attack, as one could Whirlwind a target and then
Blindside it the next turn, but this attack is probably
better off with help from other damage dealers like
Crobat G.
Modified: 2/5 If Honchkrow's attacks did a bit more
damage, it would be more worthy of consideration for a
place in a Modified deck, but as it is, there are
probably better options that hit harder. However, not
all is bad for Honchkrow. Whirlwind has a potentially
gamebreaking secondary effect, and Blindside is a very
decent snipe attack. This being said, there is a chance
that Honchkrow could find its way into a deck somewhere.
Limited: 3/5 I think Honchkrow will be pretty good
here. Whirlwind can mess up your opponent's strategy if
they don't have a good way to switch, and Blindside can
be great to pick off a weakened opponent (if you can get
the two Dark Energy that are required).
RocketBoss |
Welcome back to day two of COTD, today we'll be
featuring Honchkrow # 15 from Undaunted. A stage 1
Darkness type with 90HP (eh), a 2X Lightning Weakness
(ouch), a -20 Resistance to Fighting (yay) and Retreat
cost of 2 (eh). The stats leave a bit to be
desired and the attacks do too, with Whirlwind hitting
for 20 and a bit of disruption for CC and Blindside
doing 50 to anything on your opponent's side of the
field already damaged for DD, if you use special
Darkness Energies it can be 70, but only to the
defending Pokemon... this attack has some potential to
combo well with Crobat G, just use a Flash Bite on
something and then you can hit it for 50, or if you use
two Flash Bites you can hit for 50 still, but that makes
70 which will drop most benched techs (Uxie, Azelf etc).
Modified-2.5/5 (some potential as a tech but def not
game changing)
Limited- 3.5/5 if you pulled Special Darkness Energies
then go for it, it'll pay off!