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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
July 15, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.87
Limited: 2.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Espeon Prime (Undaunted)
One thing will always be true in Pokémon: some people
love Eeveelutions. They love them so much that they will
play them even when they are not a particularly good
deck. They love them so much that every time some new
Eeveelutions are released, they hope an pray that they
will become a playable archetype. Sadly for these
people, Eeveelution decks haven’t been REALLY good since
the days of EX Pokémon.
So, you can imagine how excited some people are at the
prospect of getting Eeveelution PRIMES. Are they going
to end up disappointed yet again? Let’s find out.
Espeon Prime has 100 HP and a double Psychic Weakness.
That makes it pretty fail and very vulnerable – an easy
OHKO for the likes of Uxie LV X and Gengar. You always
have the option of running the MD Umbreon to give it no
Weakness and free Retreat though (as long as Dialga G LV
X isn’t around).
The intended strategy for Eeveelution decks usually
involves using them as some kind of toolbox (this seems
to be the idea behind the Undevelop Eeveelutions we got
in Rising Rivals). Things are no different with Espeon
Prime, thanks to its Evolution Memories PokeBody (wow .
. .Dialga is definitely going to have fun against this
card). Eevolution Memories lets Espeon Prime use any
attack from any Eeveelution that you have in play,
providing you have the right Energy for it. Is this
useful? Well, yes and no. Yes because some Eeveelutions
have situationally nice attacks (like Vaporeon MD’s
Cleanse Away, and Leafeon RR’s Plus Energy); and no
because it’s very difficult to run the Energy necessary
to perform these attacks (not to mention the fact that
you miss the chance to hit for a variety of Weakness).
But maybe Espeon has an attack of its own that will make
it worthwhile. Sadly not. Solar Ray costs [P][C] for 30
damage. It does have the nice bonus of removing a damage
counter from each of your benched Pokémon, but still,
the damage output is pitiful for a Prime Pokémon.
As things stand, Eeveelutions just do not have either
the support or the firepower to be good at the moment.
Espeon Prime does nothing to change that. Maybe, if we
got some Eeveelutions with better (and cheaper) attacks,
this could work as a tech against Psychic-weak Pokémon,
but as things stand I don’t see this card as being any
better than the MD Espeon in an Eevee deck.
Sorry Eevee fans.
Modified: 1.75 (a tech card for an archetype that needs
something more substantial than this)
Limited: 2.25 (attack is only mediocre, and you likely
won’t be able to use the PokeBody)
Combos with . . .
Other Eeveelutions
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! Today's Undaunted preview
Card of the Day is Espeon Prime.
Espeon is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon. Being Psychic isn't
so bad right now, as many support Pokemon are of the
Psychic-type. 100 HP is pretty good for a Stage 1, but
is still within the range of many big threats of the
metagame; sadly, Espeon Prime has no resistance; and a
Retreat Cost of 1 is fairly decent, and is totally
Espeon Prime has a Poke-Body and a single attack. The
Body, Evolution Memories, allows Espeon Prime to use all
of the attacks of your Pokemon that evolve from Eevee,
as long as it has the proper Energy requirements. This
Body pretty much means that Espeon Prime is perfectly
suited for extra flexibility in an Eeveelution deck. The
only problem with the said deck is that it requires many
different Energy types, and many of the other
Eeveelutions have expensive or somewhat gimmicky
attacks. However, on the same turn, many of the
Eeveelutions also have attacks with Colorless energy
requirements, making this Energy spread somewhat less
demanding as it could be. In short, this Body is only as
good as the Eeveelutions you already have in play, and
what Energy you have available to you.
The single attack, Solar Ray, deals 30 damage for [PC]
and removes a damage counter from each of your Pokemon.
Nothing truly outstanding, but the secondary effect is
nice if you are against a deck that snipes a lot.
Modified: 2/5 Like Legend Box yesterday, Espeon Prime
really needs to be in a dedicated deck to work
effectively. The difference is that Espeon Prime doesn't
really do anything that impressive on its own. The Body
is dependent on your other Eeveelutions and your Energy,
and with the Energy investment that this requires, you
are probably just better attaching the Energy to your
other Eevee evolutions on the bench.
Limited: 2/5 It's only really decent if you draft
another Eevee evolution, and even then, it's probably
not going to be that great.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Espeon Prime (HS Undaunted)
Here is a card that will have Eeveelution lovers
drooling. Primes for even more Modified Eveelution
Unfortunately, the card is somewhat lacklustre. 100 HP
is good for a Stage 1, but only okay for a Prime of the
same level. A common weakness, lack of resistance and
weak abilities mean that anyone who plays this card is
going to be disappointed (though collectors will still
be quite happy to pull this!). AT least the retreat cost
is okay, but even that is negligible when you consider
that Umbreon MD is the best tech in any Eveelution deck
available today.
Solar Ray costs PC and deals 30 damage while healing
your bench for 10 damage each. This is a clone of Grass
Arceus' attack, and that didn't get used much either.
Too little damage or benefit even for the cheap cost,
the designers should have made the attack do a lot more
healing and forsaken the damage altogether (especially
as Espeon can copy attacks from other Pokemon). In fact,
having a full-heal-the-Active attack would almost have
made Espeon playable.
Evolutionary Memories is the main draw of the card, and
this is the reason it is useless. Espeon can use any of
the attacks of your other Eveelutions in play (but not
the attacks of your Eevee, which would make this ability
at least a little better) provided you have the
necessary energy attached to use them. Obviously,
Rainbow energy isd going to be your best friend here,
but to be honest it isn't worth the effort. Leafeon Lv X
is the only attacker you will really want to copy, and
even then Leafeon is better at attacking due to it's
support abilities and better stats, rather than dumping
energy on Espeon to do the dirty work. If you didn't
need the energy, or even if you had more attacks to
choose from (think Mew ex) then maybe Espeon could be
justified as a tech. Alas, it is not to be.
Quite simply, Espeon is a more unwieldy version of Ditto
LA with less choice of attacks, and usually with less
health too.
Modified: 1.5 (so close to revivng the archetype, but
yet so far!)
Limited: 1 (fewer Eveelutions and no rainbow energy,
pull it as a collectable only)
Combos with: Eevee and Rainbow Energy