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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Kyogre/Groudon Legend
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
July 16, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.38
Limited: 1.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Kyogre/Groudon Legend (Undaunted)
Like all the other Legend cards, Kyogre/Groudon Legend
(actually I’m just going to call it KGL from now on,
ok?) is tricky to get into play. Like all the other
Legends except for Entei/Raikou it has very expensive
attacks. Normally, this would have you reaching
reluctantly for your binder and/or thinking about
trading value, but wait! Take another look at those
attacks . . . one of them is just so ridiculously good
that it might be worth seeing if this card can be made
to work.
But let’s deal with the basics first. KGL is a dual
Water/Fighting type with a hefty 150 HP, a nasty Retreat
cost of three, and a couple of very bad Weaknesses
(Lightning and Grass). It is solid enough against most
Pokémon, but anything that hits for Weakness (yeah, it’s
time to bring up Luxray again) will be very bad news,
considering the effort it takes to get it out in the
first place.
KGL’s second attack, Massive Eruption, has the potential
to do unnecessarily huge amounts of damage. For the big
cost of [F][F][C][C], you discard the top five cards of
your deck and do 100 damage times the amount of Energy
you discard. In theory, you could do 500 base damage,
which is more than enough to KO even an Expert Belted
Wailord . . . twice. It’s not even that hard to
manipulate your deck so that you will hit for at least
200 . . . just use Delcatty PL’s Power Circulation. It’s
a spectacular attack for sure, but to be honest, it’s
not really worth all the set up and deck discard just to
KO one Pokemon a dozen times over. The really good
attack, the one you can base an entire deck and strategy
on, is the first one.
Mega Tidal Wave also has a big cost: [W][W][C][C]. For
that, you get to discard the top five cards of your
opponent’s deck and do 30 damage times the amount of
Energy discarded to all your opponent’s benched Pokémon.
Wow . . . talk about a win/win. If you hit Energy you
practically wipe out their entire set up. If you don’t,
you cripple their deck by discarding Pokémon and
Trainers. If you can get this attack off 3-4 times in a
game you are virtually guaranteed a win because your
opponent will be left with no Pokémon, or no deck or
(most likely) both. It’s a devastating combination of
deck milling and spread damage which is bordering on
the obscene.
Luckily for the health of the game, it’s not that easy
to pull off. You need to get a Legend into play, drop
four Energy on it, and keep it alive for long enough to
do the damage. Legend Box is a risky attempt to solve
the first two problems, but it should be run alongside
more consistent options like the Pokémon
Collector/Pokémon Communicator combo. As for the Energy
cost . . . well, KGL is part Water type, so you could
use Feraligatr Prime to Rain Dance Energy on to it. The
staying alive problem is more difficult. Being
vulnerable to Luxray is a real issue, and so is the fact
that Machamp can OHKO KGL seeing as it counts as an ‘unevolved’
Pokémon. At least Mewtwo LV X won’t be a problem as it
won’t prevent the discard or the bench damage.
So, what you have is a card which is extremely difficult
to use and support, but which can win games in two or
three turns. Because it is so slow and needy, I can’t
really see it being a top tier deck. One thing is for
sure though: players will try this Legend. If you
ever find yourself sitting opposite a fully-charged one,
be afraid . . . be very afraid.
Modified: 2.5 (let’s just hope no-one finds a way to use
Mega Tidal Wave consistently)
Limited: 1.25 (just because the chances of you even
pulling both halves are so slim)
Combos with . . .
Feraligatr Prime
Delcatty PL
virusyosh |
Hello again and happy Friday, Pojo viewers! Today we were ending our preview
week for the new HS Undaunted expansion with a LEGEND card: the new Kyogre &
Groudon LEGEND.
Kyogre & Groudon LEGEND is a Water and Fighting LEGEND Pokemon. Both Water
and Fighting see some play right now in a variety of decks, but are generally
not seen together competitively. 150 HP is immense, and will allow the LEGEND
to take some high-powered hits. Double Weakness to Lighting and Grass can be
a considerable problem though, as Luxray and Jumpluff are common.
Unfortunately for this LEGEND, Kyogre and Groudon don't have any resistance.
Finally, a Retreat Cost of 3 is expensive, but is probably about right for
these two huge world-shaping Pokemon. Finally, as with all of the other two
Pokemon LEGENDs, if your opponent KOs it, they take two Prizes.
Kyogre and Groudon LEGEND have two attacks, each costing a total of 4 Energy.
The first, Mega Tidal Wave, costs [WWCC] and discards the top 5 cards of your
opponent's deck. For each Energy that is discarded, the attack does 30 damage
to each of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. The damage this attack causes is
somewhat unreliable, given that most decks nowadays run about 12-15 Energy,
so this attack will probably average 30 damage to each Benched Pokemon. This
attack further loses its offense against speedy decks like Gyarados and
Jumpluff, which may run as little as 4 Energy. However, making your opponent
discard 5 cards is great, as the discard may get rid of a key Pokemon your
opponent needed or a crucial Trainer or Supporter.
The second attack, Massive Eruption, costs [FFCC] and has you instead discard
the top 5 cards of your own deck, and this attack does 100 damage for each
Energy discarded in this way. Unlike the first attack, this attack can be
made more reliable through your own support, and specifically can
consistently do 200+ with the support of Delcatty PT. Although the attack can
total 500(!) damage, is any more than 200 really necessary in most cases?
Modified: 2.25/5 Of all of the LEGEND sets released so far, I like this one
quite a bit. While the attacks are very slow for our format, they have the
possibility to be devastating to your opponent, and can be sped up with
Legend Box and even ligatr Prime. Just keep it far away from Luxray or
Jumpluff, or your opponent will end up with two more Prizes very fast.
Limited: 1.75/5 Getting both pieces will be very difficult in draft, and the
attacks are slow. However, with the amount of Energy played in Limited
relative to your deck size, the attacks are going hurt your opponent
Combos with: Delcatty PT, Legend Box, Feraligatr Prime
Have a good weekend!
Jeff / virusyosh
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Kyogre and Groudon Legend (HS Undaunted)
Now here we have a really cool card to review! This one
could actually prove to be worth the hype!
K&G (as I will now call it) has an impressive 150 HP,
though that is only to offset the drawbacks of 2
weaknesses (grass and lightning), the trouble in playing
it early and the 2 prize penalty. Also, it isn't the
highest HP we've seen on a Legend so it actually isn't
all that impressive. Still, play it early (somehow) and
watch your opponent squirm! Other stats are the heavy
retreat cost (3 to be exact) and Dual typing. Being both
water and fighting isn't very good, since weakness will
probably prove unecessary for getting a KO while
resistance to these types is common. Also, K&G don't get
a lot of support, though they can abuse Dawn Stadium and
Feraligatr Prime which is a saving grace as the attack
costs are massive.
K&G have 2 attacks which are both very costly. Massive
Eruption will cost you FFCC and 5 cards from the top of
your deck. The effect is too deal 100 damage for each
energy card in the top five cards of your deck. The
catch? You have discard those top 5 cards. Obviously,
this attack has the same problem as Tyranitar Prime in
thinning your deck way too quickly (especially since K&G
will usually only come into play late game) as well as
not even being sure of dealing damage! Obviously, a very
bad idea to use this attack unless you know precisely
what cards are on top of your deck and you really,
really, REALLY need the KO.
Mega Tidal Wave is much more exciting. It is still
costly at WWCC, but Feraligatr and Legend Box can help
with that. The effect of this attack is to discard the
top 5 cards of your opponent's deck, and then deal 30
damage for each energy card you discard from their deck
to each of their benched Pokemon. Chopping 5 cards from
your opponent's deck is great, as well as the chance of
dealing massive damage to the bench, possibly resulting
in a wave of KO's that could win you the match. The
problems are the high cost and the amount of energy in
your opponent's deck. You will quite often deal
absolutely no damage, but I still think that is beside
the point. If you can get K&G set up to attack, with
Exploud SV to remove weakness, then you have a massive
tank that can quickly erode your opponent's deck. Even
if you don't deal damage, you will be denying important
cards your opponent needs for their strategy. With only
47 cards in a deck to begin with, and the high draw of
today's metagame, you will probably win when you
opponent runs out of cards, rather than by taking your
prizes. Milling may well be a viable strategy again!
Modified: 3 (I'm hesistant, as all Legends are slow to
play and vulnerable to OHKOs with nasty results for your
game. But if somone can consistently pull this off,
there will be a new dawn in Pokemon!)
Limited: 2 (It will be nigh impossible to power this
Pokemon up, even if you do pull both halves, though
Legend Box may make it easier and the high energy counts
in Limited will make the attacks more effective)
Combos with: Legend Box, Feraligatr Prime, Exploud SV
(removes the wekness, which just about everyone seems to
forget. Why does Exploud get absolutely no love when it
should be remaking Pokemon as we know it?)