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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Ursaring #27/96
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
July 20, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.45
Limited: 3.37
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Ursaring (Unleashed)
Today’s Pokémon is another one which suffers by
comparison with its Prime counterpart. Not that I think
that Ursaring Prime is anything special – it doesn’t
have to be in order to be better than this.
Ursaring is a Stage 1 with a so-so 100 HP, a Fighting
Weakness which makes it a ridiculously easy KO for the
likes of Donphan, and a terrible Retreat cost of three.
So far, so terrible, but players could live with that if
it had attacks that were any good.
Sadly, it doesn’t. Confront is a no-effect 20 damage for
[C]. Is it worth getting a Stage 1 into play for a quick
20 damage? Of course not. It might be ok as something to
do while you wait for the Energy to use a devastating
second attack, but Ursaring doesn’t have one of those
either. For [C][C][C] Cross Chop does a mere 50 damage
with a coin flip opportunity to bump that up to 80.
Honestly, I really don’t see the need to make this a
flippy attack. They could have made it a straight 80 for
3 and the card would still see no play outside of a
Oh well, at least it is Colourless, meaning that it’s
easily splashable. Shame I can’t think of any reason why
you would want to splash it in any deck. It's a boring,
useless card.
Modified: 1.25 (it’s just pointless filler really)
Limited: 3 (Colourless attackers usually make it into
limited decks, but even here it is barely average)
Combos with . . .
DCE? You would be mad to waste it on this.
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! This week we are back
to our Unleashed reviews, and today's Card of the Day is
Ursaring is a Stage 1 Colorless Pokemon. Colorless
Pokemon are generally good because they can fit into any
type of deck, and Ursaring Prime is occasionally used
together with Donphan Prime as a secondary attacker. Is
this one playable too? 100 HP is decent for a Stage 1,
although 100 is still within OHKO range for many of the
metagame's top hitters. Double Weakness to Fighting
isn't too bad, although Machamp, Donphan, and Toxicroak
G will give you problems. No Resistance is unfortunate.
Finally, a Retreat Cost of 3 is huge, and shouldn't be
paid. Use some other form of retreat instead.
Ursaring has two attacks. The first attack, Confront,
does a vanilla 20 damage for a single Colorless Energy.
Nothing terribly interesting or powerful, although the
attack is nice for its cost in Limited. The second
attack, Cross Chop, starts off as 50 damage for [CCC],
but if you flip heads, it does 80 damage. 80 damage for
3 is fairly decent, but there are many better ways to do
heavy damage in the metagame.
Modified: 1.5/5 The attacks aren't powerful or
interesting enough to be used here.
Limited: 3.5/5 Colorless energy requirements, a decent
100 HP body, and fairly consistent attacks make this
Ursaring a pretty good pick for Limited. The Retreat
Cost is a bit high, but Cross Chop can be pretty good if
you flip well.

Otaku |
I am fairly fond of
Ursaring, probably because it
vaguely reminds me of my favorite
With such a lackadaisical
introduction, you can tell that this
isn’t a happy review.
is a Stage 1 Colorless Pokémon.
It sports 100 HP, which is about
what you need in a Stage 1 final
The double Weakness to Fighting
isn’t the absolute worst
Ursaring could sport, but it really
hurts it:
Donphan Prime decks will wreak you
pretty quickly unless you run something
to block your Weakness.
No Resistance is the worst
Resistance, and while very common is
still disappointing.
The need for three Energy to
Retreat is pretty bad: you’ll either
have to run something to get it back out
of the Active slot or be willing to let
it fall if it is stuck Active when you
want it Benched.
From an underwhelming foundation, we get
a mere two attacks.
The good news is that their
pricing is decently spaced.
The first needs just a single
Energy of any color.
Unfortunately it just does 20
damage with no other effects.
Doesn’t cut it now, and would
have barely been adequate early in the
games life.
The second attack isn’t a whole
lot better: for three of any Energy you
do 50 base damage, and if you get heads
on a coin toss you do another 30.
That actually would have been
good in the games infancy, but wouldn’t
have been enough in Modified Formats
past and certainly isn’t fast, reliable
enough damage to compete with the major
decks of today.
At least you can enjoy this card in
Limited play.
Being Colorless will allow it to
fit into pretty much any deck with easy,
and the underperforming attacks become
pretty good in such a slow format.
Still I wish there had been one
more attack or a Poké-Body or something
that would have made this card worth
Right now it feels unfinished.
Combos With:
Azelf Lv. X,
Exploud (Supreme Victors), and
Double Colorless Energy.
I’d also like to add I’ll be selling
quite a bit of my soon-to-be-former
possessions on eBay. You can take
a look
here at my second auction if you’re
interested in a Nintendo GameCube with
some accessories and 17 games!
Just a reminder, Pojo is in no way
responsible for this and was merely kind
enough to let me mention the auction
here. ;)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Ursaring (HS Unleashed)
Ursaring, living with the simple Bear Necessities of
Life (terrible pun, I know)
Ursaring is nice and simple. It's colourless so you can
dump it in any deck, and it has 100 HP to make a decent
Stage 1 attacker. Fighting weakness is lousy but nothing
worse than expected, thought th retreat is a little too
much. 2 instead of 3 as a retreat cost would be more
understandable, we aren't dealing with Winnie the Pooh
Now we have the attacks. Confront is 20 damage for C,
nice but not game changing. Cross Chop makes Ursaring
into a real champion, dealing 80 damage for CCC. Oh wait
a second, that only happens on Heads, tails is 50
damage. Sorry, that means the big bear just became
binder fodder. Damn, I liked it too.
Modified: 2 (tanky, but othewise useless)
Limited: 3 (tanky, with a decnt chance of bringing the
hurt if it isn't hit for weakness)
Combos with: a very bit pot of Honey, that it won't
share with anyone. Dang. |