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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Dunsparce #29/95
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
July 22, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 3.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Dunsparce (Unleashed)
So today we take a look at Dunsparce, one of the weirder
Pokémon in the franchise.
This isn’t going to take long.
Dunsparce is an unevolving Basic with a low 60 HP,
Weakness to Fighting, and a Retreat cost of one. It has
a single attack, Return, which does 10 damage (pretty
irrelevant) and allows you to draw cards until you have
six in your hand.
With Claydol rotating out, everyone is looking for cards
that help you draw, but Dunsparce isn’t something they
will be turning to. Unless you can play out most of your
hand early, you won’t really be drawing much with
Dunsparce, thanks to the ‘up to six’ restriction. If you
really want to burn your hand and use an attack to
re-stock it, then Chatot MD is a much better option
(no-Energy attack, free Retreat). Otherwise, there is
always Uxie – vastly superior as it doesn’t waste an
Don’t expect to see this in competitive play . . . even
after Claydol is rotated.
Modified: 1.25 (it does draw, but you have a lot better
ways to get the job done)
Limited: 3.25 (ANY draw here is nice, and this can be a
reasonable starter)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Dunsparce (HS Unleashed)
Sorry for the late reviews readers, I've finally caught
up and posted my reviews for the past 1 1/2 weeks.
Thanks for your patience!
Dunsparce is actually quite a nice card. The concept is
similar to Chatot MD, as it is meant to refresh your
hand while you set up.
60 HP, 1 retreat and figthing weakness are pretty much
expected for colourless Basics, and it means that
Dunsparce will probably survive your opponent's first
hit. This is great news as it means that Dunsparce is
one tech that will actually be able to do it's job, and
do it effectively.
Dunsparce has only 1 attack, but it doesn't really need
another. Return is a strange name, but the effect is
great. 10 damage for C is nothing special, but the
added effect is to draw cards until you have 6 cards in
your hand. The obvious drawback is the need to attach
energy in the frist place, as well as needing to be able
to play cards to get decent draw out of it. Also, it
doesn't get rid of a bad hand like Chatot does. If you
have cards you want to keep though, Dunsparce is great
for early draw. The best out of the set I'd say.
Modified: 3 (won't replace Chatot as shuffle draw will
still be better 2 out of 3 games, but it is an option
for new players and still has a niche to fill)
Limited: 4 (even with the other options in the set,
Dunsparce is the shining star)
Combos with: Spammable Trainers and other cards you play
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! Today's Card of the Day is
Dunsparce from HS Unleashed.
Dunsparce is a Basic Colorless Pokemon. Dunsparce
doesn't have any evolutions, so it must be able to do
some pretty awesome things on its own in order to see
some play. 60 HP for a non-evolving Basic isn't a good
start, as this amount is really low and is easily within
OHKO range. Double Weakness to Fighting is bad if you're
up against Donphan, Machamp, or Promocroak. No
Resistance is pretty standard, and a Retreat Cost of 1
isn't terrible, although it would be better if it were
Dunsparce only has one attack, with a fairly simple
effect. Return costs a single Colorless energy, dealing
10 damage and allowing you to draw cards until you have
6 in your hand. The damage output is very low, and would
not be the point of using this attack. Drawing until you
have six cards is pretty good, as this works similarly
to Uxie's Set Up or even (in some capacity) to Claydol's
Cosmic Power. However, this effect is unfortunately part
of an attack, and therefore wastes precious time where
you could be working to knock out the opponent.
Dunsparce may work in some capacity as a early game
set-up Pokemon or something similar, but there are
generally better options with Trainers, Supporters, or
Poke-Powers in the metagame.
Modified: 1.75/5 I'm not totally convinced that it can't
be used in Modified, as it may be able to restore your
hand after your hand has either been emptied or hit with
Cyrus's Initiative/Sablelock. Even still, using Uxie,
Claydol, or Supporters are still probably better
options, as you aren't delayed in hitting your opponent
Limited: 3/5 Cheap, Colorless energy requirements and a
card-drawing attack make Dunsparce pretty good in the
slower format as a starter. Its HP still isn't that
great, but the card draw can be amazing here, even if
you draw a decent amount of Supporters. |
Otaku |
can you reclaim your place as a great opener?
No, no
you can’t.
This is a good effort, though!
(HS – Unleashed Uncommon 29/96) has a passable 60 HP for
a Basic with no Evolutions available.
It has a mildly
concerning Fighting Weakness x 2: it won’t often matter
because the heavies in Fighting decks would OHKO it
Only when the Fighting deck has a slow start and doesn’t
rush to Evolve but still takes
down with lower stage Fighting Pokémon or the like will
it have been a burden.
The lack of Resistance is lame/lazy on TPCs part
and could have helped this card.
The single Energy Retreat Cost is good, at least.
has a single attack and if this were a slower format
and/or lacked such potent Trainer-lock decks, would make
it a good starter: Return needs just a single Energy,
does 10 damage, and lets you draw until you have six
cards in hand.
It wouldn’t be for every deck but it’d allow you
to run a deck packed with cards you could play right
away (mostly Basics and Normal Trainers) but still hold
a key card or two in hand to build a nasty combo.
As is,
though, you’ll rarely pick this over the other options
available to you.
Brilliant opener for Limited, of course: any draw
power tends to be potent here.
also like to add I’ll be selling quite a bit of my
soon-to-be-former possessions on eBay. You can
take a look
here at my second auction if you’re interested in a
Nintendo GameCube with some accessories and 17 games!
Just a reminder, Pojo is in no way responsible for this
and was merely kind enough to let me mention the auction
here. ;)