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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Pupitar #38/95
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
July 27, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.17
Limited: 2.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Pupitar – the good one (Unleashed)
Yep, today’s card is a Stage 1 evolution, so its
playability is completely dependent on how good
Tyranitar is. Luckily, Tyranitar Prime is a pretty
decent card (very popular in Japan, I have heard), and
even good old Tyranitar SF isn’t the worst Stage 2 in
the TCG.
So there’s a fair chance that a reasonable Pupitar could
see competitive play. Sure, you will always want to get
the T-tar out as fast as possible with Rare Candy or
Broken Time-Space, but having a nice Stage 1 never hurts
. . . and in this case it can actually help the deck.
Ok, 70 HP is nothing to write home about, and Water
Weakness isn’t great, but this Pupitar does have a very
useful Lightning Resistance, making it a tough KO for
Luxray. It also has a good PokeBody, Boost Gas (yes,
really), which gives it free Retreat if it has any
Energy attached. That could come in handy if dragged
active, or if you start with a Larvitar that you want to
evolve and switch to the Bench.
The best thing about Pupitar, though, is its attack. For
[C][C] Rage does 20 damage plus 10 more for each damage
counter on Pupitar. I know the ability to hit for 80
with an almost dead Pupitar isn’t much of a selling
point, but that’s not what makes it good. Basically,
Rage/Flail type attacks work brilliantly with high HP
Pokémon that are capable of absorbing a lot of damage
and then striking back hard before they are KO’d.
Tyranitar Prime, with its 160 HP is just such a Pokémon,
and if you attach the Memory Berry Tool, it will be able
to use Pupitar’s attack and hit for anything up to 170
damage for only two Energy.
True, most of the time you would probably be using
Expert Belt and T-tar’s own attacks, but because this
Pupitar gives you a nice extra attack option AND has a
nifty PokeBody, it is definitely the one I would
recommend for a Tyranitar deck.
Modified: 2.5 (One of the better Stage 1s out there)
Limited: 2.25 (if you pull a T-tar . . . why not?)
Combos with . . .
Memory Berry
virusyosh |
Hello again, Pojo readers! Today we are reviewing the
first of two Pupitars in the Unleashed set, #38.
Pupitar is a Stage 1 Fighting Pokemon. Fighting Pokemon
mainly appear as Machamp, Donphan Prime, and Promo
Toxicroak G in today's metagame, although this Pupitar
will generally be used in Tyranitar decks (and the
Tyranitars currently played are Dark). 70 HP is average
for an evolving Stage 1, although it could afford to be
a little higher, especially given Pupitar's double Water
Weakness, limiting its survivability against Gyarados,
Kingdra, Palkia G, or Rain Dance variants. Lightning
resistance, however, is quite excellent with Luxray GL
so common. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 1 is totally
decent and payable, but most of the time you won't have
to worry about it. Pupitar has a Poke-Body and an
attack. The Poke-Body, Boost Gas, sets Pupitar's Retreat
Cost at 0 as long as it has Energy attached. Pretty
good, especially as you will probably attach an Energy
to Pupitar so it can be powered up as a Tyranitar. The
attack, Rage, costs [CC] and deals 20 damage plus 10
more damage for each damage counter on Pupitar. Nothing
terribly great, although the Colorless Energy
requirements are notable because Tyranitar SF and
Tyranitar Prime both require significant amounts of
Darkness Energy, and Colorless Energy requirements mean
that you don't need to attach Fighting Energy onto
Pupitar that will be useless later. So, which Pupitar
should you use in your Tyranitar deck?
There will be 3 Pupitars legal in the new MD-On format,
so I will focus on those here (Pupitar MT will be legal
until the first of September, but isn't really
noteworthy). This leaves the Stormfront Pupitar, this
Pupitar, and the other one from Unleashed. The
Stormfront version has a body that grants damage
reduction and has more HP than this one, although the
attack can only cap at 40 damage. The other Unleashed
Pupitar also has more HP, but only has two simple
vanilla attacks that have Fighting Energy requirements.
For the Tyranitar deck, I would recommend either this
Pupitar or the Stormfront version, giving a slight edge
to the SF version for having more HP and damage
reduction. However, if you really like retreating for
free, this Pupitar is by no means a bad choice.
Modified: 2/5 Evolving Stage 1s are hard to rate because
the focus of the deck is generally on the Stage 2. In a
Tyranitar deck, this Pupitar is perfectly usable due to
its free-retreating Body and Colorless Energy
requirements. However, the Stormfront version will still
be probably better.
Limited: 2.75/5 Colorless Energy requirements and the
ability to have free retreat is great here. Larvitars
are fairly common, so it shouldn't be hard to throw a
few of these into a deck that needs a decent hitter (or
more consistency). Finally, opposing attacks here are
weak enough that Rage may actually be able to do some
respectable damage. Of course, if you're running
Tyranitar or Tyranitar Prime, this is a must. |
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Pupitar 38/96 (HS Unleashed)
Here we have one of the 2 available Pupitar from the
set, let's find out if it is better than the SF version.
70 HP (low, even for an evolving Stage 1), Lightning
Resistance (nice) and a retreat cost of 2 (discussed
below) give this Pokemon less survivabiltiy than the SF
version, and since survivabilty is the point of the card
while you try breaking out Tyranitar, we already have a
We get 1 Poke-body and 1 attack, both of which seem a
little strange and against the design. Boost Gas reduces
Pupitar's retreat cost to 0 if Pupitar has an energy
attached to it so you can run away if Pupitar gets
dragged active *cough* Luxray *cough* but it pales in
comparison to the damage reduction Poke-body of the SF
Pupitar for survivability.
Rage is completely against the idea fo the card, dealing
20 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on
Pupitar for CC. You don't want damage counters on
Pupitar, period. Therefore, this attack is crap.
If you haven't already realized, I think the SF version
is the Pupitar to use and that this one is set filler
for the prerelease.
Modified: 2 (better than the other HSU version, but that
isn't saying much)
Limited: 2.5 (better than the other version available,
but still only worth it if you get Tyranitar)
Combos with: Tyranitar. Oh wait, no it doesn't, it
combos with the shoebox. |