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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Stantler #64/95
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
July 30, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 3.30
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Stantler (Unleashed)
Stantler is an unevolving Basic Pokémon with a
reasonable 70 HP. It’s Weak to Fighting, so watch out
for Donphan Prime.
Like a lot of unevolving Basics (Jirachi, Sableye,
Pachirisu, Spiritomb), Stantler often seems designed for
the role of starter Pokémon (see the SW one for another
example). This one does the job with a Call for Family
attack which lets you search out and Bench up to two
Basic Pokémon from your deck. It’s a nice effect and
can help you set up while preventing donks. Pachirisu GE
does a better job, but we will lose that in September.
So, will that make Stantler worth playing? Unlikely as
long as we have Call Energy in the format. Call Energy
gives a CFF attack to any Pokémon AND can be used for
Colourless Energy requirements later in the game.
Greater versatility means it will always be played ahead
of a card like Stantler.
Stantler does have another attack : Mystifying Horns. At
[C][C][C] it is very expensive for 30 damage, but it
does Confuse the Defending Pokémon. Unfortunately,
Confusion was nerfed long ago as a Status effect, and
your opponent will just retreat/evolve/PokeTurn out of
it most of the time.
In the end, Stantler is a very mediocre starter. Sableye
and Spiritomb (in evolution decks) are vastly superior,
and for everything else, there is Call Energy.
Modified: 2 (CFF is nice . . . but that’s what Call
Energy is for)
Limited: 4 (Very useful to set up with, and the attack
could be annoying for your opponent)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo viewers! Today we are ending our
COTD week by reviewing
another common from the HS Unleashed expansion. Today's
Card of the Day is
Stantler is a Basic Colorless Pokemon. Basic Pokemon
that don't evolve are
generally only used if they have excellent supporting
effects, and Colorless
Pokemon are easily splashable into deck due to their
flexible Energy
requirements. 70 HP is fairly nice for a Basic, as it is
usually out of donk range unless your opponent gets
super lucky. Double Fighting Weakness is bad
against Donphan, Machamp, and Toxicroak; No Resistance
is bad; and a Retreat
Cost of 1 is pretty good.
Stantler's first attack, Call for Family, allows you to
search your deck for
2 Basic Pokemon and put them onto your Bench for a
single Colorless Energy.
Not bad, as this attack is essentially Call Energy in
attack form. In this way, this attack can be quite nice
in Limited, although in Modified you are probably just
better off using Call Energy.
The second attack, Mystifying Horns, costs an exorbitant
[CCC] for 30 damage and automatic confusion. Absolutely
not worth it.
Modified: 1/5 The first attack is easily replaceable by
an Energy and the second attack costs way too much.
Avoid using Stantler here.
Limited: 2.25/5 Call for Family is good here because it
gets multiple Basics out of your deck, but Mystifying
Horns is still really expensive. Even still, the format
is slow enough that Confusion might actually be a factor
in your battle, so it may work.

Otaku |
We finish the week with
It starts off promising: a 70 HP
Colorless Basic Pokémon.
It can’t
Evolve, but with the right
attacks or Poké-Power/Poké-Body it could
be a good opener or Bench sitter.
It has a double Fighting
Weakness, but that may not be as bad as
it sounds: its HP is high enough that
most Fighting Pokémon that couldn’t OHKO
it without Weakness, still won’t.
They’ll two-hit KO it instead of
three or four turns… but those Pokémon
will Evolve or fully power-up usually
before then and graduate into the “OHKO
you regardless of Weakness” range.
The lack of Resistance is
depressing as always and the single
Energy Retreat cost is manageable,
though free would really have helped.
Call for Family is a solid attack, but
there are a lot more useful “opening”
attacks right now benching two Basic
Pokémon of your choice from the deck to
be competitive.
Mystifying Horns isn’t any better.
Requiring three Energy to attack,
on a Pokémon that can’t Evolve or
possess built in protection/obscene HP
makes for a very risky investment.
Double Colorless Energy can only
mitigate the expense so much.
As such the attack has to be very
30 damage and automatic Confusion
are not potent.
You need an entirely different
attack or some disruptive Pokémon Power
or opening attack for it to be useful
(and you’d still need to hit a little
At least the first attack, as stated, is
solid: it isn’t the best for your deck
but if for some reason you run it, it
will help you.
It just won’t help as much as
several much better choices.
You’re only going to want to run
it in Limited, where the lack of other
options makes it a fantastic pull and
Confusion becomes much more potent.
After all, when you can’t shake a
Special Condition except by Retreating
and doing that costs so much Energy you
might as well go down swinging, as long
as the coin tosses go your way it’s
I’d also like to add I’ll be selling
quite a bit of my soon-to-be-former
possessions on eBay. You can take
a look
here to see all I am selling.
As of writing this, I have some English
language manga and action figures for
sale. Just a reminder, Pojo is in
no way responsible for this and was
merely kind enough to let me mention the
auction here. ;)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Stantler (HS Unleashed)
This card is one of the "starter" Pokemon form the set.
Let's see if it can impress after such a lousy week.
Stantler gets 70 HP, putting it above most other
starters, with 1 retreat and fighting weakness (not that
it matters, any attacker worth the cost of printing will
mulch any starter without weakness). So far so good.
Now the attacks. The first is Call for Family, which may
become more useful now that Call Energy is being phased
out. You get 2 Basics from you deck straight to your
bench for the cost of C. You have the usual problem of
not being able to use coming-into-play powers on Pokemon
called up this way, but it is still good for setup.
Now the second attack costs CCC, which makes it
unplayable no matter what the effect. However, you get
30 damage and auto Confusion, so you may want to make an
exception. But only if you have no idea what you are
doing, or maybe for jokes and giggles. The calassic
obligatory second useless attack.
Stantler could be a starter, but most will stick with
other tried and tested models.
Modified: 2 (potential, but no niche as of yet)
Limited: 3 (the best after Dunsparce, use it)
Combos with: I am all out of ideas and witty lines. |