Rare Candy
Rare Candy is a card that was actually rare at one
point. However, it has been reprinted so much recently
(POP 8, GE, and now UL) that everyone should be able to
get their hands on a playset reasonably cheaply and
And that’s a good thing. Rare Candy is a staple in
99.99% of all Stage 2 decks (I have seen Gengar decks
that can get by on Spiritomb and Broken Time-Space).
It’s so good because it breaks not one but TWO of the
fundamental rules of Pokémon: it lets you evolve a
Pokémon the turn you play it, AND it allows you to
bypass the Stage 1 Evolution.
Without Rare Candy, Stage 2 decks simply would not be
able to survive because of the massive speed
disadvantage they would have against decks using Basic
Pokémon (SP, AMU), and fast Stage 1s (Gyarados, Donphan
Prime). With Rare Candy, Stage 2 decks can get their
Pokémon into play in the first couple of turns and
Because of this, Rare Candy (or something very like it)
will probably be in the format for as long as the TCG
exists. Does this mean I am going to give it a perfect
score for Modified play though?
. . . Well, almost. Rare Candy does have a couple of
issues: it isn’t really searchable (except by a few
obscure cards that see little or no play), and it is
shut down by Trainer Lock (Dialga G, Spiritomb). It has
also lost some of its importance now that Broken
Time-Space is around.
Nevertheless, it’s a great card, a necessary card, and
one which every player needs to own.
Modified: 4.75 (almost perfect . . . for Stage 2 decks)
Limited: 5 (no reservations here . . . this card is