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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lanturn #18/95
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
June 10, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.67
Limited: 2.37
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Lanturn (Unleashed)
Just like Kingdra, Lanturn is another card that is
outshone by a Prime version in the same set. That’s only
right, I suppose – they shouldn’t be called ‘Prime’ for
Lanturn has 90 HP (just about ok for a Stage 1), a bad
Weakness to Fighting (watch it get destroyed by Donphan
and Toxicroak G Promo), and a nasty Retreat cost of two
which you would have to be desperate to pay.
His first attack isn’t too bad though. Confuse Ray costs
only one Lightning Energy and does 20 damage while
giving you a flip for Confusion. It’s a shame that
Confusion got nerfed ages ago and is now no more than an
inconvenience to an opponent who can just Retreat out of
it. Despite this, it would not be a bad attack to use
early if Lanturn was being built up to do something
Unfortunately, he isn’t.
Reflect Energy, Lanturn’s second attack, costs
[L][C][C]. You could use a Double Colourless Energy, but
why would you? It only does 60 damage AND it forces you
to move an Energy from Lanturn to the Bench. I have no
idea why they would want to give a drawback to such an
underpowered attack. Sometimes the forced switch could
be useful in terms of preparing another attacker, but
when you look at Lanturn’s Retreat cost, you know that
that strategy is just not going to work.
Sorry, but Lanturn is yet another underpowered piece of
set filler.
Modified: 1.5 (first attack is ok I suppose)
Limited: 2.5 (not too bad if you don’t pull anything
Combos with . . .
Ummmm . . . you could put the rev holo in a binder I
virusyosh |
Welcome back, readers! Today we continue our reviews of
the HS Unleashed expansion with Lanturn.
Lanturn is a Stage 1 Lightning Pokemon. Lightning is a
great type to be right now, as many decks fear Luxray GL
Lv. X, and Water is still widely played. 90 HP is about
what we'd expect for a Stage 1, although it's still
probably not enough to be effective. Double Weakness to
Fighting isn't the worst thing in the world, however
Donphan and Machamp will mess up Lanturn pretty badly.
No Resistance is to be expected. A Retreat Cost of 2 is
also about what we'd expect, although it's still a bit
much to pay, so using ZSwitch or Warp Point would
probably be beneficial.
Lanturn, like many other Pokemon in HGSS and Unleashed,
as two attacks. The first attack, Confuse Ray, deals 20
damage and gets Confusion on a coin flip for [L]. This
attack is decently priced and can be used while waiting
for something stronger, although automatic Confusion
would have been preferred. Unfortunately, the second
attack isn't all that powerful. Reflect Energy deals 60
damage for [LCC], with the secondary effect of moving an
Energy attached to Lanturn to one of your Benched
Pokemon. 60 damage for 3 Energy simply will not cut it
in this fast-paced format, and the secondary effect of
the attack can have serious drawbacks if you don't draw
into the Energy you need. In this way Lanturn might
combo with Magnezone Lv. X, but there are better
Modified: 1.5/5 Not totally worthless, though there are
many better options.
Limited: 2/5 Confuse Ray is a cheap attacking option for
Limited, although I'm still not sold on Reflect Energy's
usefulness here, as the Energy movement can be
potentially problematic and the damage output is a bit
low. Even still, if you need a decent Lightning
attacker, Lanturn can fill the need in your Limited
Combos with: Magnezone Lv. X |
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Lanturn (HS Unleashed)
Again, another non-Prime
piece of set filler. Sorry to be so negative, it must
suck to be printed under those conditions.
Lanturn has 90 HP, Fighting
weakness, 2 retreat cost and 2 attacks. At least the
type is a common weakness at the moment.
Confuse Ray deals 20 damage
and a 50% chance for Confusion for L. Special
Condiotions are too weak at the moment, and don't look
likely to improve in the near future. You can stall with
it if you really need to though.
Reflect Energy is pretty
self explanatory, dealing 60 damage at the cost of LCC
as well as sending one energy attached to Lanturn to a
buddy on the bench. The damage isn't up to the standard
of normal attackers, so it's pretty useless unless you
want to avoid attaching energy directly to your main
attacker (maybe because of Ampharos Prime?).
All in all, a poor effort
which plights all of the Pokemon ho have a Prime version
in the set. Poor them.
Modified: 2 (very little
reason to include it in a deck)
Limited: 2.5 (Special
Conditions are better in Limited, and Reflect Energy
could be useful here)