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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Ninetales #20/95
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
June 14, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.87
Limited: 2.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Ninetales (Unleashed)
Hello and welcome to a new week of Pojo’s CotD. We kick
off the week with a look at Ninetales UL. For some
reason, Ninetales cards nearly always have very pretty
artwork, especially the old Dragon Frontiers one, which
is one of my all-time favourites. This one isn’t too bad
either, but can it be more than just a pretty face?
Well, it’s a Stage 1 with 90HP, a Retreat cost of one,
and Water Weakness. All of these are acceptable, I
suppose, but it’s clearly not the strongest of Pokémon,
so it will need to have something special to offer if it
is going to see play. Ninetales doesn’t have any Powers
or Bodies, so we are going to have to rely on the
The second one, Searing Flame, is ok, but definitely not
special. For [R][C] you get 30 damage and auto-burn. Not
bad value, and potentially annoying for an opponent, but
not really an attack you can build a deck around.
The first attack, Heat Acceleration, is more
interesting. For one Fire Energy, you can search your
Discard for up to three Fire Energy and attach them to
one of your Pokémon. Now Energy acceleration is a good
thing, but Energy acceleration that requires an attack
is usually less so – as it is rather slow for this
format. That’s why you don’t see too many people playing
Weavile SW any more. To make things worse, the Energy
has to be taken from the Discard, not the Deck, so if
you want to use this attack quickly, you will have to
find some way of dumping the required Energy. Until the
rotation, Felicity’s Drawing is probably your best bet.
Combine that with Ninetales HGSS and you have some
serious drawpower in your deck. There is one other thing
you should be aware of though . . . the moment you start
piling Energy on to a Benched Pokémon, it will become an
instant target for snipe KOs or being dragged out and
KO’d by Luxray. Should that happen, you will be right
back to square one, and your opponent will be at a
considerable advantage.
For those reasons, I think that Typhlosion Prime will
remain the Energy accelerator of choice for Fire decks,
despite the fact that this Ninetales fits in very well
with its HGSS cousin. If the format really does slow
down massively (unlikely, now that we know it will be
MD-on), then Ninetales could become an option for Energy
intensive Fire decks.
Modified: 1.75 (Does something good . . . too slowly)
Limited: 2.5 (might work with the Colourless Pokémon,
and the damage attack is reasonable too)
Combos with . . .
Ninetales HGSS
Charizard AR
virusyosh |
Hello again readers, and welcome to Pojo's Card of the
Day! This week we are reviewing even more of the cards
from the HS Unleashed expansion. Today's Card of the Day
is Ninetales.
Ninetales is a Stage 1 Fire Pokemon. There are currently
5 legal Ninetales in Standard right now (4
post-rotation), but Ninetales HGSS is currently the only
one that sees any widespread play. Will this Ninetales
be any different? 90 HP is standard for a Stage 1, but
is unfortunately low in today's metagame. Double Water
Weakness is very bad, given the popularity of Gyarados,
Kingdra, and in some areas, Rain Dance and Palkia. No
Resistance is to be expected. A Retreat Cost of 1 is
decent, and can be paid if necessary. Ninetales's first
attack, Heat Acceleration, allows you to search your
discard pile for up to 3 Fire Energy cards and attach
them to one of your Pokemon for [R]. This would be great
if it were a Power, however as an attack, it's probably
too slow for the fast-paced Power, Trainer, and
Supporter-driven format that exists right now. In the
future, however, this card may be able to be used with
Ninetales HGSS in something like a Charizard deck as a
transition Pokemon to fully power your next attacker,
however this still may be even too slow after the
The second attack, Searing Flame, deals 30 damage and
burns for [RC]. While automatic burn is great, the
damage output is underwhelming, so you're probably
better sticking with other options.
Modified: 2/5 Ninetales UL is hardly useless, although
it is currently too slow to be truly useful in the
format. Attaching 3 energy from the discard pile is
excellent, fully powering many things (notably Charizard)
after getting Fire Energy in the discard pile via KO or
using something like Ninetales HGSS's Roast Reveal.
However, using an attack to do this attachment will give
your opponent valuable time to either further power
themselves up, KO Ninetales and take a prize, or both.
Limited: 2.5/5 Not so bad here. Heat Acceleration is only really useful if
you're running mostly Fire, but can still provide great
acceleration for your Magmortar or something similar.
Even still, 30 damage and automatic burn is nice, and
can probably get you at least one KO (or very close).
Combos with: Ninetales HGSS, Charizard AR |
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Ninetales (HS Unleashed)
We start the new week with Ninetales, who is sadly
nowhere near as pretty or as playable as the HGSS
90 HP is healthy and standard, Water weakness is okay
and no resistance is standard. 1 retreat cost is okay
but on Ninetales really sucks because the other versions
get free retreat or far better attacks/powers for 1
retreat. So far, pretty standard stats for a Stage 1 but
below par for other Ninetales versions.
PS from now on, I'll just forget resistance unless the
card actually has one, or deserves one it didn't get.
Now the attacks. Heat Acceleration looks useful at first
glance, because it reattaches up to 3 R energy from your
discard pile. Unfortunately, this uses up your attack
for the turn and you need to have at least one R energy
attached to Ninetales to begin with. Therefore, you
can't use it to retrieve energy when you are out of
energy in play (which is really the only time you can
justify attacking to retrieve energy). This attack would
be borderline useful if it was free to use, and would
even be possibly playable if it was on a Basic instead
of a Stage 1. But the real reason this attack is useless
is because there are several poke-powers and
trainers that allow you to retrive and/or attach the
energy, then still be able attack afterwards.
Searing Flame is again, completely useless. For RC, you
get 30 damage and auto Burn. This is a decent attack for
a tech Pokemon, but Ninetales is clearly not a very good
tech as it has no power/body and its tech attack is
useless. As a main attack, Searing Flame is has lousy
damage output and Special conditios have been weak for
far too long in this game.
Sorry Ninetales, but at least the HGSS version eases my
fury at this maltreatment of such a majestic Pokemon.
Modified: 1.5 (maybe I'm being too harsh, but I'm really
unhappy about the undeserved bad treatment that
Ninetales is getting)
Limited: 1.25 (the attacks are slightly better here, but
Fire is weak in this set filled with Water Pokemon)
Combos with: a very angry letter to the design lab! |