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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Larvitar #50/95
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
June 18, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.50
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Larvitar (the good one) (Unleashed)
Just like with yesterday’s card, we are looking at the
better version that appeared in Unleashed. No errata
today, so let’s get straight on to the review!
As with any evolving Basic, Larvitar’s playability
depends on how good its ultimate Evolution is. Tyranitar
SF does still see some play (although not really at the
top tables) and people are trying Tyranitar Prime decks
and having moderate success, so it’s likely that if this
Larvitar is any good, it may actually be used.
Larvitar has an acceptable 50 HP, Water Weakness, and a
handy Resistance to Lightning. The Retreat cost of one
is fine.
Larvitar’s first attack, Mountain Eater, is based on my
favourite flavour text of all time:
‘It feeds on soil.
After it has eaten a large mountain, it will fall asleep
so it can grow’
It’s not a bad attack either. For just [C] you get to
discard the top card of your opponent’s deck and heal
two damage counters from Larvitar. Nothing game-winning
here, obviously, but the discard can be super-annoying
for your opponent if you get lucky and hit something
important (like a Poke Turn or a Candy). Reckless Charge
is nowhere near as interesting. For the same cost, it
does 20 damage and 10 to Larvitar itself. You won’t use
it in preference to Mountain Eater unless you have some
amazing fluke donk available (this + Crobat G vs a lone
If you are going to build a Tyranitar deck there
honestly isn’t much to choose between the various
Larvitars. You will only want them there to Evolve
anyway. However, at the moment, the Water Weakness ones
are probably preferable to the Grass-Weak (thanks to
Jumpluff), and none of the alternatives have an attack
as good as Mountain Eater. So, I guess that this
Larvitar is the one I would recommend!
Modified: 2 (it’s just an evolving Basic . . . but it
can be a fun one!)
Limited: 2.25 (Mountain Eater can be even more annoying
to your opponent here)
virusyosh |
Happy end of the week, Pojo readers! Today we're doing
something a bit different and reviewing an evolving
Basic Pokemon. Today's Card of the Day is Larvitar from
HS Unleashed.
Larvitar is a Basic Fighting Pokemon. There aren't many
Fighting Pokemon played in the current metagame, save
Machamp, Donphan, and a couple of random techs, but at
the same time, Larvitar evolves into Tyranitar, which is
generally Dark. 50 HP is not a lot, but for an evolving
Basic, it could be much worse. Double Water Weakness
means that Larvitar will probably get Knocked Out from a
very small Water attack. Lightning Resistance is
excellent, even on something with 50 HP. A Retreat Cost
of 1 is totally acceptable.
Evaluating evolving Basics is always a bit difficult,
because most of the time decks are based around the
final evolution stages. This particular Larvitar has two
attacks, both for the cost of a single Colorless Energy.
These costs are good, as it means that you don't
necessarily have to invest in Fighting Energy for your
Tyranitar Prime.
The first attack, Mountain Eater, discards the top card
of your opponent's deck and removes two damage counters
from Larvitar. Discarding a key card might be nice but
probably won't be useful most of the time, and the
healing will only be useful against something that
doesn't deal much damage, such as another Basic if your
opponent is slow to bring out their big hitters.
The second attack, Reckless Charge, does 20 damage but
also deals 10 damage to Larvitar if you flip tails. 20
damage for a single Energy isn't bad, although helping
your opponent with damage isn't a great idea either. So,
how should one decide which Larvitar to use? There are
currently 4 Modified-legal Larvitars in the format:
Larvitar MT, Larvitar SF, this one, and another from
Unleashed. The MT and SF Larvitars both have Grass
Weakness, which may be used over this one if Gyarados or
Kingdra are popular in your area. However, the other
Larvitar from UL is also worthy of consideration,
because it has 60 HP.
Modified: 2/5 This isn't a terrible Larvitar to use,
especially because you probably won't be attacking with
it much anyway. Mountain Eater will allow you to stall
for a bit if your opponent is slow to hit you for more
than 20 damage (which is unlikely), though the other UL
Larvitar is still probably better because it has more
Limited: 2/5 Colorless Energy requirements are great, but dealing damage
to yourself really isn't. Even still, this Larvitar can
make a decent starter while you're waiting for your
Pupitar, Tyranitar, or Tyranitar Prime. |
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Larvitar (HS Unleashed)
Another Basic form to finish the week. Like yesterday,
this is also a good one.
Larvitar has 50 HP with Grass weakness, Lightning
resistance (nice!) and a retreat cost of 1. On par with
other version of Larvitar, and good stats all round for
a Basic (though I really would have liked 60 HP to stop
Sableye donks, oh well).
The attacks are where it gets interesting. Larvitar has
2 respectively called Reckless Charge and Mountain
Eater. Both attacks cost C to use, which is unusual for
any Pokemon.
Reckless Charge deals 20 damage and 10 self-damage,
which is paid for with Mountain Eater. This is by far
the better attack, as Mountain Eater discards the top
card of your opponent's deck and heals 2 damage counters
from Larvitar. To be honest, I would rarely use Reckless
charge as Mountain Eater is by far more disrupting to my
opponent than a measly 20 damage, and after that I would
evolve to Tyranitar if all was going well or attack with
Moutain Eater again to heal if my hand was bad. A
combination of healing and milling is awesome,
especially as the cost is so cheap. Chnage to using this
Larvitar in your Tyranitar deck now!
Modified: 3.5 (Tyranitar is still a great main attacker,
and this is a great starting Pokemon)
Limited: 4.75 (if you pulled Tyranitar Prime, you know
you've already won, and the healing/milling is really
danagerous with smaller decks and fewer OHKOs. Use it if
you get it!)