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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Engineer's Adjustments
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
June 2, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.33
Limited: 4.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats |
Engineer’s Adjustments
Today’s card features a picture of some bloke fixing a
computer (boooo!), but it’s a little more complicated
and potentially useful than the other cards we have seen
this week (hooray!).
Engineer’s Adjustments is another draw Supporter, but
one which enables you to draw four cards. This seems to
be the point at which draw Supporters actually become
playable in competitive decks. There is a price to pay
for the superior draw – you have to discard an Energy
card from your hand – but there are ways in which that
can be a positive rather than a negative.
That is especially true for decks which can use
discarded Energy for Energy acceleration. There are
quite a few decks around that do that: Steelix Prime
with its Energy Stream attack; Tyranitar SF with its
Darkness Drive Power; and Magnezone SF (the
Lightning one) are just some examples.
As for other decks, they generally run such a low Energy
count that it isn’t practical to just dump it in order
to draw, but for decks that can use the discard,
Engineer’s is a serious rival to Felicity’s Drawing.
Although Felicity allows you to discard up to two Energy
at a time and is much more flexible (you can discard any
cards when you play it), Engineer has the advantage of
netting you the full four cards should you only have one
card that you want to discard in your hand.
I can definitely see this card finding a home in a few
decks, especially if we lose Felicity after the
Modified: 3 (solid draw with a useful side-effect for
some decks)
Limited: 4.5 (Dunno about you, but in Limited I usually
have a ton of spare Energy and a desperate need to draw
more cards)

Otaku |
For the middle of the week, we look at
Engineer’s Adjustments.
The good news?
It will let you draw four cards,
without shuffling your hand away or
anything like that.
The bad news?
It requires discarding an Energy
card to use, so if you don’t have one in
your hand then it’s a dead card.
Now, we have some amazing
shuffle-and-draw cards in the format,
and they tend to work well with
Cosmic Power Poké-Power: play out
your hand, refresh, play out your hand,
Fortunately, there are cards that
like Energy in the discard pile, and
decks that just have to run a lot of
Energy and thus might as well benefit as
Combos with:
Typhlosion Prime,
Feraligatr Prime
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Engineer's Adjustments (HS Unleashed)
Finally, the good draw Supporter in this set! Woohoo!
This card would be even better if the art was of some
engineer trying to diffuse a bomb instead of the
utilitarian scene, but this is a children's game. Oh
You discard an energy from your hand and draw 4 cards.
Provided you have the energy to waste, this card is good
enough to consider, but the real benefit is actually the
discard itself. For decks that rely on getting energy
out the discard pile onto their Pokemon as energy
acceleration, this card is gold, maybe even Platinum.
CharPhlosion, BlastCatty, Raichu and Salamence decks
will all benefit from this card.
The main contender to this card is Felicity's Drawing,
which simply allows you to discard any 2 cards from your
hand for the same draw, or just discard 1 for 3 draw.
Gyarados will still use Felicity's but other
discard-oriented decks now and in the future will
probably use Engineer's, especailly if the energy accel
we have been seeing continues. Or even both, before the
rotation hits.
The downside is opponents who like to use Copycat when
you have gotten a large hand, or others who like to
annoy you with Looker's Investigation, but you'll just
have to accept that. ALso, you have to remeber that this
is a Supporter, so it has to be measured against all of
the other Supporters you want to use in your deck
Modified: 3.25 (decent draw, especially in concert with
powers, and works with energy acceleration from the
discard pile)
Limited: 4.5 (lot's of energy in Limited and the best
deck thinner of the lot. Just don't deck yourself)
Combos with: Delcatty PT, Typhlosion Prime, Electivire
SW |