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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Primeape #22/95
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
June 21, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.50
Limited: 2.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Primeape (Unleashed)
Hello and welcome to another week of Pojo’s CotD. This
week we will be rounding off the Rares from Unleashed
and starting to look at some of the Uncommons.
We kick off with Primeape, yet another of the many, many
Stage 1s in the set. He has average Stage 1 stats too .
. . 90 HP, Retreat cost of one . . . nothing special
there. He also has a double Psychic Weakness.
No Powers or Bodies, so let’s take a look at the
attacks. The first, Low Kick, does 30 damage for [C][C]
. . . which is completely underwhelming. That amount of
effect-free damage will get you nowhere fast in this
game, and is most certainly NOT worth a DCE . . .
especially as Primape requires specific Energy for his
second attack.
At least Bebop Punch is more interesting. For [F][F] you
get to choose one of your opponent’s Pokémon, flip a
coin until you get tails, and do 50 damage for each
heads. Yep, you could get lucky and flip three heads in
a row to KO a benched Stage 2 (which would make Primape
the best sniper in the game!), or you could just fail
completely (and 50% of the time you will, which would
make Primape utterly useless). What kills the card is
the fact that you flip UNTIL you get tails. If it was
flip two or three times and do 50 times the number of
heads, then it might be a little more playable.
I still wouldn’t recommend it though. Partly because it
is flippy, and partly because the Energy cost of Bebop
Punch makes it slower than a Stage 1 ought to be, while
the 90 HP and Psychic Weakness means that it is very
vulnerable to a quick KO itself. You may well come up
against this card at League, and some kid will get
outrageously lucky and do 750 damage to your Claydol or
something, but don’t let that influence you into
considering it for a deck.
It’s not a good card.
Modified: 1.5 (gets half a mark for not being totally
Limited: 2.25 (might be worth the risk here)
Combos with . . .
A double-headed coin. Don’t do it – it’s cheating.
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! This week we are continuing
reviews of cards from the HS Unleashed expansion.
Today's Card of the Day is Primeape.
Primeape is a Stage 1 Fighting Pokemon. Aside from
Machamp and Donphan, Fighting types are relatively rare
in today's metagame, despite the prevalence of a few
Pokemon with Fighting type weakness, notably Luxray GL
Lv. X. 90 HP is about standard for a Stage 1, even
though it's probably not enough to stay around for too
long. Double Weakness to Psychic isn't great, but could
be much worse; no Resistance is to be expected; and a
Retreat Cost of 1 is decent and perfectly payable.
Primeape, like many other cards from the HS era, has two
attacks. The first, Low Kick, deals a vanilla 30 damage
for [CC]. A positive about this attack is that it can be
powered up immediately with a Double Colorless Energy,
although you are probably better off using the DCE on
something with a more useful attack. The second attack,
Bebop Punch, costs [FF] and allows you to choose one of
your opponent's Pokemon, flip a coin until you get
tails, and then deal 50 damage for each heads. General
flippiness aside, this attack is fairly unique in that
it is a snipe attack, and has the capability of doing a
ton of damage. However, the flips are really the
downfall of this attack: most of the time you will
probably end up with only 50 damage or quite possibly no
damage at all. 50 damage for two Energy is only slightly
better than average anyway when the damage is
guaranteed, so it may be best to stay clear of this in
competitive play.
Modified: 1/5 Low HP and weak/unreliable attacks make
Primeape pretty much unusable here. Bebop Punch is
unique, however its reliance on coin flips make it a low
Limited: 2/5 The extra point is only here because of the
possibility of doing good snipe damage with Bebop Punch
here. Still not one of the better picks, though. |

Otaku |
We start the day with a very potent
card, the new
Primeape from HS – Unleashed.
Its pig-like snout combined with
the name of its second attack – Bebop
Punch – should send older players like
me who grew up on the original
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cartoon
into nostalgic fits of joy or pain.
What about people who never saw or just
don’t care about that old cartoon?
Well, now the card doesn’t fair
as well: 90 HP is about what you expect
on a Stage 1 Pokémon of the current
generation, but it isn’t really enough
to warrant playing unless it is hiding
on the bench or in some other way
Given that Fighting Pokémon are a
bit beefy, I’d think a slightly higher
HP (even if it was just 100) would be
warranted unless the rest of the card
was amazing.
The double Weakness to Psychic
Pokémon isn’t the worst it could have
(though Lightning Weakness wouldn’t make
any sense) it’s going to hurt it in
several match-ups.
This card has no Resistance, so
I’ll use this place to point out that
while Fighting Weakness is common;
Fighting Resistance is (comparatively)
The single Energy Retreat Cost is
manageable, but overkill, even more so
when you factor in the rest of the card.
Yes, I am repeating myself a bit
Moving on, Low Kick is a passable
attack: (CC) for 30.
In Limited play this is useful
because it allows you to run
Primeape (with
Mankey) in any deck you like as a
counter to Fighting Weak Pokémon.
In constructed formats, right now
that allows
Double Colorless Energy to speed it
up (alongside Evolution “cheats” like
Rare Candy) to attack in a single
Too bad in constructed formats it
won’t be enough damage to matter, and is
about as low a return as you should
expect in the modern game (it’d have
been good in the earliest sets and
“fair” a few years ago).
Any worse and it should have been
balancing out some awesome Poké-Power/Poké-Body,
extra attack(s), better stats, or some
combination of all the above.
This is especially true when we
compare it to played Stage 1 Fighting
Pokémon like
Donphan Prime.
Even looking at potential
mitigating circumstances, one has to
accept that a new standard was set for
Stage 1 Fighting Pokémon by that card,
so an inexpensive opening attack like
this should have required just a single
Fighting Energy and either hit a little
harder or with a bonus effect.
Bebop Punch is the second attack, and
it’s so close to being good.
If this was a stronger Pokémon it
might be a decent warm-up attack.
For two Fighting Energy you get
to select an opponent’s Pokémon and flip
a coin until you get tails.
For each heads result, you
inflict 50 points of damage to that
If there was guaranteed base
damage or it was less expensive, it
could really be a threat: perhaps base
damage of 30 with 30 per heads, and only
requiring (CC).
Unless I missed where there is finally a
card that let’s you dictate coin flip
results for attacks like these, this is
going to be a decent pick for Limited
but something you’ll pass on for
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Primeape (HS Unleashed)
Sorry about my review mix-up last week when I reviewed
the wrong Prime, I clicked the wrong links. I'll get
back with a proper review to make up for that, bear with
me. I'm getting my eyes checked next week!
I've always had a soft spot for the first card of this
week, Primeape! Unfortunately, this version is nowhere
near as cool as the one from Supreme Victors. Nowhere
near as good looking either, but then I've never been
much of a fan of Adachi's work on the cards. Sorry, but
the Duskull from Stormfront was really pretty if you are
reading this Adachi. Moving on...
Primeape comes out with 90 HP, Psychic weakness and 1
retreat cost. The HP is too low for good
survivability but standard for non-evolving Stage 1's
who are lighter than a ton (Gyarados and Donphan, I'm
looking at you!) and the weakness sucks due to the
current popularity of Psychic decks but there isn't much
you can do about that. The retreat cost is negligible,
but free retreat would have been nice and would fit
Primeape's hyperactive image. Bad stats, but not worse
than expected.
Now the attacks. Primeape has Low kick and the strangely
named Bebop Punch (are they aiming for a tie-in
somewhere?), neither of which will impress. Low kick
deals 30 damage for CC, which is weak. Bebop Punch is
more interesting, being a flip-until-tails attack
that deals 50 damage per heads to one of your opponent's
Pokemon ("oh Claydol, where are you?"). Sadly, the
massive potential of this cheap attack (only costing
FF) is ruined by the fact that half the time you will
get nothing, so noone with tournamnet level games in
their sights will ever consider this card. If the cost
was only F you might see some takers, but even then you
have to evolve and the flips could still stall you and
cost you the game. Believe me, I never got a single
heads using this guy at the prerelease. The
unlimited-damage-against-any-Pokemon is tempting, but
not in any way playable.
Maybe Primeape HSU could fit in with a rogue Primeape/Slowking
deck if you need an extra mad monkey, but the
overwhelming likelihood is that this guy will only ever
fit in the binder.
Modified: 1.5 (Flippy and easily KOed, not a good combo)
Limited: 2 (Slightly more survivability, but not
many Fighting Pokemon to go with it and still very flippy)
Combos with: Primeape SV