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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Carnivine #46/95
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
June 24, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.65
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Carnivine (Unleashed)
Carnivine is one of those Pokémon that you almost forget
exists. (Despite one appearing in almost every set).
Maybe it is also a candidate for a next generation evo?
It certainly needs something to help it out a bit as all
of the Carnivines we have seen so far have been a bit
rubbish. This one is no different.
80 HP and Fire Weakness aren’t bad for a Basic. Water
Resistance and Retreat cost of one are actually quite
good, but it’s the attacks that really let this card
For one Colourless Energy, Drawup Power searches your
deck for an Energy. Hmmm . . . so I have to attach an
Energy in the first place in order to grab another one.
Does that sound like a good deal to you? In a format
where we still have Roseanne, Cyrus, and a whole load of
drawpower? Thought not.
As for Carnivine’s other attack, the charmingly named
Spit Up does 20 damage for one Grass Energy. That’s it?
What are you going to do with that? Take two hits to KO
a Magikarp?
Yep, this card is utterly pathetic. Even in limited. It
doesn’t even look pretty in the binder. I recommend a
shoebox. A dark one.
Modified: 1 (abysmal)
Limited: 1.25 (still abysmal)
Combos with . . .
Are you joking me?

Otaku |
Alas, James Pokémon rarely seem to feel
the love.
Carnivine, like
Torkoal, enjoys a robust 80 HP.
It is weak to Fire Pokémon, but
with 80 HP it has a small chance of
surviving a hit or two early game.
We even get Water Resistance,
which should frustrate a few decks by
allowing it to shrug off weak hits on
the first turn and be challenging to
OHKO on later ones.
Finishing off the bottom stats,
we have a single Energy Retreat Cost,
which is fairly easy to play.
As long as it has good attacks or
a useful Poké-Power or Poké-Body, then
it could be a real good card.
Unfortunately, it gets two weak attacks.
They aren’t worthless: Drawup
Power let’s you fetch an Energy card
from your deck, show it to your
opponent, and add it to your hand.
It doesn’t restrict it, so this
can even fetch Special Energy cards.
Spit up provides an adequate 20
damage for one Grass Energy.
It’s just that since this is a
Basic Pokémon that cannot further
Evolve, it really needs something more.
At least you can enjoy it in
Limited: snagging Basic Energy will
still thin your deck, adding speed and
reliability, plus its stats are quite
useful in this format.
Combos With:
Pokémon Card Sleeves if those are still
being provided at Limited Events.
I’d also like to add I’ll be selling
quite a bit of my soon-to-be-former
possessions on eBay.
You can take a look
here at my first auction if you’re
interested in some SNES games.
Just a reminder, Pojo is in no
way responsible for this and was merely
kind enough to let me mention the
auction here. ;)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Carnivine (HS Unleashed)
Ah, a nice, simple tech Pokemon that I cannot find even
remotley funny. I need to wind down after yesterday, my
keyboard got drenched in tears of laughter and drool.
Carnivine gets 80 HP, Fire weakness, Water Resistance, 1
retreat cost and 2 attacks. A nice list of attributes
for a non-evolving Basic, and a good Pokemon to have in
your opening hand.
Drawup Power is the first attack, and allows you to take
1 energy card from your deck and put it into your hand.
This is great if you need to search for Special energy
(since Basic is not written anywhere in the attack text)
but using an attack is a little costly, especially
considering that Interviewer's Questions can do the same
thing without costing an attack. Also, Grass decks don't
need much in the way of Special energy (although I think
there should be Special energy made for each elemental
type of the Pokemon TCG) so the attack is pretty useless
on Carnivine. Still, if you really need a Special Search
you can try putting a Carnivine into a non-Grass deck
and see what happens. It may even work, though past
experience says otherwise. If the attack were free, this
would be actually worth considering, but for now
Now for the second attack, Spit Up. 20 vanilla damage
for G is average but quick, and means that Carnivine
will make a nice starting pokemon for decks that
absolutely depend on Special Energy. However, I don't
think any such decks actually exist at the moment so
Carnivine is left with decent skills that it can't
actually use. Keep one or 2 aside for the future, but
this card is by no means a must have in the collection.
Modified: 2.25 (It's good at what it does, but
there aren't any decks where Carnivine could fit in. At
least, not yet)
Limited: 3.5 (good starter, and can either start
whittling away at the Active or help set up)
Combos with: Double Colourless Energy