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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Minun #34/95
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
June xx, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Minun (Unleashed)
Today we take a look at Minun, the cute little Pikachu
lookalike that nearly always works best with its
partner, Plusle, on the Field.
Minun is an unevolving (is that really a word?) Basic
with a low 60 HP. It is double Weak to Fighting, but
that is almost irrelevant as the most commonly played
Fighting Pokémon (Machamp and Donphan Prime) would
one-shot it anyway. Metal Resistance is better than
nothing, but I don’t see it as being of much practical
use. The Retreat cost of one is acceptable. It needs an
Energy to use its attacks anyway.
But what are those attacks? Well, [C] gets you Call for
Family, a pretty common attack with several variations.
In this case it grabs any two Basics from the deck and
puts them on to your Bench. Obviously, this helps a lot
with set up, but unfortunately for Minun, there are
other cards around which you would want to use instead.
Call Energy gives ANY Pokémon exactly the same ability
AND provides Energy for an attack you may want to use
later. If you really wanted a starter Pokémon with a
Call for Family, we still have Pachirisu GE until the
rotation. That gets you three Pokémon and has a
situationally useful attack.
Minun’s second attack on the other hand isn’t nearly as
good as Pachi GE’s. Tag Team Boost may only cost one
Lightning Energy, but then it only does 10 damage. True,
if you also have Plusle on the Field it will do 30, but
I don’t think a two card combo involving very weak
Basics is worth it for 30 damage, do you?
In Limited it’s a different story. The Call for Family
attack is excellent, and the Plusle in the set has a
useful ‘draw two’ attack, so I can see these two Pokémon
being a good set up combination in this format.
As for modified? Don’t expect to see either of them.
Modified: 1.75 (CFF is never a bad thing)
Limited: 4 (probably the best starter in the set)
Combos with . . .
Plusle (obviously)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo readers! We end our CoTD week this
week by reviewing Minun from the HS Unleashed set.
Minun is a Basic Lightning Pokemon. Lightning is a
decent type to be right now: There aren't many Fighting
types (Lightning's main weakness) in the format right
now, and many people fear Luxray GL Lv. X. 60 HP for a
non- evolving Basic is pretty low, so Minun probably
won't last very long in our fast-paced metagame.
Fighting Weakness isn't too bad as stated earlier, but
you should still look out for Donphan and Machamp (even
though they would probably OHKO you anyway). Metal
Resistance is very welcome, and a Retreat Cost of 1 is
decent, though I think Minun could have gotten away with
free retreat.
Minun has two attacks. The first, Call for Family,
allows you to search your deck for 2 Basic Pokemon and
put them onto your Bench for a single Colorless Energy.
As far as this type of attack goes, Minun's version is
quite good. However, searching for Basics with an attack
is sadly too slow in our Modified format, where this
could be done with Supporters like Roseanne's Research
and Pokemon Collector.
The second attack, Tag Team Boost, costs a single
Lightning Energy and does 10 damage on its own, but adds
20 more if Plusle is on your Bench. Playing both Plusle
and Minun together is unlikely in a Modified deck, but
it could probably work in Limited if you draft well with
Lightning cards.
Modified: 1.5/5 Call for Family isn't bad, there are
just many things in the format that do the job either
better or faster. The damaging attack won't amount to
much here, either.
Limited: 2.5/5 Minun actually works quite excellently as
a support and setup Pokemon in Limited. Call for Family
does a great job as a setup move in the slower Limited,
and Tag Team Boost may actually get its damaging-adding
condition here, as Plusle is playable if you draft a lot
of Lightning. Combos with: Plusle UL |

Otaku |
We end
the week with
This version has 60 HP (okay since it doesn’t Evolve);
double Fighting Weakness which may not be as bad as it
Yes, it doubles the damage from Fighting Pokémon, but so
many Fighting Pokémon hit so hard so fast, only a few
are going to fall into the “OHKO instead of 2HKO”
The weakest will still just barely miss the KO and the
rest just end up with overkill.
The Metal Resistance -20 is a welcome sight: it
won’t be a huge help but its something.
The Retreat Cost is merely one Energy; easy
enough to pay if you have to.
for Family has long been a useful attack.
This version lets you snag 2 Basic Pokémon and
Bench them for a single Energy.
In the current format, I don’t know if it’s worth
risking when you could just use Call Energy.
At least Tag Team Boost is a decent use for the
Plusle/Minun combination: with Plusle on the Bench you
get a solid 30 damage for a single Lightning Energy.
been wrong about opening Pokémon before, but this just
strikes me as a throwback to an earlier format.
It’s of a solid design that should serve you
quite well in Limited, but that is not conducive to the
current format’s nature.
Plusle, of course.
also like to add I’ll be selling quite a bit of my
soon-to-be-former possessions on eBay.
You can take a look
here at my first auction if you’re interested in
some SNES games.
Just a reminder, Pojo is in no way responsible
for this and was merely kind enough to let me mention
the auction here. ;)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Minun (HS Unleashed)
This is another variation on the Cheerleader twins (I'm
surprised they didn't appear on Cheerleader's Cheer
instead of Roselia) and fits in pretty much the same
mould as the rest of them.
60 HP, Fighting weaness, Metal Resistance and a retreat
cost of 1. Low survivability even with the resistance
(and Metal isn't very common) so the attacks need to be
something special.
Call for Family brings 2 Basic Pokemon from your deck
onto your Bench. For the cost of C, this is pretty much
the same as using Call energy, which is what you should
use instead until it gets rotated out. Still, it s
decent for the cost, and can boost your setup nicely.
This attack seems common to a lot of non-evolving Basics
in the set, along with a lot of other setup attacks.
Tag Team Boost is a nice-sounding attack that deals 10
damage for L, or 30 damage for the same cost if you have
Plusle on the Bench.You'll probably just stick to using
Call for Family, but if you like the twins then the
attack is a bonus.
While the attacks are decent, the low survivability
means that you aren't quite getting your money's worth
when you compare Minun to other tournament-level
starters who have similar stats but better attacks (Spiritomb
and Sableye come to mind). Even Stantler form the same
set offers the same attacks with more health, so Minun
is only for theme decks and younger players.
Modified: 2.5 (Not bad, but better options exist)
Limited: 3 (with Lanturn Prime it can be a good starter,
but otherwise there are still plenty more options) |