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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Energy Returner
HS Unleashed
Date Reviewed:
June 29, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.25
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Energy Returner
Energy Returner is a card that doesn’t seem to have much
relevance now, but could that change after the rotation?
It has a straightforward enough effect: return four
Basic Energy cards from your Discard pile to your deck.
Useful? Sure: people run decks with the minimum amount
of Energy compatible with consistency. Being able to get
some of it back at some point in the game is often
So, why isn’t this card a virtual staple? Simply because
we have other cards that are similar, yet better. Night
Maintenance will return a combination of three Energy
and Pokémon to the deck, which means it has much higher
utility than Energy Returner. Palmer’s Contribution will
do a combination of five, but it has the drawback of
being a Supporter. Another Supporter, Fisherman, will
return four Basic Energy from the Discard to the hand –
a much better solution for decks such a Feraligatr Prime
which need a lot of Energy in hand. Energy Restore is a
Trainer which can return up to three Energy to the Hand,
but it’s flippy and doesn’t get played. Of course SP
decks always have Aaron’s Collection available to get
back discarded Energy.
But come September, Energy Returner’s main competition,
Night Maintenance, will leave the format. Will this mean
that today’s card will start being used in decks? Well,
maybe just a little. Most will still prefer the
flexibility offered by Palmer: it may be a supporter,
but its one card that does a double job of restoring
both Pokémon and Energy. Perhaps some decks which need a
constant Energy discard to function will find a use for
it (anything using the Ninetales HGSS draw engine?), but
even then Fisherman could be a superior choice.
You may see this card somewhat next season, but don’t
hold your breath for it.
Modified: 1.5 (for now at least, there’s no reason to
use this card)
Limited: 2.5 (ehhhh . . . it’s ok, but I seldom find
myself short of Energy in this format)
virusyosh |
Hello again, Pojo readers! Today we continue our
shortened COTD week with Energy Returner from HS
Energy Returner is a Trainer card, and has a very
simple effect: you search your discard pile for 4 basic
Energy cards, show them to your opponent, and shuffle
them into your deck. One interesting thing to note is
that the card text lacks "up to", in a similar vein to
Fisherman. I think that the way this works is that if
you have fewer than 4 energy in the discard pile, you
may shuffle all of them back into your deck, but if you
have 4 or more Energy in your discard pile, you'll have
to pick 4. At any rate, this card may see some play in
decks that are highly reliant on Energy, such as Rain
Dance or the random Golem AR deck. An immediate thought
is that this card may replace Night Maintenance in some
decks post-rotation, but Palmer's Contribution and the
new Flower Shop Girl (probably in Undaunted) will
probably see more play because they are a bit more
flexible, even if they are Supporters.
Modified: 2.5/5 Definitely not bad at what it does,
but there are more flexible options out there.
Limited: 3/5 This card can be great to get back a
certain type of Energy if you only run a few, and can
help in the random case if you think you may deck
yourself. However, with the smaller decks and lack of
search, the re-introduction of Energy may prevent you
from drawing what you need.

Willy G |
Hey Pojo fans! Sorry, I took a very long break from
reviewing but I'm back in commission! The card for today
is Energy Returner from Unleashed.
Energy returner is a simple card: 4 basic Energies
from your Discard pile to your Deck. This card could see
play in decks that discard energies often, such as...
welllllll... there aren't very many popular cards that
discard Energies. It's a pretty harsh downside. Garchomp
C Lv. X discards 2 Energies, but people usually just
discard Double Colorless. This card just doesn't apply
to most of today's decks.
Combos: The card that makes the best use of Energy
Returner is Blastoise PT. Blastoise was a card that I
hoped would see more play after the release of
Feraligatr Prime, but alas, this was not to be. Over the
course of 4 turns, Blastoise can Dig Well, Double
Launcher, Dig Well, Aqua Press, Dig Well, Double
Launcher, then Energy Returner to bring the 4 Energies
discarded by the 2 Double Launcher attacks into the Deck
for higher average fruits from Dig Well, then Aqua
Press, lather, rinse, repeat.
Modified: 2
Limited: 3
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Energy Recover (HS Unleashed)
Here we have a very nice trainer the has a simple but
situationally useful effect. Energy Recover allows you
to take up to 4 basic energy from your discard pile and
shuffle them into your deck. This seems to be the
trainer version of Fisherman, much like Night
Miantenance and Palmer's Contribution. As well as
getting the energy back into play, Energy Recover will
return cards to your deck to allow to keep playing near
the en of the game. Simple, elegant, worthy of deck
space if you don't use Delcatty PT, Tyranitar SF or
Typhlosion Prime.
Modified: 3 (if you run a low energy count, run one
of these with Night Maintenance/Palmers to cover all of
your recycling needs)
Limited: 4 (stops you decking yourself with all of the
draw in this set!)
Combos with: Engineer's Adjustments, Pokemon who
discard form the hand to attack.